Thursday, August 02, 2012

Narrow bridges and culverts on Damodar Valley Corporation canal/ roads to be replaced in phases

DVC system of irrigation canals is the lifeline of Burdwan district, the granary or also known as rice bowl. There are more than hundred bridges and culverts over the canals came up in last 50 years. Most of the roads and structures are built with load bearing capacity of 8 to 10 MT . PWD widened the roads over the years but most of the narrow bridges were not replaced by them as these are under Irrigation department, that does not has the financial budget provisions and technical capability to maintain these structures and invest monehere rrumre large number of mining activity like sand, morrum and stones carried over these bridges, mostly more than10MT causing damages. In some places like Bhatar, Bhedia, Adahati, Galsi etc the condition is pathetic and very bad. The issue was discussed in the review meeting own 28th July and it's matter of  satisfaction that State Govt agreed to provide funds to PWD department for immediate replacement of all critical and damaged, narrow bridges over DVC canals in Burdwan district. Had a meeting with Engineering departments and finalized the bridges to be taken up on priority. Dpr to be prepared in next three months and thereafter funds to be sanctioned. Let's hope most critical bridges at Bhedia, Bhatar, Galsi, ausgram and Jamalpur are taken up with the special fund allocation from the govt.

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