Monday, December 29, 2008

DM-Nadia server message regarding IGNOAPS

27/12/2008 17:32:58 Additional beneficiaries of IGNOAPS must be collected from GPs and be submitted to dprdo by january. Bpl can be corrected in terms of prd circular dated 18th dec08 provided net increase in block is zero, using RHS 2.0.1. Bdos must print the Bpl list with family details and send to GPs.

Copy message through server

SMS sent "29/12/2008 11:0:9 Next monthly development meeting with BDOs and Sabhapaties shall be held on 13th January 2009 at 10.30 am at NZP hall. Please attend. Send reports by 5th January. District Administration Nadia wish you happy new year 2009."

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thanks readers for overwhelming reponse to dmnadia blog

Two weeks ago I inserted a hit counter to know the number of visitors to Results are overwhelming. I must express sincere thanks to all readers for making this blog so popular. It has already crossed 5000 hits, @ 70 to 80 hits per day, which is increasing day by day. It is now open to all for sending their articles on success stories in good governance. Articles can be emailed at Photographs are also most welcome.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Steps to be taken to improve NREGA programme

Subject: Issues on NREGA for immediate attention, regarding MIS: 1) Area of concern: It is important to identify the GPs where data entry is not being undertaken presently. After we have covered at least all blocks in this parameter, we must ensure that in all GPs data entry is done. 2) MIS entry for job cards issued is 87% presently, it has to improve. 3) While uploading data, PM (MIS) to check up the data and to take measures for uploading. Duplicate data must be avoided and care has to be taken so that no duplicate data is uploaded due to inadvertence. 4) VLEs and GRS are to be trained up on NREGA and allied issues. Blocks are requested to organize training accordingly. VLE in each GP should be provided with a Pen drive which will help him/her to enter data at GP and to deliver it to the BIO at Block. VLE to be given wage as justified plus the cost of conveyance. 5) Where the VLEs are presently not engaged due to low volume of work, the GRS must be told to enter data. 6) Probable number of muster rolls stills pending to be entered to be assessed early. BIOs are requested to send report on this count very early for onward transmission to the P&RD early. 7) Overlapping muster rolls, i.e., work done fully or partially in 2007-08 and payment received on 2008-09 to be entered with the use of Fast Track system. Software is available with Blocks and GPs. 8) In the case of non availability of VLEs, the CSCs (Common Service Centres) may be utilized suitably. 9) Feedback on: (I) GPs without electricity, (II) no software installed, (III) even if software is installed, no data entry being done at GP, is to be identified. Report from Blocks required immediately. 10) Recurring and non-recurring expenses under the head “Administrative Expenses” must be entered is all GPs and Blocks regularly. 11) Target for MPR=MIS being set at end of January, 2009, must be targeted for achievement. 12) Within each fortnight, uploading of data for at least once is required to be made mandatory. BIOs must ensure due care and attention in this regard. Meetings and other administrative issues:
1) APO will be held personally responsible for updating the proactive disclosure board at each of the GPs and the Blocks. 2) Participation of women is extremely low in our district and we are being criticized on this count. We must ensure massive IEC, wide coverage and dissemination of all kinds of materials relating to the basics for NREGA for public consumption. Social Audit:
1) All GPs must ensure formation of Social Audit team and would conduct Social Audit. 2) Partnership with CBOs/NGOs for campaign on NREGA to be widely undertaken at the grass root level.
Works etc:
1) Cement based water conservation measures may be implemented in large numbers. Confusion with 60:40 must be properly addressed in all GPs. 2) Inspection: APOs, TAs must regularly visit the schemes. From the block level, BDO/PO, Jt. BDO, SAEs also must visit schemes at regular course. 3) Land Development – Quantified report in specific terms to be sent to P&RD. 4) Water Conservation – Innovative water harvesting projects through Roof Top Water Harvesting to be developed under NREGA. WBCADC to approach to the District Cell in this regard. 5) GIS based approach on rural roads and plotting then in the maps required.
Complaint Disposal, Labour Budget:
1) Complaints to be disposed regularly. 2) Entry relating to Labour Budget to be completed by the GPs within December, 2008 and to be uploaded accordingly. Social Forestry:
Number of GPs to be identified where plan of raising of nurseries with specific report on how many saplings to be raised, number of fruit bearing variety, number of ordinary varieties etc. to be sent very early to the P&RD. Post Office:
Specific problem on postal payment may be brought to the notice of the P&RD where payment is getting delayed after work is done and advices etc. have been prepared. Other Issues:
NREGA wage rate enhanced NREGA wage rates have been revised from existing Rs. 75 to Rs. 81 with effect from January 2009 through the district. All payments made for the works on and from January 1st must be paid at this rate. Wages to semi-skilled and supervisors shall be 1.5 times of above rate, while that of skilled labourers double the rate. Sanitation and allied issues connected with NREGA
Ø Booth wise scheme for construction of pucca platform of all tube wells clubbing funds available under NREGA (ST/SC/BPL families only) and SFC + 12th FC (20 % mandatory for sanitation). Ø Solid waste disposal plan is prepared. Ø Pucca drainage+ soak pits are constructed under NREGA clubbing other funds.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Meeting with owners of hotels/ dhaba/ Sarai by District Administration Nadia

A meeting of all owners of Hotels, Restaurants and lodges/ dhabas in the district was organised by District Administration Nadia and Superintendent Nadia at Nadia Zilla Parishad meeting hall on 19th December 2008. The meeting was attended by more than 200 owners from all Police Station areas of the district. SDOs/ Police officers from all ranks and ADM Gen also attended the meeting. Provisions of Sarai act which governs the licenses of hotels/ sarai (THE SARAIS ACT, 1867 ACT NO. 22 OF 1867 1* [15th March, 1867.] An Act for the regulation of public Sarais and Puraos) were explained to the participant in details. Procedure for registration/ enlistment under the act and need for its simplification were also discussed.
Police impressed upon them to :
  • Keeping of proper records/ registers for entry of all particulars of the inmates/ boarders, recording their mobile contact number, full address etc.
  • Verification of identity of the persons staying over night, through proper identity documents.
  • Inform the local police about any suspicious persons.

