Saturday, March 07, 2009

EROs must analyse the part wise reports of shifted electors without family, EPIC coverage etc

I have received part wise numbers of electors from all EROs as per reports of BLOs. Analysis of reports in excel sheet indicates that the figures needs to be verified personally by EROs. Some of the possible defects, in my opinion, are noted below for guidance :-
  • A large number of parts the reported number of shifted electors with family linkage and also the number of electors without family linkage is NIL/ ZERO. Nil report for shifted elector without family linkage may be logically acceptable as names of such electors might have been deleted during the revision process in the present effective mechanism of BLOs. But it is next to impossible to have NIL figures of shifted electors with family linkage in majority of parts. In that case, it can be presumed that either there is no BLO functioning in the parts reporting NIL figures or the BLO appointed could not perform his/ her job properly. It is also possible that the figures have not been reported correctly from the end of AEROs/ EROs. The possibility of under reporting is also not ruled out.
  • Booth level meetings were organised on 23rd Feb 2009, and again on 1st March 2009 where 23rd Feb meetings were not held. There are reports that in a few cases these meetings were not at all held or poorly attended by BLAs.
  • BLOs might have not reported missing electors where no list from BLAs is submitted in booth level meetings or could not report any figure due to difference of opinion.

To test check the above presumption, we contacted some BLOs over mobile randomly and collected their feedback. One out of 10 reported that figures collected by him were not reported in BDO's report. Others simply confessed that they could not prepare any report, that means no missing elector survey conducted. Some of them even reported that they have been assigned other duties by local administration that's why the could not do any survey.

Above scenario needs to be improved by all EROs, SDOs and BDOs. Each ERO must personally hold meeting with Sector Officers/ AEROs, do data analysis of part wise reports and try to find out whether the report is exhaustive and complete. Under reporting of missing electors figure may create problems in correct vulnerability mapping.

Appoint BLOs in each part at once (two parts if not available) and ask them to complete the task in time. We may organise booth level meetings in the middle of March 2009, involving BLAs.

EROs must also analyse the part wise data on Non EPIC electors, non image electors, photography conducted, EPIC prepared & distributed and EPIC distribution etc.

The matter needs personal attention of EROs/ BDOs.

Model Code of Conduct monitoring teams must act promptly

As per direction 17 MCC teams are functioning in all ACs of the district. So far 37 cases for wall writing by political parties have been detected by the teams. Notices issued must be served on the same day with copy to local police stations. Take photograph/ videography at the time of visit and also after compliance by the political parties and keep record. Act promptly to lodge FIR if no permission of private building owner is submitted within 3 days of issue of notice or the wall writing/ defacement is removed by political party at their own cost.
Teams must make frequent visits.
Standing Committees at Assembly Segment level must hold meetings immediately, if not already held. Discuss EPIC programme, continuous updation of electoral rolls, MCC etc and send copies of resolutions to us.

