Saturday, February 23, 2013

MGNREGA updates as on 15th Feb 2013

MGNREGA Burdwan : updates as on 15th February 2013 and some facts on present fund position
Fund Position Funds available Rs 456 crores, out of which Rs 440 crores were released in 2012-13 financial year.
Rs 54 crores were released in last week of January 2013 only and Rs 3 crores in middle of  February 2013, so Rs 440 crores were available for expenditure despite more than 93 percent MIS.
Fund released to GPs/ PIAs is Rs 450 crores and rest is allotted for administrative expenditure on staff at block, GPs and district plus cost of implementation.
Funds utilised as per provisional MPR reports is Rs 435 crores, which may be on higher side once actual reports are collected on 25th February 2013.
Funds reflected in online MIS on is Rs 421 Crores against uploading of Rs 435 crores.
It may be seen that funds now released are uploaded immediately on making payments against the ongoing works and material bills of works completed earlier. There is hardly any funds actually available for ongoing works but MIS shows around Rs 35 crores as it's either under payment process or not reflected after upload. This is more than 93 % of available funds, much higher than bench mark of 60 % for next allotment.
This creates an impression that district has this fund for new works but in reality it is already spent and there is very small fund available at GPs for making wage payments of ongoing works.
Employment generation Man days to be generated as per Annual Labour Budget is 227 lakhs
Man days projection till February 2013 is 210 Lakhs
Man days already generated 220 lakhs as on 15th February 2013.
Man days as shown in MIS on is 187 Lakhs in 2012-13 financial year and 24 lakhs in 2011-12 year as payments were made in the current year. That means, 9 lakhs is yet to be reflected in the MIS.
Now, the funds of Rs 456 crores made available this year can generate Rs 456  crores/Rs 226.67 man days i.e.202  lakhs man days. Balance Labour Budget available to district is only 25 lakhs for which only Rs 60 crores may be further required to be released to the district.
It is obvious from the above calculations that Labour Budget Proposed by the district at 240 lakhs must be allowed and spill over labour payments of 24 lakhs man days for 2011-12 must be allotted additional in the current year so as to get additional budgetary allocation of Rs 54.40 crores in the current approved budget of Rs 515 crores to create 227 lakhs man days.
District can achieve man days of 300 lakhs only if further funds of Rs 120 crores are made available before March 2013.
All blocks have been advised to take up works against sanction of Programme Officers and after confirming approved budgetary allocations as no spill over liability should be encouraged.
Burdwan district incurred highest ever expenditure by any district in the country in any financial year since inception and also disbursed highest ever funds on wages to create employment generation in the current year covering maximum families in rural areas. We hope to get adequate funds to meet the present requirement during the peak season of February to June 2013.

Mid day meal needs review by Sdos and Bdos

During my field visits to few schools last week in Ausgram1 tribal areas,  I am disappointed to find that project monitoring and supervision is being done in a mechanical way without much improvement and follow up at the Institution level. Following points needs to be looked into by all Sdos and Bdos through one to one review with their office staff and officers :-
1. Food grains stock and release to school must be reworked based on actual consumption as per quarterly trend and accordingly adjust allotments in such a way that food grains for not more than three months are stocked at any school.
2. Identify schools with less than 75 percent student taking MDM and organise awareness meetings with the help of NGOs or social organisations.
3. District will start courier service to deliver copies of allotments and release orders of food grains as well as funds to individual schools so that they get it in time.  Sdos and Bdos may accordingly assign the job to courier and payment can be done from MME funds.
4. Since MIS on web portal is not at all satisfactory,  engage outsourced agency for one time data entry and thereafter let block supervisors update monthly reports. All MIS for schools, use of software etc must be in place by 15th March 2013. Sdos and Bdos has to ensure this through what ever strategy they want. Funds will not be any problem. Sdos to post one Dy Magistrate to be OC MDM.
5. All construction works of kitchen sheds must commence without any further delay and photographs od complete units be sent to OC MDM.
6. Sdo and bdos must sit half an hour in a week with their team and follow up.
7. Keep in touch with schools and convince them to feed all kids.
8. Please see that all compliance of Right to free and compulsory education are ensured by 31st March 2013.

All blocks to gear up MGNREGA wage works

Fund availability is still a problem despite our best efforts to pursue with State Govt and Ministry.  We have released whatever funds could be arranged.  
  • It is assured that wage payments as per demand and actual works will be cleared within 15 days of muster roll claims uploaded on MIS and accordingly all Bdos are advised to take up large number of wage oriented works immediately.  
  • GPs that engaged labourers and maximise the wage generation will be provided funds first. It must be ensured that GPs/ Blocks who exceeded Annual Labour Budget mandays may not get further funds unless their revised labour budget is allowed and MIS of more than 90 % of available funds is reflected.
  • While visiting tribal areas of Ausgram1 last week it is found that job card holders did not get even single day job after issue of new job cards on renewal. There are rumours that no wage employment has been provided as no new works were taken up since August 2012. Such an impression against the authorities is not at all desirable and bdos must take corrective measures to provides works ro such poor areas in Jungalmahal and weaker section areas.
  • Field visits must be increased by bdos and other officers so as to improve the connect with people.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

RSBY Mop Up in areas with less than 70 percent coverage

Rsby to MGNREGA workers and BPL in Burdwan : 5.71 lakhs families out of 8.34 lakhs target in Burdwan district is complete and cards issued on the spot as on 19th Feb 2013.
Since online enrollment ends on 28th Feb, mop up teams deployed in Katwa, Kalna, Jamuria, Raniganj, Asansol, Durgapur urban areas and Burdwan I, Ausgram1, Burdwan 2, Ketugram 1, Khandagosh, Ausgram II and Purbasthali 1 blocks where coverage is less than 70 %. Cooperation of all solicited municipal bodies and others is solicited.
BDOs and SDOs has to ensure wide publicity and house to house information slips please.