In addition, the issues raised by the owners regarding administration of their business and policing were discussed in detail. We hope the meeting of such kind will help the securities as well as police and certainly a step in right direction to in improving mutual confidence.

To read about the act click

Friday, December 19, 2008

IGNOAPS can be paid in cash till March 2009, NREGA wages enhanced from January 1, 2009

IGNOAPS can be paid in cash by GPs till March 2009 or till the accounts in post offices or other banking institutions are streamlined. This is in relaxation to P&RD circular issued from DPRDO's end. However, each GP must pay the pensions to all beneficiaries within 5th of each month at GP office or at door step in case of disabled, ill and infirm persons. NREGA wage rates have been revised from existing Rs 75 to Rs 81 with effect from January 2009 through the district. All payments made for the works on and from January 1st must be paid at this rate. Wages to semi skilled supervisors shall be 1.5 times of above rate, while that of skilled labourers double the rate. IAY list as per BPL (P2=1 or 2) with the remarks regarding land availability status, ineligible reasons etc must be entered in excel sheet and submitted to Nadia Zilla Parishad by 31st December 2008 without fail.
Picture : Rally led by BDO Karimpur II regarding Sanitation Fortnight. BDO Kaliganj rallied in bicycle in different booths.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sanitation Fortnight Campaign in Karimpur-II Dev. Block

Sanitation Campaign IEC leaflet of Nandanpur GP
Sanitation Campaign IEC leaflet of Nandanpur GP

IAY houses under construction in Dhubulia-II GP of Krishnagar-II block

Picture 1 & 2 : IAY house under construction.
Beneficiary invested approximately 5000 to 8000 while grants sanctioned by GP is 35000 paid in two installments. Cost of brick is Rs 4200 per 1000, which has increased the cost of house.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

No monthly development meeting in December 2008 at district level

Subdivisional meetings with GPs and Blocks have been concluded recently. Therefore, no development meeting at district level is scheduled in December 2008. Next meeting at district may he held on 13th January 2009 at 11.00 hrs at Nadia Zilla Parishad conference hall.
BDOs need to take follow up action on Subdivisional meetings.

SDOs BDOs must review MPLADS, BEUP, BADP - Update UCs to claim next installment

Principal Secretary Development & Planning held video conferencing with DMs on last week to review the performance of MPLADS and BEUP schemes. Our performance is comparatively better but needs to be improved further as far as submission of utilisation certificates from executing agencies is concerned.
  • Eleven out of 15 MLAs have received first installment for the current year, whereas four ACs namely Kaliganj, Karimpur, Santipur and Haringhata could not qualify to get next installment as the submission of UCs from concerned block/ Executing Agencies is less than 50 % of the last installment. BDOs and SDOs of these ACs must immediately hold review meetings with all executing agencies with whom the UCs are pending. Part UCs may be collected in case the schemes are not yet completed physically or bills are not paid.
  • In case of rest ACs, we must update UCs to claim second installment.
  • Electrification schemes, not yet completed for want of consumers, should be physically verified by the WBSEDCL thereafter specific proposal giving requirement of additional fund, if any, should be submitted to Development & Planning section. Efforts should also be made to cover the mouja under Rajiv Gandhi Grammen Vidyutikaran Yojana.
  • Regular meetings with Hon'ble MLA or his representative and Executive Agencies must be held on monthly basis at the end of BDO, bimonthly at the level of SDO as directed earlier. It is noticed that a few blocks have not yet conducted even one meeting with MLAs on BEUP during the current financial year.


  • Action as explained above should be taken for collection of UCs and monitoring meetings.
  • Additional funds required due to cost escalation in terms of PWD circular on schedule of rates can be intimated to Development & Planning department with proper justification.
  • List of shcmes pending for more than six months for start up of work or more than nine months for completion must be reviewed thoroughly to sort out the problems. There might be some schemes which are impossible to implement due to genuine practical problems at site. This must be brought to our notice so that process for its cancellation can be initiated.


Pictures (L) : Metal road constructed under BADP in Hanskahli, (R ) : Existing road not yet taken up in Hanskhali block. DM along with BDO visited the work site recently. Funds for rest stretch proposed in 2009-10 budget.

All ongoing schemes for which funds were released prior to 31st March 2008 must be completed by March 2009, whereas schemes pertaining to 2006-07 must be completed by 31st December 2008.

  • Monthly expenditure report for each scheme must be emailed by 8th December 2008.
  • Quarterly report upto December 2008 to be emailed to us by 5th January 2009. SDOs/ BDOs must note that fund entitlement of the district for next year is determined by expenditure report as on 31st December 2008, therefore efforts must be made to submit updated report.

SDOs and BDOs are requested to make field visits to some of these schemes and send photographs. Review of each scheme must be done with SAEs. Some blocks reported the problem of delay in vetting due to complicated procedure of making payment of vetting charges at Nadia Zilla Parishad. It has since been decided to clear pending vetting without making spot payment. NZP shall raise bills on quarterly basis in the name of Executing Agency for all schemes together to be payable by next quarter failing which vetting can be withheld.

For clarification contact ADM Dev or DPLO.

District Magistrate, Nadia

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Submit report on public assets and unfinished/ unutilised in Nadia

SDOs/ BDOs please recall the post noted below followed by DO letter regarding Listing of Public Assets lying unfinished or unutilised in the District. Report duly compiled by each SDO must reach to General Section of Collectorate without further loss of time.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Bird Flu Alert - Surveillance system should be put in place

There are reports of Bird Flu outbreak in Kamrup district of Assam and some neighbouring districts of Bangladesh. Field officers of Animal Husbandry and Livestock staff, officials, Panchayats, SDOs, BDOs and BLDOs must start keeping vigil on unusual mortality of poultry birds in any parts of the district and must inform nearest Veterinary Officer. All readers residing in Nadia to please note that early detection and sample collection of dead birds can only prevent massive culling operations in a large area. Standing instructions are - start culling in the area within 3 kms radius where deaths of poultry birds is unusually high and examination of dead bird by VO/ VS does not confirm any known disease.

We don't want this photographs to be repeated in Nadia this year.