NREGA review meeting on 26th February 2009 - Action plan must to achieve targets

As per the Divisional Level Meeting on 4th March, 2009 following point have been chalked out which should be given due priority. A) Model Code of conduct with regard to NREGA
There is as such no bar regarding implementation of NREGA is concerned provided (i) schemes have already been included in the approved annual action plan (ii) prior demand has been made by the job workers i.e. it must be demand driven and (iii) preferably avoid individual schemes if not started prior to notification of election. However, Horticulture schemes related to flower, fruit trees, nursery etc can be taken up provided the scheme is approved in annual action plan and demand is recorded. Action Point :- i) Special Meeting to be convened at SDO level with line departments viz. Irrigation & waterways, Agri. -Tech., Agri.-Irrigation, Fisheries, Forest along with BDOs, Savapati with a request to submit their proposal for schemes (out of AAP) to be implemented as per provision of NREGA (Action – SDO). ii) Identification of as many schemes, as feasible followed by preparation of estimate, vetting and modification for incorporation of such schemes in the AAP as per provision of NREGA (Action –SDO, BDO & official of line department). iii) Identification of PIA. Whether GP/PS/Department it self will be the PIA that has to be chalked out Programme Officer will act accordingly (schemes that requires greater technical expertise should be executed by PS/Department if self). With regards to convergence of schemes proposed by Line Departments a report may be furnished as follows:- Name of the Deptt. Nature of schemes If the schemes is within the AAP of PIA Approximate value of schemes Man days to be generated Expected date of initiation Identification of PIA (Gram Panchayat/PS / ZP/ Line Depts. With regard to social forestry and schemes of Horticulture and Flori culture a meeting was held at district level with department of forest, CADC, Department of Agriculture, Horticulture and Flori culture for identification and implementation of schemes as per provision of NREGA.
Now at SDO/ BDO level Æ Assess the requirement of saplings at least (@ 10 per SHG, 10 per primary, 10 per secondary, 10 per MSK) and calculate number of species required (coconut, mango, guava, papaya, banana, marigold, tuberose, shed bearing trees like Arjun, Teak, Neem, Babul etc.) Æ Give target to CADC, Seed farm, forest department, agriculture department, nursery run by SHG Æ Inform them to submit their schemes as per NREGA guideline Æ The department itself should be PIA for that purpose. SDOs are requested to ensure submission of the detailed plan of action block wise to this end by 12th March, 2009 as was concluded in the meeting with BDOs, Line Depts. and Panchayat functionaries at their end. iv) With regards to individual benefit schemes:- Æ Identification of SHGs (1st gradation passed). Æ Members of such SHGs who belong to SC, ST, ST, BPL, IAY and land reforms beneficiaries. Æ Training of members interested in schemes like tissue culture, banana and papaya cultivation, marigold and tuberose cultivation by the officials of National Horticulture Mission posted at different blocks (BDO should collect the list of such from District Horticulture Mission, along with their contact numbers) Æ SHGs itself will be the PIA. Though execution should be done by the members herself who has to be job card holders, other job card holders however, also entitled to work. Æ Schemes of such will be implemented as per model estimate prepared by the District. v) MIS uploading:- Æ To verify whether all VLEs as provided by CSC has reported at block headquarter along with their gadgets. It so, start data entry work of pending Muster Rolls and Register immediately in order to complete by 10th March, 2009 positively repeat 10th March, 2009. BDOs should assess pending number of muster rolls that need to be entered. DNO should reconcile the number of Muster Rolls entered in blocks and number of muster rolls updated in the website. Point out if there is any discrepancy and reason thereof. vi) Mode of institutional payment:- Æ Gram Panchayat should hand over fund to bank/post office on fixed date of each week. Æ Post office / bank on the other hand will make payment to labour on a fixed date of each month. Æ BDOs should inform Gram Panchayat and post offices fixing such date as suitable. Æ Proactive disclosure should be made accordingly so that the labours know that of payment. vii) Release of fund:- Ø Gram Panchayat will place demand to BDOs in proper format. Ø BDOs will check, verify and forward it to DNO mentioning the schemes number as per Annual Action Plan vetted amount. Ø BDOs should ensure submission of previous utilization certificate with respect to the fund claim to avoid accumulation of huge fund at Gram Panchayat level. Ø Within demand of PIAs fund to be released within 7 days if not specific reason has to be given. viii) PMGSY dovetailing:- Æ District PMGSY cell at Zilla Parishad will provide the road network to be implemented showing the map in details block wise. Æ Block on receipt of the same will engage their SAEs to prepare the schemes as per guideline of NREGA regarding construction of roads and will take the assistance of the district in case where intervention of the district is necessary. Æ Will include in the Annual Action Plan of Panchayat Samity and will execute the same as PIA. ix) Area of concern:- Æ District lagging behind with regard to BPL family being engaged. § Check the reporting system at block level. § Reconcile the BPL family amongst job card holders as per data base already provided to block and update it § Provide employment as many possible to specially ST families, SAHAY beneficiaries, women headed families, destitute families scoring P-2 = 1 Ø With regard to women employment which is only 8.94% in the district. § Chalk out schemes as many possible through SHGs where SHGs itself can be PIA. § SHGs members belonging to SC/ST/IAY/Beneficiaries should be given employment by convergence of various schemes catering their demand as per provision of NREGA. x) General Instruction:- Æ As per provision of Act POs will be personally liable for implementation of schemes, for non payment if asked for job and not provided and not paid within the stipulated statutory time POs should assess as many schemes as feasible so that such problem don’t crop up. BDOs, Jt. BDOs and APOs along with other extension officers must ensure 100% verification of muster rolls and visit of schemes. A register to be maintained at Gram Panchayat/PIA where the person visited along with his designation, name of schemes visited, whether muster rolls and other registers verified and general findings has to be written. Æ Monitoring Officers should visit schemes collect data regarding implementation of schemes identify schemes that can be taken with special emphasis to convergence of schemes with line department schemes implemented though SHGs to enhance the percentage of BPL families provided with employment and coverage of women to a substantial extent. Monitoring Officers must submit a detailed report of such to the district which will be examined at the state level regarding quality of report and number of inspection made. Æ Updating of proactive disclosure and wide publicity must be ensured

