Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Appeal for Environment friendly Puja Celebrations - local bodies to place dustbins at immersion ghats

Durga Puja celebrations have started today. All preparations for Pandels, permissions and purchases completed by now. We hope all community Puja Committees have obtained permission and license for Pujas.
Do you know that one of the conditions make it mandatory to segregate organic materials like flowers, offerings, clothes etc from the idols at the time of immersion and put these in dustbins/ bins at the immersion ghats so that the ecosystem of water bodies is not polluted? Have you noticed that local municipal authorities/ corporations or PRIs don't make adequate arrangements at the immersion ghats sometimes, though they collect conservancy & sanitation charges from organisers? Then how can the Puja organisers comply the conditions of license?
We have asked all local bodies, urban and rural through SDOs to see that these arrangements are done. SDOs will personally meet the Chairman/ Mayors, ensuring that large size bins are put in place at prominent locations with helping hand to facilitate the process. All organisers please see that your local body makes arrangements. Save water bodies.
We have also requested them to make proper illumination, road, water and medical arrangements at the immersion ghats. Any reports of violations may be brought to the notice of local SDO/ BDO.

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