Picture 1 :
This map prepared by ECL shows position of Plot No. 365 claimed to be subsidence prone as it is located adjacent to old works under ground. Please see blue colour line showing under ground works. Thatchet portion is existing buildings where people works/ stay. There is Central Fuel Research Institute under ECL as shown in the map with pucca building and boundary located right above underground works for last several years. NGNB pattas were proposed near the boundary of CFRI on the plain land in Plot 365 which is recorded in Collector Khatian. Line colour is demarcation of Collector land in plot 365.
Picture 2 :-
Boundary of CFRI and building adjacent to proposed NGNB house location on plot 365. The land is plain and to be levelled once before construction.
Picture 3. This is plot number 641, recorded in favour of Collector where 13 NGNB Pattas were proposed. One can see the land proposed and understand that there is a village Bustee already existing here. 13 NGNB families are residing here and patta land of 0.3 was allotted to each one of them for construction of house. This land was vested to Collector after joint advisory committee of State Govt and ECL declared it as such since ECL has neither any deed nor lease of land and thereby agreed to vest it to Collector. There are several Pattas on this land issued earlier, never challenged. ECL admitted absolute title and ownership of both plots in favour of Collector.
Picture 4 - Position of plot 641 shown on Map by ECL. One can see the bustee and existing buidlings shown here. Two parallel arrows and below portion can be noted. NGNB patta lands are in the top portion of map beyond the area demarcated by ECL for mines and official purposes. ECL officials admitted that they don't have any objection to NGNB on this land.
Picture 5 : Record of rights of plot 365 area 7.45 acres recorded in Collector's name. Two pattas already recorded, given earlier.
Picture 6. More clear photo of CFRI, running on the location where Pattas to homeless and landless persons opposed in the name of safety and subsidence prone areas due to underground works. What about CFRI?
Picture 7. RoR of plot 641 recorded in favour of Collector. Note Pattas issued earlier.
Picture 8. One shot view of Plot 365 where 21 NGNB Pattas were proposed. See that land is plain.