Friday, March 27, 2009

PP, EVM randomisation schedule

Phase wise EVM randomization, Polling Personnel randomization and Training of Polling Personnel shall be completed within the scheduled date as noted below. 1. EVM Randomization by 14th April (18th April Kalyani), Krishnagar & Ranaghat tentatively on 10th April

2. Polling Personnel Randomization Ist by 10th April (15th April Kalyani) and 2nd by 29/30 th April (5th/ 6th May)

3.Polling Personnel Training 1st by 20th April (6th May) and 2nd by 3rd May (11th May). Dates for all PCs except Bongoan 17th to 20th April 2009, to be organised by SDOs.

Policy of PB & EDC

BASIC POLICY: Attempts to be made through software for the deployment of polling personnel to the maximum extent for polling duty within the P.C. area, where they are voter, for the maximum utilization of EDC facility. However, no polling staff will be deployed in election duty in any of the assembly segments where he is a voter or working or his native place . Postal Ballot shall only be issued to those polling personnel, who will not be deployed for polling duty within their enrolled P.C. and to those Police personnel who will be engaged only on poll day and to all Drivers/Helpers/Cleaners of requisitioned vehicle for the purpose of election, on poll day. Form-12(for Postal Ballot)/12A(for Election Duty Certificate) are to be issued with 1st appointment letter to all category of polling personnel, as the case may be.
Training Policy:
a) First day of training (including hands on training on EVM)…. For all category of polling personnel. b) Second day of training…. For all category of polling personnel Training shall be organized at Sub-division level (except kolkata) c) Polling personnel are to be advised to bring properly filled up Form-12/12A on first day of training at training venue. d) Second day of training shall be organized just after 2nd randomization of polling personnel to inform the polling personnel, their Assembly segment No. , Party No & DC-RC venue. on 2nd day of training. e) First & second training shall also be organized for same polling personnel at the same sub-division for smooth distribution of EDC & PB. f) First and second day of training schedule may be mentioned in first appointment letter of polling personnel. Polling personnel are to be advised to give his enrollment particulars ( AC No., Part No. & Sl.No.) in their Form-12/12A. They are also to be requested to write their PIN No. in Form-12/12A as written in their appointment letter. At the training venue, photo electoral roll counters, preferably with computerized search engine, should be opened to help polling personnel find out sl. no./part no. etc. SMS system 94336-33333 may also be used. This apart, for polling personnel whose EPIC number is recorded in Polling Personnel database, there is provision in the Software itself to ascertain electoral roll particulars from EPIC number. Form-12/12A along with 1st copy of appointment letter are to be collected at training venue on first day of training. Adequate counters are to be arranged at training venue for the collection of the same (Form-12&12A). Collected 12&12A with appointment letters are to be sorted enrollment A.C. wise, i,e., AC in which the personnel is enrolled as elector. Enrollment AC wise sorted Form-12&12A are to be sent to concerned RO/ARO or Officer –in- Charge of EDC-PB cell for the preparation of marked copy of electoral roll as well as preparation of EDC&PB through sub-division wise separate register having Sub-div name, AC No, Name of applicant, part no, & PIN No. In case of Kolkata it should be sent PC wise. 10. Polling personnel resides in outside of the district, applied for PB in Form-12, their applications are to be sent to concerned DEO by special messenger for preparation of marked copy of electoral roll & PB. Such PBs are to be sent to concerned applicant by registered post through postal department.