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Loksabha election 2009 - All political party meeting and training of Police Officers at Nadia Collectorate Conference hall on 5th March 2009

All party meeting to explain provisions of Model Code of Conduct (MCC) and issues related to conduct of elections in Nadia district is scheduled to be held at 12 noon at Nadia Collectorate Conference hall. In addition to all recognised political parties, SP Nadia, SDOs & AROs and ADMs shall also attend the meeting.
After this meeting press briefing may be done by DM & DEO Nadia at 2 pm.
Police officers upto the rank of Officer in Charges of Police Stations have been called for two hours mandatory training on MCC and Conduct of Election issues by DM & DEO Nadia from 3 pm onwards. EVM orientation to all of them attending the meeting shall be organised.
Meanwhile, review of MCC and Conduct preparedness shall be done with SDOs & AROs after the meetings.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Extract for Model Code of Conduct

Set up a daily monitoring arrangements for MCC violations for each AC and ensuredaily reporting to CEO and the Observers in prescribed format - Teams comprising ofpolice and civil officer and videographer for each AC - Remedial measures to be taken(ECI No. 464/G.J.-LA/2007 dt. 6.10.2007)5716.5
Video all major meetings, speeches; Video to be watched very evening and report givento the Observer (ECI instruction 447/2007-PLN IV dt. 17.01.2007)16.6 Political Parties & star campaigners; names to come within 7 days of notification -their movements and expenses to be closely monitored - cases when it will beapportioned to candidate(s)16.7 Helicopter landings to be monitored; parties to give information in advance.
DO's & DONT's - (ECI No. 464/INST./2007-PLN-I dt. 07-01-07)(i)Announcements of new projects etc. concessions /financial grants, promisesthereof, laying of foundation stones etc., are prohibited.(ii) Commissioning of completed schemes without associating political functionariesand without ceremonies permitted.(iii) No fresh sanction of scheme- no fresh release of funds on welfares schemes.(iv) No bar on release of payments for completed works if it is under norms.(v) Relief to people - Prior approval of ECI be taken.(vi) Ban on transfers of all Officers / Official connected with conduct of election.(vii) No appointment / promotion without prior approval of ECI.
16.9 References to Politicians/Ministers on official website- (ECI No. 437/6/2007/Inst./ PLNIII dt. 21-11-07)(i)References to Ministers, politicians or Political Parties on Govt. official website,shall be taken off / purged off.
16.10 Restrictions on presence of political functionaries who is not voter, in theconstituency, when campaign period is over [ECI No. 464/INST/2007/PLN-I dt.8.1.2007 and 27.2.2007] –(i)Office bearer of political party, who is in charge of the state, shall declare hisplace of stay in the State HQ and his movement shall remain confined normallybetween this party office and place of stay.(ii) Premises like community halls etc., be checked to find out outsiders.(iii) Check posts in the constituency border for vehicular movement.(iv) Verify the identity of people/group of people - whether they are voters.
16.11 Regulation of plying of vehicles during campaign period [ECI's No. 437/6/96-PLN-IIIdt. 16.01.1996, No. 464/INST/2007 PLN-I dt. 9.2.07, No. 437/6/97 PLN-III dt. 18.3.97, No.437/6/2007 PLN-III (Vol. III) dt. 16.3.2007; No. 437/6/2006 - PLN-III dt. 12-11-2007 and dt.23.11.2007] -(i)Strict action against vehicles plying in contravention of provisions of MV Act(ii)Close watch on vehicles for any possible mischief or criminal activities carrying ofillegal arms, illicit liquor, and anti-social elements - Such vehicles not to berelease till elections – Penal actions under relevant law also be taken.(iii)Vehicles for campaign purpose may ply only with prior approval of RO - Originalpermits bearing number of vehicle and name of candidate be displayedpremonitory on wind screen of vehicles - Details to be given to ExpenditureObserver(iv)Vehicle not registered for campaigning if found being used for campaigning shallbe deemed to be unauthorized campaigning for the candidate - Action for suchactivity be taken u/s 171H of IPC also.