Monday, April 15, 2013

Rs 1573 Crores Collected from Coal revenue by Burdwan in 2012-13, increased by five times in three years - results of conducive environment for coal mining and better collection strategy

Coal mining operations in Raniganj Coal Fields Areas contributes a substantial revenue to State Govt in the form of Coal Cess & Royalty, Surface Rents, Water Rents and Land Revenue from mining lands held by coal companies and sand stowing used in refilling etc.
  • District administration monitors and supervises the collections from Coal companies like ECL, EMTA, ICML, IISCO and other private miners.
  • All the collections are assessed and collected by Govt agencies at district level under the overall control of District Administration. Chief Mining Officer under Commerce & Industry department, Dy Cess Collector Asansol, Commissioner Commercial Taxes and Land & Land Reforms department officers are involved in assessment and collection of the taxes and rents.
  • District administration ensured well planned monitoring system, assessment and collection reviewed regularly with all the agencies and coal companies in last three years. At the same time, Coal companies also got best conducive environment for coal mining in few years, with almost no labour unrest affecting production, cessation of illegal coal mining due to strict enforcement policy of State and easy clearances of Govt agencies for lands and other issues that helped increasing coal production.
  • We could realise most of the revenue dues and also collected long pending arrears through regular persuasions.
  • Here are the results :-
    • Total collection by District Officers in Burdwan Treasuries in 2012-13 stood at Rs 1573 Crores as on 31st March 2013.
    • It was Rs 292 crores only in 2009-10.
    • Collections from coal mining increased to Rs 454 Crores next year in 2010-11
    • It further increased to Rs 1444 crores in 2011-12, record growth
    • This year collection stood at Rs 1573 crores. Thereby, revenue increased five folds in last three years.
As per assessment Burdwan Collected approximately Rs 1800 crores from Coal revenues in the current year including some of the funds deposited at Kolkata Office by Coal companies not shown in Rs 1573 crores.

Record Motor Vehicle revenue collection in Burdwan in last three years - effect of administrative management

Burdwan District Administration has drastically increased motor vehicle revenue through various measures to enforce the rules and improve delivery of services in last few years.
  • All three offices of motor vehicle in district at Asansol, Durgapur and Burdwan are online now, with upgraded computer hard wares and modern technology for registration plates. In 2010 the condition of these offices was deplorable with outdated old computers, poor service delivery taking months and problems in office management. Well planned replacement of hardwares, software and office management was put in place by District Administration in last three years,
  • RCs and DLs smart cards of good quality are provided to the owners taking very less time of processing.
  • Now, all RCs and DLs are delivered in less than a week, which used to take months in 2010.
  • Payment of taxes can be done online also. General services like transfer of ownership, renewals and temporary permits can be obtained on the same day.
  • Effective enforcement of motor vehicle rules and well planned regular raids by senior officers has yielded good results in motor vehicle revenue collection in last three years. Total revenue collection in last four years is as follows :-
  • Rs 97 Crores in 2008-09
  • Rs 118 Crores in 2009-10
  • Rs 147 crores in 2010-11
  • Rs 164 crores in 2011-12
  • and Rs 189 crores in 2012-13
It is clear that MV revenue increased from Rs 97 crores in 2009 to Rs 189 crores in the current financial year ending on 31st March 2013. It is almost 200 percent growth in last three years. Annual growth rate of 24 percent could be achieved due to close supervision, strengthening of MV offices to quicken service delivery and effective enforcement by Officers under leadership of SDOs/ RTO.

Now registration of vehicles, tax payments, fitness etc can be done at Kalna also, Motor Vehicle office at Kalna starts functioning from 16th April 2013.

People of Kalna need not come to Burdwan RTO Office for registration of new vehicles, tax payment of existing vehicles, fitness certificates, driving licenses and other works related to motor vehicles from first working day of Bengali New year 1420. Motor Vehicle Office at SDO Kalna is ready and going to be inaugurated tomorrow at 10 am.
  • This office is fully computerised with counters for citizens to get instant quick service. New office is located on the ground floor of SDO office.
  • Networking of the software with central server of transport department is under process and likely to be functional in next two weeks. Delivery of Registration Certificate of new vehicles and Driving Licenses will be done in 3-4 days of presentation of applications initially, that will be available in 48 hours once the office is fully functional by May 2013.
  • Now, we have MV offices at Asansol, Burdwan, Durgapur and Kalna. New MV office at Kalna will be helpful to the vehicle owners of Kalna Sub division, who need not come to RTO Burdwan office.

Anandabazar Patrika on 15th April 2013 : Burdwan tops in revenue collection

রাজস্ব আদায়ে সেরা বর্ধমান, দাবি প্রশাসনের
জমি, ইট ও বালি থেকে জেলা প্রশাসন ৭৬ কোটি টাকার রাজস্ব আদায় করেছে বলে রবিবার জানালেন জেলাশাসক ওঙ্কার সিংহ মিনা। ২০১২-১৩ অর্থবর্ষে এত বেশি রাজস্ব অন্য কোনও জেলা আদায় করতে পারেনি বলেই দাবি তাঁর। গত বছরের চেয়ে এর পরিমাণ প্রায় ১৪ কোটি টাকা বেশি। বালি ও ইট আদায় হওয়া রাজস্বের পরিমাণ ৬ কোটি টাকা। তিনি আরও জানান, যে ব্লক ও রাজস্বআদায়কারী আধিকারিকেরা রাজস্ব আদায়ে উল্লেখযোগা সাফল্য দেখিয়েছেন, তাঁদের পুরস্কৃত করা হবে। উল্লেখ্য, বর্ধমানের দামোদর ও অজয় নদী থেকে তোলা বালি রাজ্যের প্রায় সব জেলায় নির্মাণ কাজে ব্যবহৃত হলেও এতদিন সরবরাহকারীরা বিপুল রাজস্ব ফাঁকি দিত। তা রুখতে বিডিও, রাজস্বআদায় দফতর ও পুলিশ অভিযান চালায়।

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Subho Nababarsho 1420

Apnader O apnar Paribarer sakalke ke janai Bangla Nababarsher priti o subhechha. Sabai bhalo thakben.

Record collections revenue of Rs 76 crores from land and minerals in Burdwan.

Burdwan collected Rs 76 Crore revenue from Land Revenue, minerals like sands and bricks in 2012-13 year ending today.
  • Its highest ever revenue by Land Revenue dept by any district in WB and increased by Rs 14 crores over last year collection of Rs 62 crores.
  • Collection from sand & brick fields alone crossed Rs 26 Cr, increase by Rs 6 Cr. Best performing blocks and RI to be awarded.
  • These collections in Burdwan increased 4 times since 2010 when it was Rs 18 Cr.



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