1, PROCESS FOR PREPARATION & DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTION DUTY CERTIFICATE: A. FOR POLLING PERSONNEL: EDC issuing ARO or Officer –in- Charge of EDC cell is to be advised to prepare EDC and marked copy of Electoral Roll, on the basis of A.C. wise supplied Form-12A of polling personnel, applicable for EDC. PIN No. of polling personnel should be written on the cover containing EDC of respective polling personnel. Prepared EDCs along with register are to be sent back to the concerned RO/ARO from where the application was received. Similarly prepared EDC is to be collected from other sub-division as it was sent to them for preparation of marked copy of electoral roll & EDC. Officer-in –charge of Polling Personnel Cell will generate, Venue wise , Date-wise & enrollment AC wise list of Polling Personnel as per training schedule of 2nd day of training with PIN NO. arranged in ascending order. He will hand over this list to the Officer in-charge of EDC-PB Cell. Officer –in- Charge of EDC-PB cell on receipt of EDC from other Sub-divisions as well EDC prepared in his own Sub division will arrange to segregate all EDCs , date wise, venue wise & enrollment AC wise as per training schedule of 2nd Day of training. Second day of training shall be organized just after 2nd randomization of polling personnel as per schedule to inform the polling personnel their Assembly segment No. & Party No on second day of training.. Bunch of respective EDCs of respective applicant are to be sent to training venue, on second day of training, for distribution through earmarked counters. At the time of distribution of EDC to polling personnel signature should be obtained& the name of the polling personnel issued with EDC should be entered in EDC issued register. Once Form-12 A application is submitted, the official concerned can only vote using the EDC. For Reserve polling personnel, the RO shall decide the polling station in which they are to cast vote using EDC. The polling station should be the one located near the place where the Reserve personnel are to be assembled. If reserve polling personnel in a place is large, different polling stations near the location should be allotted for them. At the polling stations, the Presiding Officer should brief the polling Agents about the facility provided to the polling personnel to vote in that polling station using EDC. The exercise of franchise using EDC by the polling staff shall take place only after the briefing and in presence of polling Agents. B ) FOR MICRO OBSERVER, ZONAL MAGISTRATES AND SECTOR PERSONNEL In the case of officials appointed as Micro Observers, Zonal magistrates and Sector personnel also, the facility of EDC may be extended if they are voters of the same P.C. For this purpose, the R.O. of the constituency will decide about the polling station in which the particular Zonal Magistrates and sector personnel will exercise their franchise. 2. POSTAL BALLOT PAPERS: . Postal ballot papers for service electors, polling personnel, police personnel, drivers, helpers, cleaners etc. shall be printed at the level of the Returning Officers of the Parliamentary constituency concerned A. Issue of Postal ballot papers to Service Voters. Service voters are eligible to receive Postal ballots. As soon as the list of contesting candidates is drawn up after the period for withdrawal of candidature is over, the printing and dispatch of postal ballot papers shall be done at the level of the Returning Officers of the Parliamentary constituency concerned within 48 hours by registered post under the supervision of Observer. The DEO will appoint a Nodal officer to supervise the entire process. The details of the PB sent A.C. wise shall be maintained in the form of a register giving the details and signature of the postal authorities shall be obtained in the register. B. Issue of Postal ballot papers to Polling Personnel.. PB issuing ARO or Officer –in- Charge of PB cell is to be advised to prepare PB and marked copy of Electoral Roll, on the basis of A.C. wise supplied Form-12 (home sub-division + other subdivision) of polling personnel, applicable for PB. PIN No. of polling personnel should be written on the cover containing PB of respective polling personnel. Prepared PBs along with register are to be sent back to the authorities from where the application was received. Similarly prepared PB is to be collected from other sub-divisions as it was sent to them for preparation of marked copy of electoral roll & PB. Officer-in –charge PP Cell will generate, enrollment AC wise, Venue –wise & Date wise list of Polling Personnel as per training schedule of 2nd day of training with PIN No. arranged in ascending order. and hand over the same to the Officer in-charge of EDC-PB Cell. Officer –in- Charge of EDC-PB cell on receipt of PB from other Sub-divisions as well PB prepared in his own Sub division will arrange to segregate all PBs - date wise, venue wise & enrollment AC wise