Sanitation Fortnight 4th December to 18th December 2008 - Nadia marching towards Nirmal District

Just to remind all stakeholders that Sanitation Fortnight starts from 4th December 2008 to 18th December 2008. All IEC materials, leaflets etc must have reached BDOs by now. Events should be organised at Schools, ICDS centres, each booths, house to house and sub centre level involving PRIs and all political paties apart from Civil Society, Press & Media and staff of these institutions. Earlier post can be checked on this blog -
SDOs/ BDOs must take personal interest and coordinate the activities. Shri Shiben Bhattacharjee, District Coordinator Sanitation Cell or ADM ZP may be contacted for details. I wish the district get ODF status by 31st December 2008.

Computerised ICDS MIS in Nadia, West Bengal - some photographs

These four photographs are related to article I posted just before this and relates to the software for ICDS projects being used in our district. This initiative of Nadia has been replicated in several States of the country.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

General Municipal Election to Krishnagar Municipality - Voter Turn Out

General Municipal Elections to Krishnagar Municipality 24 wards held today successfully incident free, with no complaints from any contesting candidate. Our thanks and appreciation to all those associated with election process and voters of this great city who exercised calm, peace and cool. Polling station wise votes polled is posted here for information.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

3rd Nadia District Disability Sports on 27th December 2008 at Krishnagar Stadium

Third Nadia District Disabled persons sports shall be organised on 27th December 2008 at 9.30 am at Krishnagar Stadium. More than 700 disabled persons are expected to participate.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Need for PRA at booth level to activate NREGA in Nadia - Experience of Ramnagar baro Chuparia II in Hanskhali

Readers must remember my post on visit to Dogachhi GP in Krishnagar-I few weeks ago. Last week I happen to visit Ramnagar Baro Chuparia-II (RBC2) GP area in Hanskhali block and could gather from the job card holders that NOT A SINGLE Day's work could be provided to them under NREGA in the current year, though they are willing to do earth work and the site is also available. It is pointed to me that a drainage canal of one kilometre in length from RBC Primary School to zero line falling in river Ichhamati needs to excavation to improve its water retention capacity. There is no water in the canal at present, at most of the stretches.
BSF authority also has no objection to the work as the earth so excavated can be used to construct road to be used by the villagers for better connectivity while BSF can use it for patrolling along the river, which natural border. There is no fencing at this stretch.
Local GP member and GP Prodhan when invited in Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) process agreed the need to start this NREGA work immediately. Initially, they were of the view that there is hardly any scope of the NREGA in their GP and that the job card holders are not willing to do hard work of earth excavation as they are engaged in agricultural works as labourers. The fact is agricultural wages are only Rs 55 to 60 per day wheras they can earn minimum Rs 75 per day under NREGA.
We believe that such a situation may exist at several other GPs in the district, as only 304 works could be started in the district so far.

Photo Identity cards with unique employee code issued to Collectorate staff

DM office Nadia has issued laminated PHOTO IDENTITY cards to all its employees, with unique code number. Office Superintendent (OS) with ID card is seen in the picture. SrDC looks, while other employees are waiting for their cards to be handed over by District Magistrate Nadia in his chamber last week.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

EVM Commissioning for Krishnagar Municipality Election at BPC Institute

EVMs for Krishnagar Municipality Election commenced today at BPC institute Krishnagar. Here are some of the glimpses.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Video clip : Booth Level Meeting at Hanskhali

This is mobile video clip showing BLA meeting in progress at 15 and 16 parts of Krishnaganj AC in Hanskhali. If one listens to the conversation carefully, it will be clear that all BLAs and DO/BLO have well understood the desired process of booth level meeting. They could list out the names of dead and shifted electors correctly. Poor quality of video is regretted as it is clicked on mobile.

District Magistrate & DEO Nadia visited Booths in Hanskhali block on Special Campaign day SRER 2008

I visited Booth Number 98, 99 of Krishnaganj and booth 15, 16 and Sylberia Primary School at Indo Bangladesh Border of Ranaghat AC in Hanskhali block area on 16.11.2008 afternoon. Here are some of the photographs and video clips of Booth Level Agents' meeting at one of the Booths. I am happy to note that BLAs, BLOs, DOs of the booth are conducting participatory roll reading sitting on the jute mates, going through every page and noting down the names and serial numbers of dead, shifted, photo mismatch etc. cases through consensus. Interesting thing to note in these photoes is Paan and supari served to BLAs which probably improves the understanding and intimacy of DOs with participants.

DOs were found present at all the booths I visited, but presence of BLAs from most of the political parties was not encouraging. EROs may better hold review meeting with political parties before next Special Campaign day on 23rd November 2008. Resolution of the meetings should be written at all the booths and copy be handed over to them. Information on dead & shifted should be verified by BLOs at door to door visit and get Form 7 filled up by family members if possible. I visited houses of several applicants who alleged that despite applying again and again their claim for inclusion are not being accepted.

Case1 : 24 years old one Shri Shankar Santra applied in Form 6 last year but rejected as because he has no ration card or proof of age. His parents are electors and resides behind the booth building. His grandfather's original passport produced is guinine. I am satisfied that rejection of his claim is unjustified.

Case2 :- Another applicant aged about 40+ years claims that his age is 31 years as per certificate issued by Primary School, but in ration card issued by GP his age is 12 years at the time of issue in 1981. He could not produce any other proof of citizen ship and age. Certificate managed by him from GP and school appeared fake to me. His claim of inclusion is not justified and liable to be rejected.

Case3. Another applicant in the same village Sylberia claims that his name was enrolled in the electoral roll in 1995 but deleted later on the ground that he is not Indian citizen. I verified the ration card, the only document available with him but could not make up opinion in his favour. Age as claimed in the application and actual is quite contrary. There are other persons also in the village, who could not enrol their names on similar reasons/ defects but suppressing the age in lower side below 25 years to get enrolment through fake documents. EROs must be cautious in disposing off such cases.

In addition I noticed that submission of two photographs with Form 8+Form 001C by non-image electors is not known to most of the DOs/ local voters. Let's create awareness so as to achieve 100 % EPIC coverage.

AEROs and EROs visited in all Blocks, which is very much appreciated.

Suggestions to SDOs/ BDOs :-

I. Supply Form 001C, declaration form and carbon paper for copying resolution of BLA meeting to all DOs.

II. Let BLO/ DO call BLAs on fixed day, where nobody turned up today and seek their cooperation.

III. EROs/ BDOs may hold meeting with political parties and tell them that their cooperation and presence in next meeting on 23rd November 2008 is solicited.

