Wednesday, June 03, 2009

SDOs must hold meeting with Executing Agencies to collect UC of development schemes

We need to take steps to improve utilisation of BADP, MPLADS, BEUP and TwFC/ SFC grants. SDOs must hold review meeting with Executing Agencies in presence of MLAs and block level functionaries. Please recall the post at Actions as suggested therein must be taken up.

NREGA - follow up on decisions in Feb 2009 is requested

Please recall earlier post on NREGA at
wherein action plan was circulated to all blocks. Actions must be taken immediately on the decisions communicated therein.
Dr M N Roy Principal Secretary PRD shall hold review meeting on 6th June 2009. Poor performing blocks like Ranaghat-I, Krishnagar-I, Krishnaganj, Chakdah, Santipur, Hanskhali, Nabadwip must come prepared with plan of action as to how they are going to improve their performance.

Citizen centric services - periodic review is must

Citizen centric services available with General administration needs to be reviewed by SDOs and BDOs periodically with the objective of improving transparency, speed cutting procedural delays, and simplification of procedures which are public/ user friendly. Important services which needs personal attention are :-
  1. Caste certificate for ST, SC, OBC. Efforts should be to dispose off all pending applications by the end of current quarter, by way of special hearing days at Blocks in presence of Deputy Magistrate. All fresh cases must be processed in such a way that the certificate is issued within eight weeks. List out all cases GP wise and place on GP notice boards giving the wide publicity for date & time of hearing. Action plan on the strategy must be prepared and acted upon immediately. There should not be delays in processing of applications where link certificate is produced and established. SDOs may hold meeting with staff/ officers dealing with such cases and explain them adequately.
  2. Mutation of land property and conversion of land property. New simplified procedure related circular on mutation has been issued by Govt. SDOs may do wide publicity on new procedure through BLLROs. Periodic review by SDOs with BLLRO/ SDLLRO may be done. Conversion cases lying with SDLLRO must also be monitored. Do write the procedure on walls of GPs/ RI. District office is issuing guidelines and publicity material shortly.
  3. Social Security Pensions. Additional beneficiaries under IGNOAPS, social welfare department pensions, new pension scheme for disabled and widow in the age group of 18-64 and 40-64 respectively are required to be selected. We are in a position to cover more than two lakhs families under these social security schemes with monthly pension of RS 400 pm to 750 pm. BDOs/ SDOs must pay personal attention so that the beneficiaries are selected quickly with the help of PRIs. Names can be forwarded in phases also. Regular monitoring and meeting with GPs is desirable.
  4. Food security schemes. PDS monitoring, AAY, AY and new selection of beneficiaries out of BPL list can also be taken up.
  5. IAY funds have been released to the GPs. Please expedite disbursement.



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