Thursday, December 25, 2008

Thanks readers for overwhelming reponse to dmnadia blog

Two weeks ago I inserted a hit counter to know the number of visitors to Results are overwhelming. I must express sincere thanks to all readers for making this blog so popular. It has already crossed 5000 hits, @ 70 to 80 hits per day, which is increasing day by day. It is now open to all for sending their articles on success stories in good governance. Articles can be emailed at Photographs are also most welcome.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Steps to be taken to improve NREGA programme

Subject: Issues on NREGA for immediate attention, regarding MIS: 1) Area of concern: It is important to identify the GPs where data entry is not being undertaken presently. After we have covered at least all blocks in this parameter, we must ensure that in all GPs data entry is done. 2) MIS entry for job cards issued is 87% presently, it has to improve. 3) While uploading data, PM (MIS) to check up the data and to take measures for uploading. Duplicate data must be avoided and care has to be taken so that no duplicate data is uploaded due to inadvertence. 4) VLEs and GRS are to be trained up on NREGA and allied issues. Blocks are requested to organize training accordingly. VLE in each GP should be provided with a Pen drive which will help him/her to enter data at GP and to deliver it to the BIO at Block. VLE to be given wage as justified plus the cost of conveyance. 5) Where the VLEs are presently not engaged due to low volume of work, the GRS must be told to enter data. 6) Probable number of muster rolls stills pending to be entered to be assessed early. BIOs are requested to send report on this count very early for onward transmission to the P&RD early. 7) Overlapping muster rolls, i.e., work done fully or partially in 2007-08 and payment received on 2008-09 to be entered with the use of Fast Track system. Software is available with Blocks and GPs. 8) In the case of non availability of VLEs, the CSCs (Common Service Centres) may be utilized suitably. 9) Feedback on: (I) GPs without electricity, (II) no software installed, (III) even if software is installed, no data entry being done at GP, is to be identified. Report from Blocks required immediately. 10) Recurring and non-recurring expenses under the head “Administrative Expenses” must be entered is all GPs and Blocks regularly. 11) Target for MPR=MIS being set at end of January, 2009, must be targeted for achievement. 12) Within each fortnight, uploading of data for at least once is required to be made mandatory. BIOs must ensure due care and attention in this regard. Meetings and other administrative issues:
1) APO will be held personally responsible for updating the proactive disclosure board at each of the GPs and the Blocks. 2) Participation of women is extremely low in our district and we are being criticized on this count. We must ensure massive IEC, wide coverage and dissemination of all kinds of materials relating to the basics for NREGA for public consumption. Social Audit:
1) All GPs must ensure formation of Social Audit team and would conduct Social Audit. 2) Partnership with CBOs/NGOs for campaign on NREGA to be widely undertaken at the grass root level.
Works etc:
1) Cement based water conservation measures may be implemented in large numbers. Confusion with 60:40 must be properly addressed in all GPs. 2) Inspection: APOs, TAs must regularly visit the schemes. From the block level, BDO/PO, Jt. BDO, SAEs also must visit schemes at regular course. 3) Land Development – Quantified report in specific terms to be sent to P&RD. 4) Water Conservation – Innovative water harvesting projects through Roof Top Water Harvesting to be developed under NREGA. WBCADC to approach to the District Cell in this regard. 5) GIS based approach on rural roads and plotting then in the maps required.
Complaint Disposal, Labour Budget:
1) Complaints to be disposed regularly. 2) Entry relating to Labour Budget to be completed by the GPs within December, 2008 and to be uploaded accordingly. Social Forestry:
Number of GPs to be identified where plan of raising of nurseries with specific report on how many saplings to be raised, number of fruit bearing variety, number of ordinary varieties etc. to be sent very early to the P&RD. Post Office:
Specific problem on postal payment may be brought to the notice of the P&RD where payment is getting delayed after work is done and advices etc. have been prepared. Other Issues:
NREGA wage rate enhanced NREGA wage rates have been revised from existing Rs. 75 to Rs. 81 with effect from January 2009 through the district. All payments made for the works on and from January 1st must be paid at this rate. Wages to semi-skilled and supervisors shall be 1.5 times of above rate, while that of skilled labourers double the rate. Sanitation and allied issues connected with NREGA
Ø Booth wise scheme for construction of pucca platform of all tube wells clubbing funds available under NREGA (ST/SC/BPL families only) and SFC + 12th FC (20 % mandatory for sanitation). Ø Solid waste disposal plan is prepared. Ø Pucca drainage+ soak pits are constructed under NREGA clubbing other funds.



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