(v)During filing of nominations upto 3 vehicles be allowed to come within theperiphery of 100 meters of RO/ARO office - Expenditure will be included inaccount.(vi)In case visits by party leader as covered U/S 77 (1) (a) the permits of vehicles forroad journey be issued centrally by CEO in different color - expenditure to beproportionally distributed (ECI No. 437/6/2007Vol.IV/PLN-III dated 16-10-2007 and No.437/6/INST/2008-CC&BE dt. 31.10.2008)(vii) Convoys of more than 3 vehicles (excluding security vehicles in view of securitygradation of PP) not to be allowed from the date of notification till completion ofelection - Bigger convoys be broken up keeping a minimum distance of 200meters(viii) Now there is no restriction on number of vehicles in a convey on the road duringthe period of election campaign by "leaders" as covered u/s 77(1) [ECI's No.437/6/ INST/2008-CC&BE dt. 31.10.2008](ix) Bicycle, Two wheelers or cycle rikshaw is also a vehicle u/s 160 of RP Act 1991.
(x)Only one flag/banner/poster/placard be allowed on one vehicle duringprocession.
16.12 Use of videography and digital camera during elections process - (ECI No. 447/2007/PLN IV dt. 17.1.2007 and dt. 12.10.2007 and No. 4/2008/SDR dt. 15.12.2008)(i)R.O to make arrangement of videography of critical events during electioncampaign day of poll, counting etc..(ii)Video teams under supervision of Senior Officers - The private videographers tobe properly sensitized and be easily identified.(iii)Critical events only which are likely to vitiate the poll, to be video taped - Viz -Meetings, violent incidents, booth capturing, intimidation of voter, inducement/bribery of voters, canvassing within 100 meters of PS, vulgar display ofexpenditure, cutout/hoardings, movement/activities of candidates with criminalsrecords, critical PS, nominations/ scrutiny/withdrawal etc, preparation of EVMs,closure and opening of strong rooms, counting process etc.(iv)Video films to be viewed by R.O. immediately - corrective actions by R.O - Incases of serious infringement copy of video tape accompanied by a brief note byR.O., be sent to ECI / observers.(v)Unedited videographic clippings/ cassettes/ CD's will be handed over toObservers on the same evening or latest by morning of next day - Certificate to bealso furnished.(vi)CDs of all critical events should be made available on reasonable cost to everyonewhoever intends to obtain a copy of the same.
16.13 Video/digital photography of proceedings inside the PS (ECI's No. 447/2007/PLN-IVdt. 17.1.07) -(i)In particular cases, as directed by ECI, photography of voters in identifiedarea/AC/PSs.(ii) Faces of all electors, should be in same sequence as in Form 17-A - Special careabout faces of voters not having EPIC or ECI approved photo-I cards.60(iii)Critical events in and around the PS also to be captured - viz - mock poll andsealing of EVM, positioning of voting compartment, presence of polling agents,last voter in queue at the close of poll - visits of SO, etc.,.(iv) Digital camera be issued by DEO to trained officers, - After poll such officer willgive a certificate.(v) Separate counter for depositing camera/ CD/ DVD/ cassettes and the certificate.(vi) Downloading of data be arranged - Video cassettes to be treated as part ofelection record.(vii) Training be imparted to such officer also.(viii) Video cassettes / CD/ DVDs duly indexed will be kept in the custody of DEO asother election records.(ix) Locking seals of cassettes will be kept intact.(x) Inspection and certified copy of print of video cassette - as per direction of ECIand on payment fixed by ECI.
16.14 Prevention of defacement of property (ECI's No. 3/7/2008/JS II dt. 07.10.2008 and10.11.2008) -(i)Defacement of Public Places —(a)No defacement in any form (wall writing, banners, posters, flags, hoardingsetc.,) be permitted on Government premises.(b)Writing of slogans displaying of posters etc, erecting cutouts, hoardings,banners, advertisement only in any public place specifically identifiedfor such purposes be allowed strictly as per local laws - Equal opportunityto candidates/political parties.(c)If specifically earmarked places are already let out to any agency, the DEOthrough municipal authorities should ensure equitable opportunity tocandidates/political parties.(ii) Defacement of Private Places —(a)Not to be permitted on private places, if the local law do not permit evenwith consent of the owner.