Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Policy on land for Govt projects

During review of projects in Development Monitoring Committees,  several issues of land transfer or vested land allotments have come up for decision making.  After careful examination of existing Govt orders and circulars from Land Reforms Department and Finance Department of GoWB following policy to be followed :-
  1. On submission of request letter from concerned executing agency or the fund sanctioning authority for permission to use Govt lands, local bdos/ sdos will get the land schedule verified by BLLRO to ascertain plot information,  area,  RoR and information whether land is free from encumbrances.  Mouja Map of land and RoR be submitted to Sdo or District Authority. Please send all cases where projects sanctioned/ announced by State Govt by 10th March 2013
  2. In case of vested lands recorded in favour of Collector tender formalities can be initiated on getting favourable reports on para1 and consent of Collector.  Concerned department head at district level or Secy of the department should apply for the land transfer to DLLRO. DLLRO will send proposal for land transfer with reports as in para1 and valuation report to LRC through Collector.  Meanwhile,  actual works can be taken up by executing agency as soon as possession order is issued by LRC.
  3. In case of Govt lands other than vested, NOC of district officer of land owning department must be obtained by Sdo or District Authority and then formal request letter for relinquishment be sent to Secy of land owning department by DM office in case of projects being taken up by Sdos, Bdos and DM office. In case of Engineering department and other line department the letter be sent by their directorate or district officer.  On getting order of relinquishment from administrative department owning the land, copy be sent to DLLRO for correction of records in favour of Collector and thereafter procedure as followed in para2 for vested land to be adopted.
  4. The lands for schools,  hostels, kisan mandi, bazar, haats, colleges, ITI, Polytechnic and similar buildings and roads, water supply, bridges etc to be transferred in the same manner as per para2 or 3 as applicable.
  5. In case of lands belonging to private raiyats, organisations and society etc gift deeds or sale deeds can be executed in favour of concerned department and records be corrected. However,  higher education department advised that all lands donated for Colleges be done in favour of Collector and thereafter long term settlement to be done by Collector in favour of College.
  6. In case of autonomous institution like University,  registered society,  cooperative society and statutory authority under State, lands to be settled by way of Long Term settlement and not the inter departmental transfer.
  7. All Sdos and Bdos please review all pending cases due to land matters and get the reports as per para1 submitted to district authority. All announced projects must be grounded by 15th March positively.  No excuse on land matters will be considered.
This may be discussed in DDMC at all levels.

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