Friday, August 06, 2010

Caste certificate camp at Durgapur = 1473 certificates issue

AMSY/ MSY beneficiaries getting cheques in the function at Durgapur on 6th August 2010
View of audience in the functin : All caste certificate recepients
In well attended function at Srijani Durgapur caste certificates were distributed to 1473 persons: Thanks to sdo durgapur and team work of Panchayat Samities and DMC this subdivision reaching close to Zero Pendency. All MLAs, Sabhapaties, BDOs, DMC elected representatives and officials attended. Blocks may organise more such functions at their level including benefits to ST/SC/OBC/Minority.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Visit to Jamalpur block on 29th July

This is Dispensary at Panchra set up in 1917 and now run by Burdwan Zilla Parishad. The then Divisional Commissioner Burdwan laid the foundation on 17th December 1917. A JSY beneficiary with six months old baby at ICDS centre. No JSY funds given to this woman even now. She delivered baby at Burdwan Medical College & Hospital on 19th October 2009 but till date no payments received. Child is irregular in immunisations. It could be discovered that child & mother care services are not available in this area for last few months as Health Worker in seriously ill and no alternative arrangements have been made. Now, BMOH has been instructed to extend all services through special camp in the village itself within two weeks. Funds of JSY and RT will also be cleared. Field visits of such kind are really helpful.

School based caste certificate distribution camp at Jadavganj, DignagarII GP in Ausgram I block

75 Caste certificate issued within 25 days cycle in the school itself. This is 60th camp in the district in last two months. Certificates were distributed in function at Jadavganj where 65 Tribal Old Age pensions, 67 book grants to SSK/MSK were also disbursed. All blocks may please organise such functions.
Thanks to All SDOs and their teams

QPR of Mid day meal upto June 2010 not submitted by 24 blocks and all municipalities

  • Mid day meal QPR, both financial and food grains not yet received from 24 blocks. No SDO submitted it for ULBs, nor the ULBs directly despite orders to SDOs to compile it for all units and submit to district office. SDOs/ BDOs please take time and review the position. Submit it by 10th August positively, else terminate the services of supervisors.
  • Please release funds to all Institutions upto September 2010. Seek fund from district if required to meet up.
  • Proactive disclosure of Mid day meal daily purchases must be done on school walls immediately.
  • All funds for construction of kitchen must be utilised in the school where it is required to extend the kitchen, storage facility within the allotted unit cost of Rs 60000/ each.
  • Food grain stock verification report must also be submitted.

Matter most urgent.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Caste certificate distribution camp at Durgapur on 5th August 2010

Divisional Commissioner Burdwan division is unable to come on 6th August due to some unavoidable urgent engagement elsewhere. However, he has kindly allowed us to conduct the programme as scheduled. SDO Durgapur will please go ahead as scheduled. I am confident, with this big camp, the Subdivision will progress further to achieve Zero Pendency of applications by the end of August 2010.
We are organising another camp at Kalna on 5th where all MLAs have been invited. SDO Kalna has already achieved ZERO Pendency status. Similarly, SDO Katwa has also achieved ZERO pendency status. Other Subdivisions must endeavour to do so by end of this quarter.
Let me remind all the Subdivisions and blocks that any claim of ZERO Pendency is subjected to criticism if the pending applications at block level are not disposed off in true sense. I am sure that has been taken into account.
Next, we would like to organise more number of School based camps to collect applications for caste certificate from class IX to XII students, hearing of applicant at school by BDO/ Dy Magistrate/ Jt BDO and issue of final caste certificates from the class rooms in total processing cycle of 25 to 30 days. Already more than 50 camps have been organised. We must complete it in all high schools by the end of this session. Minority OBC must also be covered under this special initiative of Burdwan district. Additional Inspector BCW in each block has been sanctioned. Retired officers of any service including UDC and above may be engaged on fixed remuneration basis.



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