Saturday, April 24, 2010

District Magistrate Burdwan to hold office at Asansol on 1st and 3rd Friday each month

It has been decided in the greater public interest to hold Office from ADM Asansol office on 1st and 3rd Friday of each month from 11 am to 2 pm or till last visitors. To make it effective a list of citizen services are being identified where people are required to come to DM Office Burdwan and that can be accorded approval at Asansol ADM Office. All decisions on such matters shall be taken at Asansol henceforth. Problems related to industrial areas, PSUs and other matters related to Institutins for Asansol may be heard by DM on these days for necessary administrative assistance and help.
It is also decided to identify the powers of DM which can be delegated to ADM Asansol so that general public is not required to come to Burdwan for those issues. ADM Asansol to send a detailed list of citizen services, works that can be taken up by DM on Friday office days.
First office day is 7th May 2010 from 11 hrs onwards.

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