as per training schedule of 2nd Day of training. Bunch of respective PBs of respective applicant are to be sent to training venue, on second day of training, for distribution through earmarked counters. On the second day of training, there shall be a separate space/room for the arrangement of postal ballot facilitation center at training venue for issuing the postal ballot to the concerned person. At facilitation center, there shall be a separate earmarked sufficient number of counters for the distribution of cover containing the postal ballot paper (13B) along with other forms (13A, 13C, 13D) should be handed over to the respective polling officials only after verifying their EPIC or any other ID as well as appointment letter. The record of issuance of PBs should be separately maintained in Format given in the ROs hand book with one more column indicating place of posting (Annex-XXVII) PAGE-375.Concerned RO/ARO should sign the said register. Once a PB is issued to a polling personnel called for training he shall after that cast his vote only through postal ballot even if he is exempted from election duty. Necessary sufficient arrangement for attestation of Form-13A and collection of polled postal ballots shall be made in the form of a “postal ballot facilitation center”. The polling officials should be advised to cast their vote on postal ballot paper in a voting compartment to maintain secrecy of voting and to drop the same personally in a sealed box to be kept there for the purpose under direct supervision of the concerned RO/ARO. It should be made it clear that the declaration in form-13A should not be put inside envelop in Form-13B. If any election duty staff is not able to vote at the facilitation center, he may send the postal ballot through register post or may drop it in the drop box kept for the purpose in the ROs office. The contesting candidates should be informed in advance, about the postal ballot voting in the facilitation center. Proper seating arrangement to be made for the candidates or their authorized representatives like polling agent. The whole process shall be recorded in videos. C) Postal Ballot for Police & Security Personnel: Police personnel, only those who will be engaged in election related duties on the day of poll shall only be eligible for obtaining PB. District wise nodal officer shall be identified by the S.P for preparing database of such police personnel. The data shall indicate the names of such police personnel; service ID No., details of A.C No., Part No. and serial No. of their elector particulars. The Nodal officer is to arrange to disburse blank applications in Form 12 along with a guideline for filling up the said form, for the issue of postal ballot papers to the police personnel to be deployed on election duty and whose name is appeared in the said list. The said Nodal Officer shall also collect duly filled Form-12 from police personnel. Received Rorm-12 will be sorted out district wise. S.P will submit the said prepared list to concerned DEO at least before seven days of Poll to maintain all formalities like preparation of marked copy of electoral roll by the RO/ARO. Police personnel are to be advised to exercise their voting right by issuing their P.B using postal services and receiving back the same by post or through drop box kept in the office of RO. Police Personnel are to be advised to give their details postal address of their place of posting in particular space of Form-12. All the application received in Form 12 shall be sorted out AC wise /District wise Postal Ballot for Drivers, Cleaners and Helpers The DEO shall make an advance plan to assess the requirement of vehicles to be requisitioned. At the time of requisitioning the vehicles, all relevant details about the drivers and cleaners shall be collected in a proforma. It shall be made clear to such electors that the address to be mentioned in Form 12 for dispatch a postal ballot shall be done at which he is registered as an elector and not any other address. The postal ballot papers will be issued to them by RO/ ARO only by registered post with A/D Each RO shall have a special box placed in his office with secured lock, duly sealed so that any such voters can come and dropped their marked PB in the Sealed cover in Form 13C Necessary arrangement for attestation of Form 13A of such person who wish to record their votes after collecting their postal ballot personally shall be made.

