Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Panagarh National Highway - Attempts to resolve the issues

National Highway2 stretch of 3.2 kms at Panagarh Bazar has been in bad shape for last few years due to inadequate maintenance by the NHAI and has now become most difficult problem which all of us are facing.

The NH from Kolkata to Panagarh is entrusted to Agency and from Darjeeling more to Barakar to NHAI Project Office for O&M respinsiblity, leaving 3.2 kms stretch of Panagarh Bazar not assigned and no budget provisions. District authority managed to get the administrative sanction to include this stretch under O&M of NHAI last year.

On repeated persuasion NHAI sanctioned Rs 273 lakhs for repair of the road for which work orders already issued. This fund is not enough and the road so maintained can not be sustained more than one year. The works of strengthening, widening and bridge adjacent to present bridge are not sanctioned. NHAI local authorities needs Rs 6.5+ crores for the this road to sustain maintenance for at least three years.

Today, held meeting with PWD Roads and NHAI Project Director to discuss the ways of resolving the issues locally with the assistance of other agencies in the area. Some concrete suggestions including fund source and decisions have been discussed wherein gap funding may be provided to NHAI authorities to ensure thorough road strengthening, additional bridge, widening and traffic signalling immediately after Pujas. Gap funding has been offered  so as to achieve the desired maintenance. NHAI seems agreed to the proposal which is now being sent to the State for concurrence.
 Let's hope, situation will improve.

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