Thursday, October 11, 2012

Rs 473 lakhs sanctioned for Tribal Area development in Baraboni, Salanpur, Kanksa and Ausgram1 blocks

There are substantial number of tribal in Jungalmahal areas of Burdwan district starting from Bhatar, Ausgram to Salanpur in Paschimanchal blocks. Planned development of the area has been the priority of the administration through convergence of flagship schemes, Paschimanchal Unnayan Parishad funds and Community Developement schemes for Tribal. Govt of India provides 100 percent central grants under Art 275 of Indian Constitution to the Tribal dominated areas for Socio-Economic development.
We submitted detailed project reports to Govt last month for sanction under Art 275. Now, initial sanction of Rs 473 lakhs has been issued to Burdwan district as we are one of the leading districts in submitting DPRs in time and fully utilising the grants sanctioned last year. This includes Rs 132 lakhs for Baraboni, Rs 48 lakhs for Kanksa, Rs 180 lakhs for Salanpur, Rs 30 lakhs for Durgapur Faridpur, Rs 62 lakhs for Ausgram1, Rs 12 lakhs for Galsi1 and Rs 8 lakhs for Bhatar. Salient schemes sanctioned are Hostel buildings (1), Roads (5), 16.3 m span Bridges/ culverts (8), Jorbundhs (3), Community centres (3), Minor Irrigation channels (3) and Shallow Tube wells (32).
We have also got special sanction of Rs 68 lakhs for renovation and up gradation of existing ST/SC hostels (11 in number).
Thanks to all blocks for good performance, that ensure additional claims by Burdwan district. We expect similar grants under CD schemes for SC and ST also.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

International Film Festival on Social Connect started at Burdwan today

Two days International Film Festival for Social Connect  inaugurated today at Burdwan. It's being organised by I&CA department in collaboration with Roop Kala Kendra Kolkata. Short documentary on Health, AIDS, Education, Social Issues from throughout the country will be screened. Entry is free. Location is Angeekar Hall ZP building Burdwan. First documentary was School Solution depicting importance of education in Maoist and Terrorism affected areas of Chattisgarh and J&K respectively.
A good initiative to sensitise people.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Revenue from Coal Cess & Royalty in Burdwan Rs 1444 crores in 2011-12, increased manifold

While reviewing the Revenue Generation under the head Land Revenue out of Coal Cess & Royalty and other rents from the Coal bearing areas of Burdwan district over the year, it is noted that total revenue generated is Rs 1440 crores in 2011-12. It was Rs 128.81 crores only in 2005-06, Rs 232.32 crores in 2006-07, Rs 271.54 Crores in 2007-08, Rs 284 crores in 2008-09 and 181.8 crores in 2009-10.
In the last two years, the figure has increased manifold due to effective monitoring on assessment & realisation of the revenues by the administration. It was Rs 453.45 crores in 2010-11 and Rs 1444 crores in 2011-12. In the current year, the collection upto August 2012 is Rs 671 crores with increasing trend. It is very good collection in recent years.
There has been unprecedented revenue collections from minor minerals like sand and morrum from this district last year.
State collects Primary Education Cess, Rural Employment Cess, PWD Cess, Road Cess and Surface rents/ water rates/ dead rents from the coal block lease holder companies against the coal extraction from the area. Now, a thorough process of reassessment of the taxes and demand notices against shortfall has been initiated in order to ensure that the collections from mining activities is further increased in the district. There are plans to set up check posts and strengthen the collection machinery to be more effective.



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