What's new regarding Loksabha Election 2009

A new circular on vulnerability mapping has been received, which requires three stage steps to be taken for each booth/ polling stations. Step First is identification of hamlets/ villages vulnerable with names of persons or the factors like inaccessibility, communal tensions, past violence etc which makes it vulnerable as explained in detail during Sub-divisional meetings in presence of SDPOs. Sector Officers/ Police Officers must sit together and fill up the gaps in vulnerability mapping through participatory process. This should be completed by 10th April 2009. Meanwhile, a nodal officer for each Police Stations shall be identified by SP to execute second stage action plan.
In second stage, actions under preventive sections of Cr PC, execution of NBW, unearthing of illicit liquor dens/ selling dens, arms, confidence building measures against intimidation etc may be taken up against the factors already identified in First Stage. This work has to be completed by end of April 2009.
In the last stage, Action Taken Report on second stage has to be submitted by end of April 2009. Thereafter, measures on poll day as per ECI circular has to be finalised in consultation with observers on their arrival. Every body must go through the circular sent by ECI carefully. SDOs/BDOs may hold joint meetings with sector and police to explain the contents of circular.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

CEO visits special camps of continuos updation enrollment at Char Madhupursudanpur also known as Charjatrasidhi

Photo Courtesy : NFN

Election Preparedness meetings at Sub-divisions - some clarifications

I have completed Sub divisional meetings with SDOs/ BDOs/ EROs and SDPOs at Kalyani, Ranaghat and Tehatta. Meeting for Sadar Subdivision is rescheduled on 27th March 2009 at 12.00 hrs at Collectorate.
Some of the tips/ clarifications based on feedback in these meetings :-
  • Communication Network should be tested two three times before 1st April 2009.
  • Wherever there is shadow mobile area is detected, switch over to the mobile provider whose service is available. It means, BLO may be motivated to arrange Sim card which works. In case of Karimpur 1, Karimpur 2, Krishganj areas along border, cost of Sim can be considered to reimbursed to BLOs, only in parts where there is shadow zone. This is better and cheap alternative than RT sets/ satellite phone.
  • Splitting of Electoral Rolls for auxiliary should be done carefully and equitably. In a few cases, it is noted that while splitting the rolls section wise, number of electors in main booth and auxiliary comes out to be 1/3rd and 2/3rd. For example, out of 1800 total electors, auxiliary contains 700 while main contains 1100. This will be of no use to complete the polling in time. Please review and ensure that almost equitable distribution of voters is done, with all members of family at the same booth. However, supplement can be kept with one of the booth, irrespective of family household number.
  • There are some primary school rooms with only single door. In all such cases, a temporary shade in front of room can be erected having two entrances. This shade will act as holding area in front of polling station and minimise the problems and inconvenience to electors.
  • EPICs distributed can be sample verified by sector officers at home to ensure that all EPICs distributed are in possession of actual holder.
  • Sector officers should be in place immediately. Wherever there is shortage of sector officers, number of sectors can be reduced in such a way that each sector caters to not more than 10 Polling Station Locations (PSLs). Maximum number of booths including auxiliary can be 16 in such cases, provided the PSLs are not located in remote/ inaccessible areas. On an average number of sectors in each AC can be number of PSL/10.
  • MCC team can be formed Police Station wise and hired video/ digital camera can be kept at each block/ subdivision to capture election events.
  • Trainings to teachers can be organised on holidays and that of Govt employees and others on working days. This will solve the problem related to scarcity of EVM.
  • Vulnerability mapping must be done jointly by Sector Officers and Police officers and must invariable mention the name of the persons/ factors attributing to vulnerability.
  • All electoral roll complaints must be disposed off by replying to the complainants.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Note on defacement of property - legal provisions

A SHORT NOTE CONTAINING PROVISIONS OF STATE LAWS REGARDING PREVENTION OF DEFACEMENT OF PROPERTY In term of commission’s instructions bearing No. 3/7/2008/JS-II dated 7.10.2008, defacement of public places is prohibited. No wall writing, pasting of posters/papers or defacement in any other form or erecting/displaying of cutouts, hoardings, banners, flags etc. is permitted on any government premises which would include any government office with its campus as well as educational institutions. Local state laws also prohibit defacement of public property as shown in the table given below;- Urban Area Rural Area Educational Institutions, Religious Buildings, buildings of Centre/State Government/Local Authority etc. Any land, building, wall hoarding, frame, post, tree, kiosk or structure, belonging to, or is occupied or used by, the Central or State government or any local authority etc As permitted by local laws read with Commission’s instructions cited above, wall writings and pasting of posters, putting up hoardings, banners etc on private premises are permissible with prior written permission from the owner of the property and submission of photo copies of the consent to the concerned Returning Officer and local Police Station within 3 days together with a performa statement. In case of defacement of public property, the police shall take suo-moto action by instituting case against the contesting candidate concerned/local office bearers of the concerned political party if the contesting candidate/political party fails to remove the defacement within 24 hours. In case of defacement of private property the concerned Returning officer shall issue a notice to the concerned contesting candidate/political party either to produce written consent of the owner within 3 days or to remove the defacement. In default, the RO/ARO shall lodge FIR against the contesting candidate/political party and police will institute case against them in accordance with law. In both cases, the expenditure incurred even for such illegal defacement shall be added to the Election expenditure made by that candidate. Public funds will not be used to erase the illegal defacement especially since legal prosecution will be started in all such cases.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Review Continuos Updation and EPIC distribution

