Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blocks to analyse NSAP data - improve coverage and minimise delays in payment

Under NSAP national flagship schemes viz IGNOAPS, IGNDPS and IGNWPS have been extended to all BPL families. It is noted that current coverage of beneficiaries under IGNOAPS is only 57000, IGNWPS approximately 17000 and IGNDPS only 500. Treating total BPL families approximately 4.65 lakhs, the beneficiaries could be 1.20 lakhs as per the State Average. That means we have less capturing of the families in BPL database and thereby hs scope the bring more people under the pension scheme. In half of blocks disbursement of these pensions is less than the estimated BPL population.
Officers at block must complete family detail entry and also see that all the eligible BPL families are covered.
Another problem noticed is that advice from blocks is sent through account payee cheque instead of drafts. It is advisable to issue draft to local Post Offices to fast track the payment.

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