Saturday, March 07, 2009

EROs must analyse the part wise reports of shifted electors without family, EPIC coverage etc

I have received part wise numbers of electors from all EROs as per reports of BLOs. Analysis of reports in excel sheet indicates that the figures needs to be verified personally by EROs. Some of the possible defects, in my opinion, are noted below for guidance :-
  • A large number of parts the reported number of shifted electors with family linkage and also the number of electors without family linkage is NIL/ ZERO. Nil report for shifted elector without family linkage may be logically acceptable as names of such electors might have been deleted during the revision process in the present effective mechanism of BLOs. But it is next to impossible to have NIL figures of shifted electors with family linkage in majority of parts. In that case, it can be presumed that either there is no BLO functioning in the parts reporting NIL figures or the BLO appointed could not perform his/ her job properly. It is also possible that the figures have not been reported correctly from the end of AEROs/ EROs. The possibility of under reporting is also not ruled out.
  • Booth level meetings were organised on 23rd Feb 2009, and again on 1st March 2009 where 23rd Feb meetings were not held. There are reports that in a few cases these meetings were not at all held or poorly attended by BLAs.
  • BLOs might have not reported missing electors where no list from BLAs is submitted in booth level meetings or could not report any figure due to difference of opinion.

To test check the above presumption, we contacted some BLOs over mobile randomly and collected their feedback. One out of 10 reported that figures collected by him were not reported in BDO's report. Others simply confessed that they could not prepare any report, that means no missing elector survey conducted. Some of them even reported that they have been assigned other duties by local administration that's why the could not do any survey.

Above scenario needs to be improved by all EROs, SDOs and BDOs. Each ERO must personally hold meeting with Sector Officers/ AEROs, do data analysis of part wise reports and try to find out whether the report is exhaustive and complete. Under reporting of missing electors figure may create problems in correct vulnerability mapping.

Appoint BLOs in each part at once (two parts if not available) and ask them to complete the task in time. We may organise booth level meetings in the middle of March 2009, involving BLAs.

EROs must also analyse the part wise data on Non EPIC electors, non image electors, photography conducted, EPIC prepared & distributed and EPIC distribution etc.

The matter needs personal attention of EROs/ BDOs.

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