On analysis of no. of claims and objections under continuous updating and disposal as on 21.03.2009, it reveals that 60% of the total applications under form-6, 46% under form-7, 55% under form-8 and 56% under form-8A are still pending for disposal orders of ERO. 25th March is the last date for submission for data back up of electoral roll to CEO Office. The disposals already entered in the computer database within 25th march only will find place in the second supplement, thereby leaving a large no. of genuine applicants’ name not appearing in the electoral roll. Such a situation is not at all acceptable.
Therefore, it is hereby directed to deploy extra manpower if required, for enquiry and writing of disposal orders/manuscripts, data entry in the master software and ensure that all applications, REPEAT all applications received within 12th March are disposed off and accepted cases recorded in the master software before finalizing the data back up.
Analysis of EPIC distribution, subdivision wise reveals that out of 104327 new EPIC prepared and delivered by the Agency, only 39940, i.e. 38% could be distributed till 21.03.2009. Distribution figures are merely10% at Ranaghat, 12% at Tehatta, whereas the distribution is quite good in Sadar (65%) and Kalyani (78%). Attention of EROs is drawn to see that all EPICs are distributed to the right person through proper identification within 31st March, 2009, which may extend up to 5th April, if required. Wherever the EPICs are shown to be distributed, the Sector Officers/Supervisory Officers and EROs must do sample checking that these are actually delivered to the EPIC holders and not that the figures shown as distributed when the EPICs are delivered to the Block / Sector Officer/ BLO or any other authority for distribution.

DM & DEO shall visit subdivisions as per tentative schedule noted

It is felt necessary to review the election preparedness Subdivision wise to assess the concerns/ issues in each Subdivision for conduct of elections. I plan to visit Sub divisional HQ as per the following schedule :
Date & time Venue & ACs to be reviewed
24.03.2009 at 12.00 hrs Kalyani SDO office (91, 92 & 93 ACs)
24.03.2009 at 16.00 hrs SDO office Ranaghat (86, 87, 88, 89 & 90 ACs)
25.03.2009 at 12.00 hrs SDO office Tehatta (77, 78, 79, & 81 ACs)
26.03.2009 at 11.00 hrs Collectorate Chamber ( 80, 82, 83, 84 & 85 ACs)
SDO Kalyani, Ranaghat, Tehatta and OC Election Nadia (only for 26.03.2009) respectively shall issue circulars fort the meeting and shall also make arrangements for the meeting. EROs, BDOs and other officers at subdivision level related to election must be asked to remain present in the meeting with up to date report on the agenda. We may discuss preparedness Assembly Segment wise.
Tentative Agenda are :
  1. Electoral Roll related issues - continuous updating, complaints on electoral rolls and disposal, top sheet correction, Booth level meetings, missing voter identification part wise, preparation of ASD list, auxiliary polling station splitting of rolls, electoral roll auditing, ERO's helpline etc.
  2. EPIC related issues - Preparation and distribution of EPICs, list of non image electors and capturing their images, EPIC register maintenance, management of records at Permanent EPIC centres.
  3. Communication Plan - Mobile shadow zone, if any, BLO/ Contact person, communication officers, hierarchy of information flow, use of email etc.
  4. Sector Management Plan - List of sector officers, co terminus, locations and duties of sector officers.
  5. Polling Personnel - database correction & updating, exemption of political and trade union office bearers proactively, identification of Sponsored Authority Nodal Officer (SANO) and his responsibilities, welfare of PP issues, micro observers, assistant sector officers, booth level assistance booth etc.
  6. Training of polling personnel, EVM master trainers, sector officers, police officers, DCRC personnel, counting personnel etc.
  7. EVM - randomisation, storage, commissioning, awareness etc.
  8. DCRC & Counting centres
  9. Material, forms etc procurement.
  10. Transfers of officers as per ECI directive - release by 31st March 2009.
  11. Model code of conduct - MCC, Video teams, wall defacement, development schemes etc.
  12. Law & Order issues.
  13. Polling station verification and movement plan.
  14. Vulnerability mapping status and critical polling station list.
  15. Postal Ballot & EDC related issues and PBFC.
  16. Misc issues

SDOs and other officers are requested to prepare status report on all the points for presentation in the meeting. They may highlight the issues/ concerns of each AC which they feel for smooth conduct of elections.



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