IV. Information furnished in BLAs meeting must be verified by the BLOs before 23rd November 2008 and placed in next meeting.

V. AEROs who could not visit today must do so in next 3-4 days.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Important dates of meetings in this month

  • 13.11.2008 at 12.00 Noon : Review of Police arrangements and electioneering for Municipal Elections to Krishnagar Municipality with SP, Returning Officer and others at Bungalow office.
  • 13.11.2008 at 3 pm : Inauguration of Kalyani Sub Correctional Home at Kalyani.
  • 14.11.2008 at 10.00 am to 3 pm : Shishu Vigyan Mela and felicitation of best ICDS workers of all projects at Rabindra Bhawan, Krishnagar.
  • 14.11.2008 at 11.00 am : Monthly Development Meetings with Sabhapaties, BDOs, SDOs and others at Nadia Zilla Parishad.
  • 14.11.2008 at 12 Noon : Samabay Saptah Celebration inaugural at Central Cooperative Bank.
  • 15.11.2008 at 2 pm : Meeting of stadium committee Krishnagar at Krishnagar Stadium.
  • 15.11.2008 at 3.30 pm : Meeting of Indian Red Cross Society at DM bungalow Office.
  • 17.11.2008 at 12 noon : Rashtriya Krishi Vikash Yojana (RKVY) review meeting at Nadia Zilla Parishad.
  • 17.11.2008 at 4.30 pm : Distribution of Identity Cards to Collectorate Staff at Office chamber of DM Nadia.
  • 18.11.2008 at 12 Noon : Board Meeting of Kishan Cooperative Milk Union Limited at Bungalow Office.
  • 19.11.2008 at 11.00 am : Seminar on environment and river pollution to be organised by Environment department GoWB. Local bodies and administration are the invitees.
  • 19.11.2008 at 12.30 pm : Work shop cum award giving ceremony on Rural Sanitation with GP Prodhans and others at Rabindra Bhawan. Announcements for Sanitation Fortnight from 1st to 15th December 2008 shall be made.
  • 20.11.2008 at 4 pm : Meeting with BSF, Civil & police administration of border blocks and MLA/ MPs of border blocks regarding border effective management at Collectorate Conference hall.
  • 21.11.2008 at 11.00 am : District Level Monitoring Committee on Paddy procurement at Nadia Zilla Parishad.
  • 21.11.2008 at 12.00 noon : Workshop on training need assessment of front line departments , DoPT funded training programme being conducted by ATI Kolkata. Venue Collectorate Conference hall.
  • 22.11.2008 at 9.45 am : Inauguration of Cooch Behar Trophy Cricket Match at Krishnagar Stadium.
  • 24.11.2008 at 12 Noon : Review of MPLADS schemes of 12-Krishnagar Loksabha with Executing Agencies in presence of MP at Nadia Zilla Parishad meeting hall.
  • 24.11.2008 at 1 pm : One day orientation of newly elected PRI office bearers about schemes under National Horticulture Mission at Nadia Zilla Parishad meeting hall.
  • 26.11.2008, 27.11.2008, 04.12.2008, 05.12.2008 and 10.12.2008 at 11.30 am Sub-divisional meetings with GPs as per blog posted earlier.
  • 28.11.2008 at 11.00 am : Review of Surface water based drinking water supply projects of PHE at Nadia Zilla Parishad.
  • 02.12.2008 at 2 pm : Artho Sthayee Samity of Nadia Zilla Parishad at NZP.
  • 03.12.2008 at 12 Noon : Meeting with Requisition Bodies (PHE, PWD, Irrigation) regarding pending Land Acquisition proposals.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Best wishes to KrishNagarik on Jagadhhatri

We convey our best wishes and sincere thanks for enjoyoing Jagaddhatri celebrations with peace. Onkar Singh Meena NB - Readers may send photographs to, to be published in these pages.

High Tech floriculture initiative in Nadia : First Flower blooms in Purnanagar Ranaghat-II

Pic1 - Outer view of Polyshed at Purnanagar
Picture3 - Anil Mallik with bunch of colourful flowers
Pic2 - Anil Mallik standing with first bloom of Gerbera
We motivated progressive farmers in Ranaghat-II blocks for High tech cultivation of cash crops of flowers like Gerbera last year and also extended all kinds of supports for their training at Pune, Exposure to successful entrepreneurs and technical support about setting up of Poly Houses. Out of 20 odd farmers sent to training to Pune, some of them have already started gerbera cultivation in Poly House. Banks extended financial support while National Horticulture Mission is providing subsidy. There is no problem of market at present.
We hope that floriculture with further development in the area after commencement of multi purpose cold storage at Nokari in February 2009. Civil work is complete, while purchase of equipments is under process.
There is need for Multi Agency cooperation in Floriculture development in this area, for which Rs 54 lakhs has been sanctioned for area expansion under NHM. Rs 180 lakhs is being sanctioned to farmers in the current year in Nadia.
I visited one such unit today at Purnanagar under Ranaghat-II and was delighted to see the first flower blooms and broad smile on the lips of Shri Anil Mallik the farmer. Here are some of the photographs.
Readers may send feedback and suggestions.
Onkar Singh Meena

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Surprise visit to Dogachhi GP :- A bitter experience