Important meetings in next weeks

  • On 25th Feb at 11 am district level vigilance and monitoring on JnNURM projects in urban areas.
  • On 28th Feb at 11 am District Development Monitoring Committee to discuss major projects and schemes to sort out issues so as to commence all projects before middle of March 2013.
  • 6th March 2013 meeting with all Sdos and Bdos on administrative matters, GPE and development schemes. ADM Dev to issue circular please.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Reviewed Minority development schemes - some issues needs follow up at Blocks

Today, I had a review of minority department schemes with ADM Dev and DOMA in my chamber. BDOs please take follow up on points noted below :-
  • NIT of all ICDS centres, Haats and other construction related works of ACR etc be finalised and work order be issued by 15th March positively, otherwise MCC will be in effect.
  • In case some sites for ICDS or PHE water supply projects are required to be changed, send proposal with signature of supervisors along with a photo of existing centre. Proposed centre must have at least 50 percent minority enrollment or 25 percent population in the village.
  • Instead waiting for change of sites, NIT must be finalised for clear sites immediately and work orders be issued.
  • All ACRs grants be released to schools and FJE of SSM must supervise the works.
  • All Housing schemes for minority widow and divorced must be sanctioned and work should be started. Some defaulter blocks must furnish lists earlier.
  • 2nd installment of Boundary walls for graveyard must be claimed where 50 percent works have been completed.
  • PHE water supply projects must be put to tender by PHE by end of this month so as to ensure commencement of works at ground by 15th March 2013. Swajaldhara Committee users to be called by ADM D and seek cooperation to complete works in time.
  • Weekly review of the minority projects to be done by ADM D.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

No provisional caste certificate by BDOs for General Panchayat Election 2013 as per circular of BCW issued by State Election Commission

State Election Commission has forwarded a clarification issued by BCW confirming that Provisional Caste Certificate only for GPE is not provided under West Bengal ST SC Identification Rules 1995 or GO related to OBCs issued from Govt from time to time and accordingly it has been clearly stated to All Political Parties in meeting today that Prescribed Caste Certificate Issuing Authority ie SDOs can only issue the certificate following the procedures.
  • That means BDOs should recommend the applications after causing enquiry and verifications as in vogue and SDOs should take steps to clear all such applications expeditiously in maximum three weeks.
  • There can be Election Urgent stamping on such applications of prospective candidates for special treatment while disposing off but under no circumstances, the prescribed guidelines be relaxed.
Please sensitise all officers accordingly.
Give us feedback if any

Permission granted to those who requested with authorship to few

I have allowed permission to access the blog to those who requested. For others, Arnab, DNO, ADM G please grant permission to all BDOs, SDOs only as you have their contact email address. This blog will be restricted to officers only as some sensitive information might be posted which should not be shared with others. Nobody must take any printout please as it is only for sharing and exchange of ideas.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Review of projects and schemes to be done by SDOs, ADMs and BDOs to ensure start of work by Middle of March 2013

General Panchayat Elections may be notified in the Month of March 2013 considering that 28 days time is required between notification and date of election. Code of conduct for Panchayat Elections is applicable from the date of notification of Elections. As all of us are aware, the works which are grounded before coming into effect of MCC can be allowed to continue and no new work can be initiated even if the work orders are issued. In view of this, all officers may take following steps immediately :-
  • Complete NIT, Work orders and start of actual work at ground for all construction related schemes under various funds. Wherever, the land is not transferred but free from encumbrances, the work may be started
  • Clear all land transfer processes, site identifications and possession of site etc for all works well in time so as to ensure that works can start before 10th March 2013.
  • Complete identification of beneficiaries where benefits of Govt schemes for 1st Installment or the first payment is required to be made and ensure that payments are released by Middle of March 2013 positively. There may not be any bar on 2nd instalments, further release of next funds to beneficiaries, regular payments to already covered list.
  • Shelf of schemes for MGNREGA should be prepared and administrative sanctions must be granted to large number of schemes so as to ensure that several schemes are ongoing during March to May 2013. Schemes which are ongoing at the time of notification can only be allowed to continue.
  • All payments of completed schemes and pending liabilities of PRIs must be cleared first out of allotments of finance commission grants and other admissible funds instead of taking up new schemes. This is very much important to ensure no liability of outgoing Panchayat Bodies, which may create administrative problems to Executive Assistants and EOs.
  • Update all accounts and get it reconciled.
  • All foundation stones, inaugurals, selection of beneficiaries and disbursement of Govt benefits of NGNB, Housing, Subsidies, SHG benefits, First time pensions, Agri department grants, artisans grants and similar benefits must be done before Middle of March 2013.
This is expected that SDOs and BDOs review the above aspects in Development Monitoring Meetings and bring the problems/ delays to the notice of district authorities.

This blog is now restricted to Members only for some unavoidable circumstances.

This blog has been in public domain for last few years and recently became popular among people in Burdwan also. Now, considering that it will be used to share thoughts of Team Burdwan only the settings has been changed. Any officer or team member wish to see the contents please email the request from gmail account to No contents should be reused or copied elsewhere which can be published in public domain as the some of the information is only for members use.



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