(b)Where local law has express provisions permitting wall writings, posters,banners, hoarding etc on private premises the written permission of the61owner is must - Photocopies of the same shall be submitted by thecandidate with a statement in prescribed format, to the RO within 3 days -Expenditure to be accounted for. However, expenditure incurred on partycampaign without indicating any candidate shall not be added tocandidate's expenditure.(c)In areas where there is no law on defacement of private property, temporaryand easily removable campaign material like flags and banners would bepermitted with written permission of the owner. Copy of the same is to besubmitted to the RO.(iii)Other issues —(a)In case of violation of legal provisions relating to prevention of defacement ofproperty penal action to be taken.(b)Displaying of flags and stickers on private vehicles - If it aims to solicit votefor a candidate, then provision of S. 171-H IPC would be attracted.(c)No poster/flag/campaign material be displayed on commercial vehicles,except in case of vehicles permitted for electioneering (Action u/s 171-H ofIPC).(d)External modification / fittings including loudspeakers, in contravention ofM.V. Act, not to be allowed on vehicles.(e)Educational institutions (including grounds) not to be used forcampaigning/rallies.
16.15 Tours of Ministers (ECI's No. 437/6/96 PLN.III dt. 17.1.1996; No. 437/6/99 PLN-III dt.15.7.1999; No. 464/INST/2007 - PLN-I dt. 7.1.2007 and No. 437/6/2007/ PLN-III dt. 23.11.2007)-(i)Official visits and political activities/electioneering not to be combined.(ii) Tours of Union Ministers - They may visit on purely official business after letter ofcertification by Secretary of department/ ministry - Govt. vehicles,accommodation and due courtesies be given for such official trip.(iii) Tours of Ministers of State Government -1. No Minister shall undertake an official visit.2. Election related officers not to be summoned by Minister.623. Only exception is Minister in charge or CM in case of failure of law and orderand occurrence of natural calamity4. Minister entitled for official vehicles at HQ from their residence to offices forofficial work only and not for any political activity.5. During electioneering visit, no pilot cars or car with beacon lights or car affixedwith sirens be used, even if the minister has been granted security cover -Official staff of Minister not to accompany with minister during electioneering.
16.16 Accommodation in Government Guest Houses etc., (ECI No. 437/6/2006-PLN-III (Vol.II)dt. 1.4.2006) -(i)Accommodations in the Guest Houses / Rest Rouses of Govt. or PSUs can begiven to political functionaries who are provided security cover in Z scale orabove, on equitable basis.(ii) No political activities while staying in such guest houses etc.,.
16.17 Misuse of official vehicles (ECI No. 437/4/96-PLN-III dt. 15.1.96, No. 437/6/96-PLN-III dt.9.4.1996, No. 437/6/97 PLN-III dt. 18.3.97 and No. 464/INST/2007 - PLN-I dt. 7.1.07 and No.437/6/2008/CC&BE dt. 19.10.2008) -(i)Total restrictions on the use of vehicles such as helicopters, aircraft (except PM),cars, jeeps, etc.(ii)Use of official vehicles by Ministers, even on payment for electioneering purposesincluding by adopting the official work has been totally prohibited. The onlyexception will be the Prime Minister and other political personalities who requiresecurity of high order. In respect of persons covered by security, the use of Stateowned one bullet proof vehicle will be permitted if security agencies haveprescribed such use.(iii)Official vehicle means vehicles belonging to Central Govt., State Govt., Public /Joint Sector under takings of Central or State Govt., Local bodies, PRIs and anyother body in which any public funds are invested.(iv)Functionaries of autonomous organisations may use the official vehicle only forcommuting between office and residence and to attend any official meeting withinHead Quarters itself (ECI No. 437/6/2008/CC&BE dt. 19.10.2008)63(v)Close watch by district administration.(vi)Vehicles found being misused, may be confiscated forthwith.