District Magistrate Nadia, along with two senior officers DPRDO and District Nodal Officer NREGA planned to visit one GP this morning to study the flow of information/ circulars from district head quarters and also to study the reasons for slow progress of different poverty alleviation programmes. We started at 11.00 hrs from the Collectorate and reached GP office at about 11.30 hrs. GP office is located in a double storied building. Office of the GP Prodhan, Upa Prodhan and EA is located at ground floor and that of other staff including computer personnel at upper floor.
At the time of our visit GP office was found locked, Executive Assistant was waiting outside for the GP secretary or Prodhan to come and open the office as they are the persons having keys of the main entrance as well as rooms. No other staff has any key as a result GP office can not be opened in case GP Secretary is absent/ late and GP Prodhan is also absent. Poor EA has no keys with him.
We had to wait at tea shop sitting on benches. We utilised the time holding meeting with GP staff sitting on tea stall.
GP office was opened at 12.15 pm when GP secretary arrived. We discussed with sub post office post master located in the GP office and requested him to encourage opening of post office accounts for old age pension beneficiaries as has been done in case of NREGA job card holders. He agreed to the proposal but expressed the problems of fund transfer mechanism. At present cash amount can be accepted by post office to be deposited in multiple accounts as per muster roll supplied. District Nodal Officer NREGA Nadia and DPRDO Nadia shall take up the matter with Superintendent of post offices to explore the possibility of fund flow through post office head quarters, instead depositing from GP end.
Salient observations on GP functioning as noted by DPRDO, DNO and DM Nadia are as follows :-
  • No list of IAY, IGNOAPS beneficiaries is displayed at notice board OR pasted on the wall.
  • Some slogans related to JSY and other health benefits are written on the walls of GP, which are no more relevant. These should be rewritten with updates/ new norms.
  • NREGA slogans have been written on the GP wall very prominently and proactive disclosure board is also under progress.
  • Some people were waiting outside GP to get their forms signed by GP Prodhan so as to get JSY claims, resident certificate, ration card, old age pension claims and job card applications but in absence of Prodhan and also ineffective office without Prodhan they were bit annoyed and frustrated. Upa Prodhan is present but has not been given any responsibility by Prodhan allegedly due to the fact that he belongs to coalition partner whose support is not required to prove majority. Ruling party has clear majority in 21 member house. Young active Upa Prodhan bent his grievances to us.
  • At present the GP has no work under any programmes though funds are available under SFC, TwFC, NREGA. Nirman Sahayak and others has no work to do at present in absence of any initiative of GP and decisions on funds available.
  • A large number of NREGA applications in form 1 are lying unattended in the GP office as blank job cards has not been supplied from the block. GP is not only violating the provisions of NREGA act but also incurring wasteful expenditure by keeping the manpower like Nirman Sahayak, Sahayak of NREGA idle. There is scope of work in this GP as claims by local villagers. There is lack of initiative by GP to provide jobs to job card holders.
  • IGNOAPS funds have been disbursed but shortage of funds reported as the GP is paying to more number of beneficiaries than the sanctioned quota. DPRDO shall rectify the allotment orders from next months.
  • IAY funds for 28 beneficiaries has not yet been disbursed. Some problems related to land records/ title have been reported, that should be sorted by Executive Assistant. Once the list is sanctioned by district authorities, GP should not withhold the fund in the name of land availability.
  • Fax machine is functioning under the able guidance of Sahayak.
  • Accounts/ records of GP could not be verified as GP Secretary left the keys at home and we also allowed him to leave immediately to attend his ailing uncle whom he left at clinic.

This may be the scenario in other GPs. SDOs/ BDOs and other reading this blog may please check and do needful to improve the functioning of GPs.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

CEO's Blog (for Election Managers only): How will BLOs conduct the meetings with BLAs on 16th and 23rd Nov?

CEO's Blog (for Election Managers only): How will BLOs conduct the meetings with BLAs on 16th and 23rd Nov?

DISE 2008 : Reverification of reports prepared by Schools in Nadia

DISE data collection is going on now. As per the procedure, a printed format has been circulated to all schools in the district from the end of DPO Sarba Siksha Mission. Teacher in charge is required to fill up the details of school infrastructure, students, teachers, academics etc. in consultation with other teachers and staff working in the school. It has been made mandatory this year in Nadia that a certificate by Teachers in charge has to be furnished to the effect that the DISE format has been filled through participation of all and shown to all teachers to ensure that it is error free and prepared through participatory approach.
Once the filled in format is submitted to CRC/ CLRC, it shall be re verified by teachers from nearby CRC/ CLRC schools selected for the purpose. Five percent of completed DISE shall be randomly checked by BDO/ SDO/ DPO/ District Magistrate (Two school each). If any intentional errors/ omissions in the filled in proforma are found during this checking legal action shall be taken against the teachers responsible for dereliction of duty.
We hope to get error free DISE 2008 in Nadia so that it can be relied upon for education sector planning in our district.
Cooperation of all concerned is solicited.
SDOs/ BDOs are requested to get in touch with the CLRCs and do checking of two schools each in terms of circular already issued from SSM office.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

CEO's Video Conference regarding Summary Revision

CEO West Bengal has posted important decisions of the VC with DM & DEO on 1st November 2008, that can be downloaded from
I held a meeting with EROs after the VC. Additional points are noted herein for strict compliance by all associated with the summary revision process :-
  • Each ERO must review the list of BLOs in view of ECI directive and send the final list in excel sheet to Election Section by 4th November 2008 positively. As far as practicable, field level staff of agriculture, ARD, health should be not involved in the summary revision process without consulting their officers. Para teachers may be allowed in case of shortage of staff in some of the blocks. ERO must pay personal attention on the issue and see that BLOs so selected are actually available for the work without hampering their routine departmental works. Engage them near their residence as far as practicable.
  • Training of BLOs must be conducted thoroughly under direct supervision of EROs/ BDOs using multi media presentation. Explain the concept of Booth Level Agents, clean up of errors in electoral rolls through suo motu deletion, use of SMS for verification of shifted elector related applications and to make the electors aware about option of submission of photo with Form 8 & 001C for non-image electors so as to get EPICs.
  • Leaflets, posters regarding summary revision work may be printed and circulated for mass awareness.
  • Each ERO must do hearing/ disposal of claims and objections of at least five parts personally in addition to supervision of other AEROs' work. A report on each part shall be obtained later on. This is applicable to BDOs also.
  • On special campaign day ERO and AEROs must visit the booths.
  • Analyse zero deletion parts and see that suo motu deletions are done in those parts carefully. Similarly, EROs must also review the performance of AEROs in last revision process and if required may reshuffle the parts assigned to them. There can never be any part where total deletion or deletion due to death is zero. At the same time the rate of rejection of Form 7, 8 can also never be more than 5-8 %. EROs may do check randomly as to how these disposals are taking place.
  • There are a large number of Non-EPIC electors in all ACs. They must be encouraged to submit photo in Form 001C along with Form 8 instead of waiting in long queue during the photography.
  • Inspector food and civil supplies can provide the list of ration card holders surrendering the RC on transfer or expiry of person/ death/ shifting. This can be utilised to start suo motu deletion process.
  • Meetings with political parties must be conducted well in time, before 6th November 2008 at Sub-division/ Block levels. District level meeting shall take place on 4th November 2008 at 4 pm.
  • Top sheets of rolls must be thoroughly checked to see that this is error free.
  • Premises with more than four booths in urban areas and more than two in rural areas must be identified. Similarly, no booth should be located at first floor. Proposals for shifting of booths as per this policy must be discussed in all party meetings and submitted to this end immediately. However, no proposal for change in polling area and AC limits shall be entertained.
  • Identify the booths having no ramp/ barrier free access and share the list with district authority. NREGA funds can be used observing norms and procedures to construct approach road, ramps, earth filling.

