Friday, February 11, 2011

Salient decisions of meeting with BDOs, SDOs today

  • All Bdos must come into election mode now. Ensure that the election office in block and Subdivision offices are strengthened with the presence of efficient and active staff, email connectivity and system of regular checking of emails by the BDOs personally, all reports through email only.
  • All officers must keep a copy of Sector Officers check list and ROs check list with him, carefully read these in addition to compendium on conduct of elections.
  • Sector personnel to be identified and appointed as such by ROs before 21st February so that their training may be started. Collect images for issuing photo ID cards to all of them during the training. Sub sectors can be formed wherever number of booths in a sector is greater than 10 booths including auxiliary. Sub sector can be manned by LDA rank staff.
  • Update the information on polling stations, auxiliaries, premises, verification of PSLs and follow up on shortcomings in infrastructure on drinking water, sanitation, doors & windows, approach roads and double entry exit out of SSM, NREGA, TSC and other development funds.
  • Distribute all EPICs, destroy defected and old EPICs, plan coverage of non image and non epic electors. Target 100 % status.
  • Follow up on Vulnerability mapping, arrest of wanted, NBW executions, confidence building measures etc. Close liaison with Police is emphasised.
  • Identify teams for MCC, Expenditure monitoring, video squads well before announcement of elections and get them trained.
  • Take preparatory steps for immediate implementation of MCC immediately after press note.
  • Polling personnel database must be refined to filter names who are required to be exempted based on health problems and get them examined at Medical Board well in advance. No need to compel bed ridden employees to appear before the board. Rather, authenticated treatment documents may be examined by Board. Thorough checking of data is also required.
  • All staff and officers under orders of transfers must be released.
  • Continuous updation work to be undertaken at ERO level, not at the block. Update register and pass specific orders.
  • Finalise routes and map of the routes for GIS purpose.

Formal minutes will be issued from election section.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Follow up on the Chief Minister's VC

SDOs please follow up the outcome on VC by Hon'ble CM today :-
  • Caste certificate disposal in Burdwan is one of the best in the state. Appreciation to all associated with the process. However, more number of camps to be organised in minority dominated areas of OBCs and ST/SC for submission of applications on the spot, checking the same and issue of caste certificate in 25 days cycle as explained to SDOs earlier. Each SDO to organise one big programme for distribution of certificates within this month at Subdivision level for cases prepared over two weeks.
  • Pensions are provided to 1.27 lakhs of families in Burdwan district under different departments of State Govt. Efforts are there to release funds upto March 2011. All payments must be made in time immediately on getting the funds. Monitor the filling up vacancies and identification of new cases under widow and disability categoriies.
  • Provident funds schemes for unorganised sector were also discussed with SDOs today. Review with ALCs to cover more prople under SASPFUW, BOCW, Transport Workers schemes and PROFLAL. More camps for enrolment to be organised.
  • Review food related issues and Ration card replacements with SCFS.
  • Forest Rights Patta work is good and complete in Burdwan.

Election meeting with BDOs at 3 pm on 11th February 2011

A meeting to discuss election issues shall be held at 3 pm at BDA conference hall with all BDOs, SDOs on 11th February 2011 after the Zilla Sansad meeting is over. ADM Election to please issue letter and ask OC Election to prepare PPP.

Thanks all for timely submission of Vulnerability Mapping of all Booths

We have received booth wise vulnerability mapping of all polling stations in the district today. We are analysing the reports and certainly expect all ROs to review progress of actions as suggested in earlier circulars.
Names of vulnerable hamlets, name of the persons and specific case details have been furnished all the Police Stations. Thanks to all of them and the ROs.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Useful visit to Ketugram Police Station and areas to assess law and order situation

