Tuesday, December 22, 2009

RSBY meeting on 24th December 2009 - matters related to ration card distribution will also be discussed

We have called a meeting to make presentation on RSBY on 24th December 2009. Taking the opportunity of presence of Sabhapaties and BDOs. I feel worthwhile to review progress of Ration card distribution also. ADMs and BDOs may please take note.

Video Conference on BADP - experience sharing about proper use of VC.

We are now holding regular Video Conferences with Blocks. I feel it is very effective way of review in a short time, going into details. Even, block level SAEs, officers/ staff may also directly interact to give quick response to queries, which is not possible in district level meetings otherwise. It saves not only the time and travel expenses but also allows interaction with block level extension officers.
However, we must put in place a code of conduct for ourselves to make better use of it, without any administrative inconveniences. Some of the issues to take note are :-
  • Fix day VC with blocks on each Monday between 3 to 5 PM to cover all the points can be organised. NREGA VCs are held on Monday, we can add agenda on any other topic on Monday on the request of ADMs/ Officers from time to time. Agenda may be intimated to me atleast 2-3 days in advance and BDOs or SDOs as the case may be informed accordingly.
  • Monday VCs are fixed only where presence of BDOs/ SDOs is required. That means, I shall restrict engagement of SDOs/ BDOs for VC purpose only on Monday afternoon, with prior intimation to me. VC on other days with BDOs/ SDOs may be organised only in exceptional cases. I don't want to keep SDOs/ BDOs engaged on other days, unless required.
  • ADMs/ Officers of the Collectorate or line department may hold VC with their field officers on specific scheme/ matter on any day, with prior booking. A monthly calendar may be prepared by ADMs.
  • VCs with extension officers may be organised by ADMs/ Officers on any day. I'll encourage Monthly conferences with field staff through VC. Example BLLROs, CDPOs, BWOs, BCW Inspectors, BDMOs, BMOHs, ADOs, Food & Civil supplies, CLRCs, Block Mida Day officials, PDOs/ PAAOs etc conferences.
  • Concerned officer/ ADM must send a status report/ notes on issues to be discussed in VC by email to the end users atleast 48 hrs in advance so that they are prepared to respond specifically. VC without preparatory notes consumes more time and may be wasteful exercise.
  • Decisions of VC must be circulated in writing on the same day. Copies must be circulated to Sabhapaties/ Karmadhyakshyas also, even if they are not present in the VC.
  • VC may be organised by General briefing by the District level speaker, followed by response of each user block/ subdivision on pre specified agenda points to make best use of available time.
  • Wherever presence of Public representatives is required on the agenda to be discussed, they must also be invited.
  • Henceforth SDOs/ BDOs shall be called for only one meeting at district level per month i.e. Development meeting. Therefore, SDOs/ BDOs must ensure field visit on minimum five days in a month.



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