Suggestions/ feedback on election issues are welcome from public as well as staff associated with the process.

Onkar Singh Meena

District Magistrate & District Election Officer, Nadia

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Catalogue on Handloom products diversification in NADIA launched

There is new begining in handloom sector in Nadia district today. One catalogue of range of handloom products with quality comaparable to international market has been launched in collectorate conference hall on 24th october 2008. This catalogue shall be available online shortly and can be accessed on web site even for online business. Retail chains like FabIndia, Reliance, Handloom House, Pantaloon, westside etc. has shown keen interest to buy handloom products directly from consortia developed by District Administration through cluster development programme under guidance of DM Nadia. Bankers agreed to open commercial branches at Fulia to boost credit to such units.
In buyer sellers meet today, where products from Santipur were also displayed, all stakeholders had detailed discussion on promotion of Santipur Handloom products.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Just to remind that expenditure on IAY for atleast 70 % be submitted by 3rd November 2008

This is to remind that IAY next installment proposals to be submitted by 3rd November 2008. BDOs please submit expenditure report as per fund received by GPs. See report in media on the issue.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I have visited Hanskhali block today and was disappointed to find that the block NREGA cell has only one computer, one printer but no telephone line, fax, Internet, computers provided despite orders. Cell is functioning in a small room. This is undesirable. Each NREGA cell should have two telephone lines, fax, Internet, two computers, separate sitting space, engineering equipments like tapes, labelling instruments, auto cad etc. Fund for the purpose can be used from admn cost. 2. TA, CA, APO must make frequent visits to GPs and work sites. Provide mobility support, when required. 3. Online MIS, cashless payment from Nov 2008 should be ensured to continue services of contractual staff in NREGA CELL. Staff in all blocks nrega can post their suggestions please.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

DM Nadia Blog completes one year on 27th October 2008 : Invites feedback

Dear readers,
The blog I started on 27th October 2007 is going to complete one year on 27th October 2008. I am not sure about its popularity but encouraged to find that a large number of officers/ staff access the information posted here, which I come to know from the discussions with field officers. I expected comments on posts/ feedback from the users posted directly on the blog, but could not receive in size able numbers.
To further continue the efforts, I shall request all the regular readers to leave their feedback and suggestions to improve the blog. Feed back posted at the blog or emailed to me at or must come to me by 27th October 2008 to decide the future of this blog in its present form.
Thanks for reading this page.

Friday, October 17, 2008

New order on Cooked Mid day Meal issued

Education department has issued a new circular on CMDM, simplifying the procedure of fund transfer and minimising the burden of school teachers. Copies of circular shall be handed over to blocks on 18th October during monthly development meeting.
Salient changes are :-
1. Savings account at district, subdivision and block level has been allowed to make quick fund transfers to the schools. Henceforth, schools have been allowed to open accounts for CMDM only in the name of SHGs responsible for cooking. Purchase of items, maintenance of records, vouchers etc. shall be done by such SHGs/ VEC/ Groups and to be submited to BDO office with counter signature of Head Teacher for release of cooking cost etc. directly in the bank account.
2. Block supervisors can be appointed out of MME allotments for supervision of CMDM.
3. All funds shall be released through bank advice.

Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls starts from 10th November 2008 : Decision regarding transfer of poll related officials

Schedule of Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls has been received. Draft publication shall be done on 10th November 2008 and FP on 10th January 2009. Details shall be briefed in the meeting of EROs on 18th October 2008 afternoon to be attended by AEROs & EROs.
Meanwhile, we have received orders of transfer of some of BDOs and SDOs and also some of the EROs. As communicated by Govt., all movements of EROs, AEROs except those associated with Municipal Elections in November 2008, should be completed by end of October 2008 at the earliest, in exceptional cases by 3rd November 2008 with the permission of District Magistrate. However, this may be noted that no officer shall be allowed to be released by SDOs/ controlling officers unless their substitutes joins and takes over. Exceptions should have prior approval of District Magistrate.
Moreover, movements of other officers, staff associated with summary revision, if under orders of transfers, must be completed by 3rd November 2008 to avoid administrative inconvenience.
This is applicable to BLOs as well as other AEROs.
2. This is also clarified that officers moving out of the district must complete the given task of data updating of BPL families, NREGA account opening, IAY disbursement to the extent possible, which shall be thankfully acknowledged.
3. Best wishes to all of them.

Transparency in Rural Development Programmes

There are disturbing reports from some of the GPs that IAY, IGNOAPS beneficiaries are being forced to pay cut money to get their legitimate claims. The matter has been viewed seriously. Any attempts to take cut money from poor beneficiaries shall be dealt with firmly. It is suggested to provide handbills to all selected beneficiaries giving details of funds he/ she is entitled to receive under IAY or IGNOAPS, installments and manner of its utilisation. Telephone numbers and contact address of West Bengal Lokayukta for lodging complaints against the PRI member concerned may be mentioned in the handbills.
All cases of financial irregularities should be reported to district authorities immediately.
The agency engaged by us has already started wall writing about NREGA.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Some Important dates in coming fortnight

  • 18th October : Monthly Development Meeting with Blocks from 11 am to 4 pm followed by meeting with SDOs/ BDOs regarding Summary Revision of rolls, that starts from 10th November 2008
  • Sub-divisional level administrative meeting and review of works of line departments - Kalyani Sub-division on 22nd October, Ranaghat 6th November and Tehatta 5th November.
  • Nadia Circuit Tourism project implementation metting of Director Tourism with Stakeholders on 23rd October 2008 at 13.00 hrs at NZP conference hall.
  • Seminar on prevention of cultivation of opium in Nadia to be organised by Nadia Police at Rabindra Bhawan at 12 noon on 23rd October. All GP Prodhans, Sabhapaties, BDOs, SDOs, BLLROs, Police Officers may attend.
  • Workshop on Forest Rights Committees to be held on 16th October.
  • Inaugural of District Office of Minority Affairs shall be held on 27th October at 11.00 hrs. All elected office bearers and officials to attend.

