Saturday, January 26, 2013

Parade inspection at Republic day function Burdwan

Cultural Show by School Students

Run Pa by Tribal Group

Run Pa by Tribal Group

Run Pa by Tribal Group

Run Pa by Tribal Group

Run Pa by Tribal Group

Short play by School students

A young artist

Sportsman being felicitated

This person donated blood more than 130 times

This young girl, Jayshree Patra won Gold in World Yoga Championship at Bangkok. District Administration arranged finances for her participation

Friday, January 25, 2013

It is my honour to take Parade Salute as District Magistrate & Collector on consecutive 7th Republic day

Nation celebrates 64th Republic day tomorrow. I have the honour and opportunity to take national salute on Republic parade at Districts as District Magistrate & Collector on 7th time consecutively,  four times at Nadia and three times at Burdwan.
I convey my best wishes to all with an appeal to strengthen the democracy, mutual respect upholding human values and ethos of this great nation. Let's come together to keep all happy around us.
Thanks Team Burdwan.

New voters at NVD function at Town Hall Burdwan

Thursday, January 24, 2013

TEAM BURDWAN: Press Release on National Voters' Day on 25th Janu...

This is my post in 2011 when National Voters Day was celebrated on 25th Jan. Contents are relevant for NVD tomorrow except that venue for district programme is Town Hall Burdwan at 11am. This year we are going to felicitate Recognised Political parties for their cooperation and support in Electoral Roll Revisions. Best BLOs, winners of quiz competition, new electors will also be felicitated and awarded prizes. TEAM BURDWAN: Press Release on National Voters' Day on 25th Janu...: Press Release The Election Commission of India has decided that 25th January every year will be observed as National Voters’ Day (NVD) thro...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Reviewed Matters on Jambad Open Cast Colliery in Parascole Pandaveswar.

There are certain local issues of shifting and rehabilitation connected with expansion of Jambad OCP in Parascole Pandaveswar under ECL. Today, reviewed the issues involved and examined the maps and land records with local officers.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Facts on NGNB Pattas in Bansra - maps supplied by ECL and photos tells the truth

Picture 1 :
This map prepared by ECL shows position of Plot No. 365 claimed to be subsidence prone as it is located adjacent to old works under ground. Please see blue colour line showing under ground works. Thatchet portion is existing buildings where people works/ stay. There is Central Fuel Research Institute under ECL as shown in the map with pucca building and boundary located right above underground works for last several years. NGNB pattas were proposed near the boundary of CFRI on the plain land in Plot 365 which is recorded in Collector Khatian. Line colour is demarcation of Collector land in plot 365.
Picture 2 :-
Boundary of CFRI and building adjacent to proposed NGNB house location on plot 365. The land is plain and to be levelled once before construction.
Picture 3.  This is plot number 641, recorded in favour of Collector where 13 NGNB Pattas were proposed. One can see the land proposed and understand that there is a village Bustee already existing here. 13 NGNB families are residing here and patta land of 0.3 was allotted to each one of them for construction of house. This land was vested to Collector after joint advisory committee of State Govt and ECL declared it as such since ECL has neither any deed nor lease of land and thereby agreed to vest it to Collector. There are several Pattas on this land issued earlier, never challenged. ECL admitted absolute title and ownership of both plots in favour of Collector.
Picture 4 - Position of plot 641 shown on Map by ECL. One can see the bustee and existing buidlings shown here. Two parallel arrows and below portion can be noted. NGNB patta lands are in the top portion of map beyond the area demarcated by ECL for mines and official purposes. ECL officials admitted that they don't have any objection to NGNB on this land.
Picture 5 :  Record of rights of plot 365 area 7.45 acres recorded in Collector's name. Two pattas already recorded, given earlier.
Picture 6.  More clear photo of CFRI, running on the location where Pattas to homeless and landless persons opposed in the name of safety and subsidence prone areas due to underground works. What about CFRI?
Picture 7.  RoR of plot 641 recorded in favour of Collector. Note Pattas issued earlier.
Picture 8.  One shot view of Plot 365 where 21 NGNB Pattas were proposed. See that land is plain.

Paddy purchase updates as on 20th Jan 2013 -

Now, 71 Paddy purchase centres are functioning in Burdwan district in addition to paddy purchase by 350 plus rice mills. As per information received total paddy purchased so far is 1.5 lakhs MT.
  • CMR and Levy rice received is 35000 MT in go downs of FCI and State, further 21000 MT enforcement vertificates issued to Rice Mills and CMR agencies for the ready rice which is to be delivered by 31st January 2013. So, 56000 MT rice is procured in the current year aginst paddy purchased so far.
  • Vigilance teams from district intensively visiting rice mills to enforce purchase from farmers at Rs 1250 per Quintal paddy and making payment through account payee cheques.
  • Action initiated against few rice mills violating norms like false muster rolls with non existent farmers and payments not made to farmers as per norms. Block teams will now intensify vigil on rice mils.
  • All rice mills told not to refuse paddy offered by farmers. However, details of farmers like name, address, land area cultivated for paddy, bank account/ cheque number of payment, signature etc must be recorded in the Muster Rolls to be maintained by all Rice Mills and Paddy Purchase Centres.
  • Muster rolls of rice mills and PPCs to be verified physically at door steps to ensure that paddy purchase is done properly.
  • This year, fixd location PPCs in large number is found to be very helpful and acceptable to farmers. Govt purchase officers/ agencies are making payments against delivered paddy on the spot after verifications.
  • Paddy purchased is converted to rice and endeavour is taken to make payments of bills of rice mills/ CMR agencies immediately on delivery of rice to FCI/ State go downs.
  • It is clearly directed that all Levy rice (Rice oout of Paddy purchased by rice mills directly) to be delivered to FCI go downs in order to move rice outside Burdwan district/ State for price stabilisation. CMR rice (against paddy purchased at PPCs/ Govt agencies) to be delivered to State as well as FCI go downs as per space management.
  • Weekly review meetings are being held.



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