16.18 Security covers to Ministers and political personalities (ECI No. 437/6/96- PLN-III dt.9.4.96; No. 437/6/98 PLN-III dt. 18.8.99; No. 4/2001/JS II dt. 30.3.2001 and No. 437/6/2007 PLN-IIIdt. 24.10.2007) -(i)Security covers as per threat perception assessed by Govt. agencies.(ii)Absolute ban on the use of State owned aircraft or helicopters propelled at Statecost or hired at State cost for any reason including security (except P.M.).(iii)State owned one bulletproof vehicle be permitted where the security agencieshave prescribed such use. Stand-by vehicle not to be permitted unless sospecifically prescribed by security authorities.(iv)Propulsion charges of bulletproof vehicle will be borne by the Government andnot by the PP.(v)Carcade will be strictly in accordance with security norms. Propulsion charges ofsuch security vehicles and cost of man power will be met by State Govt.(vi)Political functionaries of other states (other than Z+ and SPG protects for whomapproved guidelines exist) will not be permitted with private security vehicles orsecurity guards - They will be permitted to come with their PSOs as per X, Y andZ category entitlement. (ECI's No. 464/RJ-LA/2008 dt. 20.11.2008)
16.19 Conduct of Government Servants (ECI No. 62/84 dt. 6.11.84 and Sec 129, 134 and 134A ofRP Act 1951 and Civil Services (Conduct) Rules) -(i)No Government servant can take part in political activities - He can not act aselection agent, polling agent, counting agent.(ii) He should not be present in public meeting during election campaign. Exception -those officers engaged in law & order and security arrangements.
16.20 Liquor - Restrictions on Sale etc., (Sec. 135-C of RP Act 1951 & ECI No. 464/L&O/2007PLN-I dt. 7.1.2007) -(i)Liquor not to be sold, given or distributed on polling day and period of 48 hoursending with close of poll - Dry day shall be declared.64
16.21 Use of loud speakers (ECI No. 3/8/2000/JS II dt. 26.12.2000 and No. 3/8/2005/JS-II dt.26.9.2005) -(i)Loudspeakers on vehicles or for meetings can be used between 6.00 AM and 10.00 PMonly.(ii)Permission is must for use of loudspeakers.(iii)In the case of loudspeaker on vehicles, permit issued by Govt. authority, shall indicateregistration Number / identification Number of vehicle.(iv)Vehicles used without written permission is liable to be confiscated with all equipment.(v)Expenditure to be accounted for.
16.22 Public meeting / processions -(i)A register for permissions granted for meetings etc.,.(ii) "First come first" principle be followed strictly.(iii) Permission - Subject to local laws / prohibitory orders.(iv) No public meeting / processing after campaign period is over.
16.23 Advertisement of political nature on Radio, TV Channel and cable networks (ECINo. 509/75/2004 JS-I (Vol. II) dt. 15.4.2004; 26.9.2007; 2.11.2007; dt. 08.11.2007 and dt.21.11.2008) -(i)Directions of Hon'ble Supreme Court are applicable at all times and not restrictedonly during the period of electioneering.(ii) Advertisement of political nature are to be got certified by theCommittee/Designated Officer at different level.(iii) 'Advertisement' includes programme also which intends to use campaignmaterial.(iv) Application for such certification should contain all required details and inprescribed format and with two copies of proposed advertisement in electronicform along with transcript.(v) Register of application and applications be serially numbered.(vi) Certificate to be given in prescribed format.(vii) Necessary equipments for previewing and scrutiny.65(viii) Returning Officers of parliamentary constituency have been declared asDesignated Officer, who will deal with applications for certification of anadvertisement on cable network or TV Channel by an individual contestingcandidate.(ix)Broad casting of commercial advertisement of political nature on Radio Channels(including private FM Channels) during the period MCC is in operation - Prebroad casting scrutiny and certification by the committee setup in the office ofCEO - Above instructions of ECI shall apply to advertisements on Radio also(ECI's No. 509/75/2004/JS-I/Vol.II/RCC dt. 21.11.2008).
16.24 Temporary offices of candidates during electioneering (ECI No. 437/6/2007/INST/PLN-III dt. 12.11.2007) -(i)No such offices will be opened by way of encroachment or in campus of areligious place or contiguous to a educational institution / hospital or within 200mtrs of PS.(ii) Only one flag and one banner (4 × 8 ft.) allowed.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Election circulars online - Check daily