Monday, October 13, 2008

School Health Check up in Nadia by health administration

We have GNMs two each in blocks, lady counsellors specially appointed for school health check up in schools. Here is the report on their performance as presented to DHFWS meeting last month. Health Check Up, Health Education & Awareness Generation in Nadia (Source : CMOH Nadia) During the Month August 2008 (Cumulative since April 2008) (a) No of Students Examined 15309 (53804) (b) No of Students found with the following ailments (i) Anemia / Thalassemia 1269 (4829) (ii) Night Blindness / Refractive Error 1246 (3455) (iii) Ear Discharge 643 (1656) (iv) Dental Problem (Disease of Teeth & Gum - gingivitis / caries' etc 1852 (6785) (v) Skin Disease (Pyoderma, scabies, pediculosis fungal infection & Others) 588 (1503) (vi) Worm Infestation 1836 (5980) (vii) Iodine Deficiency - Goiter 15 (216) (viii) Reproductive Tract Infection & Gender Hygiene, UTI 105 (411) (ix) Puberty Menorrhagia 106 (751) (x) Injuries 114 (270) (c) Number of Student Counselled 2201 (5719) (i) Individual 128 (653) (ii) Group 2073 (5066) (d) Parents, teachers meeting held & topic discussed 5 (46)

RKS and Block Health Samities may review these reports regularly. It should be ensured that Parents of children are also invited at the time of health check up so as to further improve the follow up. Corrective measures for eye and dental ailment needs to taken out of won funds of the GPs

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Meeting with SDOs, BDOs and EROs on 18th October 2008 after development meetins is over

In continuation to earlier post, this is to inform that administrative meeting with all officers shall be held after the monthly development meeting in the evening. ADM (G) will issue separate letter about the meeting. Summary Revision of Electoral Roll, Administrative matters at field offices shall be discussed in the meeting. In addition to these issues we will review progress on BPL data entry also. Meeting on Motor Vehicle raids shall now be held in the evening meeting, instead of morning on 18th October 2008.

Friday, October 10, 2008

BADP proposals for 2009-10 must be submitted by end of this month

We have been asked by the Home Department to submit BADP schemes for consideration under 2009-10 financial year by end of this month. A letter has been issued to all border blocks as well line departments for submission of project proposals. This time it has been made mandatory to submit pinpointed site, actual estimates of the scheme based on physical verification. Schemes should be located within 10 kms from IBB. As far as practicable big projects must be covered, if required the project can be phased out in two to three years.
A sum of Rs 600 lakhs is earmarked for blocks based on length of border and population of border blocks. Line departments shall submit schemes directly to Development & Planning section.
Allotment of fund for 2008-09 has been made in favour of BDOs. Amount should be spent within January 2008 so as to claim additional funds for the district next year.
BDO please note and do the needful.

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Reports so far compiled at NREGA Cell indicate that out of 187 GPs in Nadia district, only 50 GPs have opened accounts in the name of job card holders either in Post Office or Bank. Total accounts opened are 39591 (29110 Post Office+ 4816 Banks), covering only eleven blocks. Defaulter blocks are Tehatta2, Karimpur2, Chapra, Krishnaganj, Nabadwip, Krishnagar1. I hope the number is little higher but not reported to us.
But, matter of concern is the GPs which are not prepared to make cash less payment, which becomes mandatory from November 1st 2008. Programme Officers must ensure that fortnightly meetings are held regularly and these issues are discussed there.
2. We could generate 20.63 lakh mandays under NREGA till 30th September 2008, for 112630 households as per MIS that means average mandays created per household is only 18 days as against 100 days target. The figures for some of the GPs is NIL. NREGA is now the primary responsibility of GPs as per the recent direction of GOI and to ensure 100 days work to each willing household is mandatory legal obligation of Programme Officer. He must direct GPs to display the information on NRGEA at GP office in the format being painted on the wall so that job card holders can know how their GP is performing to provide 100 days work.
3. Review meetings, muster roll uploading on website, social audit has not yet improved to the desired level. POs & BDOs must improve upon this.
4. It is noticed that training and orientation of all newly elected members regarding the NREGA and works to be undertaken has not been properly done in some of the GPs. POs may ask GP staff to organise one day crash programme to all elected members at GP level in addition to Block Level Orientation as directed earlier.
Matter needs personal attention and involvement. Onkar Singh Meena, DM NADIA & DPC NREGA

Monday, September 29, 2008

Write name of doctor, days of visit to GP HQ Sub centre for health check up on the wall

It has been decided in last meeting of District Health & Family Welfare Samity, Nadia that name & designation of allopathic doctor, days on which he/ she shall be available at GP HQ Sub Centre and timings be written permanently on the wall of the GP prominently for the information of general public. BMOH must furnish the roster to BDO, who shall provide the information to the agency engaged by NREGA cell for wall writing throughout the district. Agency has already started their work and shall be approaching BDOs. The list must be kept ready and updated.
2. Services available should also be written.
Attention of all may be drawn.