Senior officers were asked by us to review the preparation of vulnerability mapping of each booth with details of trouble mongers, vulnerable hamlets, preventive actions etc through out the district. ADMs, SDOs and other senior officers interacted with police officers, block officers and general public over last three days and discussed the VM and LOR as per the requirements for peaceful elections.
I visited Ketugram PS area this afternoon. Interaction with IC Ketugram and his team was very useful and helpful to assess the present situation there. It is praiseworthy that effective policing at present could improve the general LOR in this PS area now. Effective policing could be possible in disturbed areas in some parts of Ketugram block I. Trouble mongers have been identified clearly and best possible efforts are on to nab all of them. Initiating steps for proclaimed offenders, attachment of property are some of the welcome steps taken by this PS.
VM prepared is exhaustive and carefully prepared. Intensification of actions on VM is required to be undertaken effectively.
Later, visited Ankhona, Palita and Pandugram GP areas and interacted with people. Poppy destruction in Pandugram areas is taking place under the supervision of Supdt of Excise and SDO Katwa. So far 50 acres could be destroyed in the single day today. There are reports of poppy cultivation in 4000 acres. Operations will continue till it is completely destroyed. Funds of Rs 2.5 lakhs have been sanctioned for the purpose. Interacted with local GPs and reminded them the mandatory provisions of NDPS act where GPs are supposed to inform Excise about poppy cultivation. GPs were advised to place notices on their offices that poppy cultivation is illegal act and GP shall not stand by those cultivating the poppy.
Similar actions at all places in the district have been initiated. All ROs please submit detailed VM by 9th Feb 2011 evening.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Sub: EPIC & Continuous Updation- Reg. Abstract from Circular issued by CEO West Bengal
(1) Regarding last mile EPIC coverage:
Although a good number of EPIC is prepared and distributed on NVD across the state, the task of last mile EPIC coverage still remain incomplete. Large scale EPIC programme in decentralised manner should, therefore, continue. Merging and preparation of EPIC should be continued using the same EPIC database that has been used before NVD. Care should be taken to prepare EPICs free of errors. Also Correction of erroneous EPICs should be given due importance.
(2) Regarding preparation of Supplement-2:
“Roll Data Entry” software will be provided shortly to enter data for Supplement-2 (continuous updation) which would be finalised on the last date of nomination. The Addition list of Supplement-2 will contain photographs of new electors. New electors mean those who appear in the electoral roll for the first time through continuous updation process started after final publication of roll’11. Photographs of existing electors whose photographs are merged after final publication’11 will appear in the “Correction List” of Supplement-2. Existing electors mean those who are already enrolled in the finally published roll’11. After completion of roll data entry in respect of Supplement-2, using “Roll to EPIC” utility software the new electors’ entries will be copied into the existing EPIC database. Then EPIC will be prepared for the new electors from the EPIC database by scanning & merging. The next step is merging of EPIC database with Roll Database using “EPIC to Roll” utility software. Finally, the Supplement-2 PDF will be generated from the Roll Database. The “Roll to EPIC” and “EPIC to Roll” utility software will be provided in due course. (3) No Section wise sorting in the List of Addition of Supplement-2:
One very important point in connection with Supplement -2 is that the electors in the addition list will not be sorted Section wise. Since serial numbers of the electors are to be communicated to them immediately after disposal (for accepted cases), the serial nos. of the electors could not be changed later and that is why Section wise sorting is not possible in Continuous updation (Chapter VIII, Para 21 of Handbook of EROs,2008). It may be noted that Roll Data Entry Software used in summary revision has the feature of sorting electors Section-wise. Now the Software is being modified so that electors are not sorted Section wise and Serial Numbers are not changed during data entry. (4) Communication of the result of disposal under Continuous Upadtion Process :
In every case where applications under Section 22 & 23 are allowed, that fact should be communicated to the applicant. In this regard, instructions contained in Chapter VIII, Para 34 of Handbook of EROs, 2008 should be followed strictly. (5 No suo-motu deletion except confirmed death case:
Provisions of Suo-motu deletion should not be resorted to during the current phase of continuous updation except in confirmed death cases, that too with documentary evidence (Chapter VIII, Para 30 of Handbook of EROs,2008). (6) Control Table Correction:
For the purpose of top sheet information corrections, software will be provided soon so that district can make such corrections at their end. The Supplement -2 that would be finalised on the last date of making nomination will have the corrected top sheet. (7) Web reporting:
The progress of Continuous updation and EPIC preparation and distribution should be furnished through web reporting system on weekly basis (every Friday) without fail.
I had VC with ROs today. As discussed, please prepare EPIC photography and image collection programme to cover 100 % electors.



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