A webpage on has been opened to upload all election related circulars on daily basis. All officers, SDOs, BDOs may download the copies in pdf format.
Training of police officers regarding election matters shall be organised on 5th March 2009 at 3 pm. SDOs must also attend.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Mobile shadow zone

Meeting by DMs with SP & Mobile Service Providers: Report by 5.3.09 I'd requested in my no. 47 dt 20.2.2009 to hold a meeting with mobile service providers & SP to identify mobile shadow zones. As directed by the ECI, a report on this must reach us by 5.3.09. (Recall that I'll be having BDO/SDO/DM VC the day before, on 4.3.09) I myself held a state-level meeting here in Kolkata on 28.2.09; I give below a few points for DMs:- (i) In some cases, BSNL / Mobile Service Providers cannot commission towers due to lack of power, GP Permission, Municipal Permission or Land Permission. Tea Garden areas are also some problems. DM may intervene keeping such towers in view that will be commissioned before the General Elections. (ii) Theft and interference with running/ projects are a problem. Till the elections, OCs of Police Stations should be sensitised to help them whenever requested. (iii) I was told that some service providers may not have senior technical executives at the district level. As such, DMs may hold the meetings with the nominated local representative of the service providers. -CEO

CEO's VC through ROT at 12 noon on 4th March 2009.

ROT/SIT Video Conference with BDOs, SDOs, DMs etc on 4.3.2009 at 12 noon I will hold a Video Conference with all BDOs, SDOs, DMs and other election related officers on 4.3.2009 at 12 noon. The Video Conference will be telecast by Roopkala Kendra in Salt Lake. All operators of ROT/SIT/Lok Sanchar may be alerted to keep the equipment ready. SDOs may attend the nearest ROT/SIT centre as convenient. Agenda notes follow. -CEO The Agenda would be: 1. 100% Coverage of EPIC2. Missing Voters3. Communication Network4. Distribution of EPIC5. Continuous Updation6. Polling Personnel7. Aux Polling Stations8. EVM Awareness9. IT10. Misc-CEO 28 February, 2009 SDOs and BDOs must attend at BDO offices. Reports on agenda must come to District Election Office in time. I held meeting with SDOs, BDOs, ADMs, District level officials regarding election preparedness on 26th February 2009, minutes already emailed. Meetings with Police may be held by 4th March 2009. All officers must check blog daily for updates.



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