Next Development Meeting with Sabhapaties/ BDOs on 18th October 2008

Monthly Development meeting with Sabhapaties, SDOs and BDOs shall be held on 18th October 2008 at 11.00 hrs. This time meeting is scheduled on Saturday. Blocks are expected to hold review meeting with GPs before coming to attend district meeting, but of course with 100 % disbursement of IAY, IGNOAPS funds.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

SDOs/ BDOs must gear up

Dear Colleagues I shall expect all of you to take stock of administrative works/ development schemes noted herein personally and make it endeavour to improve it further. Important of these are :-

Administrative matters -

  • GUS and VEC formation is going on in all the blocks. There are reports of clashes/ disputes regarding GUS/ VEC formation, to get control of GUS or VEC by the political parties. SDOs and BDOs must keep close contact with all concern and take steps to diffuse the tension/ confrontations on the issue. We don't support formation of GUS/ VEC vitiating Democratic process; at the same time GUS/ VEC formation requiring police presence is also not desirable. If there is serous problems in the process, this exercise should be deferred. Major L&O on the issue must be intimated promptly.
  • There are institutional arrangements for monitoring and supervision of Education schemes (Block MDM committee, Block Welfare Committee for grants to weaker sections, CLRC), ICDS & Health (Sub centre convergence, PLC headed by MLA, RKS at PHC upwards, Health Samities, last Saturday meeting at GPs), self employment schemes (Block level task force, BLBC/ BCRC, SGSY Committee), Welfare of weaker sections and social welfare schemes (BWC, Block Level Committees for child and women), PDS etc. but in most of the cases regular and effective meetings are not at all held. Since most of the people in PRIs are new, there is urgent need to conduct awareness and capacity building programmes for office bearers, if not already done. SDOs may chalk out programme accordingly.
  • Citizen centric services have improved a lot in last months. We must ensure Zero Pendency of Caste certificate applications more than six weeks by end of November 2008. BLLROs must be impressed upon to bring the current backlog of mutation cases/ conversion cases to near Zero by end of December 2008. SDOs must review the progress on fortnightly basis.
  • RHS work is not improved in some of the blocks, despite our best efforts. Data capturing and entry work for family details must be completed by 15th October 2008 positively. Personal supervision is expected. As regards data entry of claims & objections is concerned, this can be given to agency for data entry only. The work may be completed by end of October 2008 as agreed in the monthly development meeting.
  • Development Matters
  • Disbursement of IGNOAPS is almost over now in most of the GPs. IAY fund disbursement position is not encouraging. BDOs must take personal initiative and pressurise the GPs to submit claim for next installment by October 2008, failing which district will be deprived of 25 crores. GPs can not later shirk their responsibilities for such a great loss. We may better recommend more funds to GPs who submitted the corrected list of IAY beneficiaries as GP wise quota is not mandatory. Weekly progress review GP wise must be done.
  • BADP funds has been released to Blocks as per their demand. Now, this should be made clear to all concern that further release of funds to district depends on submission of utilisation certificates of funds sanctioned to blocks. 100 % utilisation of all funds under BADP released up to 2006-07 and 70 % utilisation of funds released in 2007-08 is the mandatory requirement for next sanction to any district. We are one one of the best performing districts so far and has been rewarded with doubling of allocation in the current financial year. We used to get 400 lakhs under BADP till 2006-07, which is now 1200 lakhs. We are in a position to get more if UCs are submitted. We must note that shortfall in UC is the amount deducted from the district allocation, which district can not afford. SDOs/ BDOs must review the progress closely. Please keep schemes for 2009-10 also ready.
  • NREGA performance is not very good. Fortnightly review meetings should be started. All public representatives must be involved. Post office accounts opening, MIS in most of the blocks is very poor. PO & BDO must gear up their machinery.
  • Monthly development meetings with GPs must be conducted effectively. Local MLAs may also be invited in these meetings, apart from holding meeting with MLAs or their representatives to review BEUP.

With best wishes and greetings for Puja and Pabitra Ramajan.


Friday, September 12, 2008

DM Nadia receives Award from Union Minister Social Justice & Empowerment GOI

LLC award KRISHNAGAR, Sept. 16: The Nadia district Local Level Committee (LLC), dealing with the welfare of people suffering from autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and multiple disabilities, has been conferred the award for “Best LLC of the year 2007-2008” by the Union ministry of social justice and empowerment. Nadia district magistrate, Mr Onkar Singh Meena received the award on 12 September at New Delhi.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

DM hoisting National Flag on 15th August 2008

Nadia gets First Award at National level for welfare of disabled

Dear Colleagues, I am glad to share with you that NADIA district is being awarded first award for the best Local Level Committee for affirmative actions and development programme for disabled persons. The award and a citation shall be presented to us in a function at New Delhi by Union Minister Social Justice & Empowerment on 12th September 2008. This is the National award our district has been selected as best district in the country for implementation of affirmative actions and schemes for disabled and steps taken by us to ensure mainstreaming of disables, particularly mentally retarded, autism and cerebral palsy. After state award in the same category last year, this is another honour for our efforts. I express my sincere thanks and best wishes to all of you for this great achievement. Let's keep it up. We commit to continue to work for the cause of disabled.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Replies to CEO

Onkar Singh Meena, DISTRICT MAGISTRATE & COLLECTOR NADIA said... Sir,Thanks for your appreciation. We in Nadia have ensured that each part is checked personally by DO and one of the AERO. It's interesting but time consuming exercise for some of us like EROs/ DM & DEO, since works like Panchayat reconstitution, trainings and BPL data entry is also going on simultaneously. I have to mention two points :-1. In response to my earlier blog and your Query the DO I referred is one Mr. Ashok Ghosh GP Karmee of Bhatjangla GP in Krishnagar-I. He was GP member 10 years back and a local resident. He is dynamic worker, popular in the area and knows all residents of GP by face. Contrary to that, some of the teachers appointed as DOs are not so proactive.2. I think BDOs must be declared EROs instead of busy offices like DPRDO, DPLO, DWO etc. who can not do justice to their responsibilities as ERO considering their own work load. Moreover, BDOs does all the revision work in their area , though they are one of the AERO like other block officers. This issue was also raised by some of the observers during last Election.We have received Quality Drive reports from all BDOs and EROs including that of ADMs and DM. Report as desired shall be faxed on 18.08.2008Onkar Singh Meena 14 August, 2008

CEO appreciates our drive on Quality Check on Electoral Rol

CEO's Blog said... DM Nadia (Onkar): I'm thinking of ranking the role of DMs in this Quality Control drive and right now, you're in the lead, Onkar.(So Congrats!) Please also publish in this blog a few details of the DO about whom you have mentioned, who is doing a great job (what is his name, where he normally works, what is his motivation to do a good work, any other highlights etc.)-CEO,WB 13 August, 2008



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