Thursday, September 24, 2009

IFMS Saral must be uploaded by 7th of each month - BDOs must check personally

We have issued several letters on the subject, requesting BDOs to switch over to IFMS software for maintenance of monthly accounts of Panchayat Samity and also to upload Form 27 on  on time. While going through the uploaded Form 27, it is noticed that most of the BDOs are not uploading the Saral form on website, while some of them have not yet started IFMS despite repeated directions. It is time and again clarified that treasury verification is not required before uploading the data. Therefore, delay in uploading on this account should not be done.
  • In four blocks IFMS has not yet been started. BDOs may see the status from the website. No bill shall be allowed to be passed by treasury from October 2009 onwards if Form 27 is not uploaded.
  • There are certain scheme balance shown in the cash book without any expenditure for last few months, more than a year in some cases. Decisions of Panchayat Samity if required must be expedited and fund should be spent.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Management of BDO Office database - all BDOs must take stock of MIS and Office management to face challenges

I am drawing the attention of SDOs and BDOs to the need for effective data management and information dissemination/ accessibility on rural development schemes from block office, to prevent blockage of BDO chamber by genuine information seekers. Can one imagine that with new policy of disbursement of IAY, Pension funds from Block, through institutional system, instead of GPs from next month onwards, office of BDO is likely to be bombarded with lots of information seekers; most of them violently pressing for information and queries on status of their pension cases/ IAY cheque. In most probability, majority of those visiting the BDO office shall try to enter BDO chamber and expect direct reply. Imagine GPs shirking their responsibilities for obvious reasons and directing people to BDO office if they have any queries regarding these schemes. What is the solution?
I shall suggest some of the steps as noted below if BDOs wants to works in peace.
  1. Establish dedicated MIS cell with sufficient space and information counter for public access to information. If required upgrade sitting arrangements and construct counters/ sheds for public. Ask BIO, CA and other MIS personnel to sit at a place together.
  2. Provide more computers, may be purchase new out of NREGA administrative cost and connect all computers by LAN. All database on BPL, IAY, Pensions must be available in this cell in such a form which can be easily accessed and query based. BDO must personally check that RHS database is updated, individual details on IAY for three years, IAY permanent wait list, IGNOAPS, AAY, Other department pensions etc as per module provided is entered in the RHS 3.0.0.
  3. Additional hard disk/ storage devices can be provided to MIS cell for back up.
  4. Provide two telephone lines to this cell with one line having broadband facility. If BSNL BB is not available, suscribe any service provider with monthly bill not exceeding Rs 1000 pm.
  5. There should be training to MIS staff and others sitting in the cell as to how to share information with public.
  6. Prepare formats for monthly scroll of pensions, advice to bank/ post office etc so that the huge volume of preparing pensions bills from block can be handled smoothly. Please note that any delay in payment shall invite troubles to BDO office.
  7. Jt BDO can be given the responsibility of coordinating the public information related matters.

BDOs must also ensure publication of BPL with page certificate and certification as per revised approval by 10th October 2009 and send two copy each at GP, district head quarter for records.

NFBS - check pending applications at block or GP

In one of the blocks I visited today, fund for 15 cases was found as unspent balance in the PS accounts. On query it is known that 28 cases are pending for decision, some of the cases two to three years old. PS is in dilemma as to whether old cases can be sanctioned or not. It is clarified that all cases, whether old or new, can be considered by Panchayat Samity provided the application for the NFBS was filed by next of kins within six months of death. Such application filed on plain paper or at GP can also be considered, provided the beneficiaries are otherwise eligible as on date.
We are in a position to release more funds if sanction of the case is reported to DPRDO. BDO and Sabhapati are requested to disburse the dues of the beneficiaries in next three weeks. Disbursement can be done on first come first serve basis against sanctioned cases.

NREGA - Emphasis more on rural roads, Individual benefit schemes and waterbody excavation

I visited Tehatta -II Block today along with SDO. As regards NREGA my observations are as follows :-
  1. Shelf of schemes for all GP sansads must be ready by middle of October, 2009 along with vetted estimates of each scheme, names of supervisors to be engaged, number of job card holders to be engaged based on duration vis a vis total man days to be created. It is better if GP wise vetted schemes are approved by PO well in advance and uploaded on website.
  2. There is scope for taking up more number of road works, both jhama bats as well as WBM as wage to material ratio in Nadia is only 9 %. Schemes with more than 40 % material component may be allowed provided cumulative wage to material ratio of 60 : 40 is maintained at Block level. So, RCC roads in flood affected areas, pucca drainage channel around hospitals/ educational institutions/ playgrounds can be easily allowed under NREGA.
  3. Since Marginal and small farmers have also been included under IBS, there is tremendous scope to take up works of Banana plantation, Mango, Guava and other perennial fruit crops on the lands of farmers owning less than 2 hectares (15 bighas). More than 98 % of farmers in Nadia district falls under this category. Therefore, ponds/ beels of farmers, cultivation of fruit crops can be sanctioned under NREGA. Supervisors can be given the task of identifying such beneficiaries, preparation of consolidated scheme and its implementation. Training to enlisted supervisors can be organised by blocks to prepare such schemes, collection of application for jobs, preparing muster rolls and payment advice. They can be paid as supervisor cum motivator/ facilitator only after successful completion of plantation works, with survival rate of plants more than 805% or more. If organised properly, a large number of persons can be provided employment, without any problems of measurement of earth work.
  4. Small household ponds, tanks of farmers can also be excavated now, without any agreement, where job card holders can work.
  5. Delay in payment is not negotiable and unpardonable. DPC shall impose fine upon POs/ GPs for delays, if complaints are lodged or media reports indicate such lapses. Ombudsman are being appointed in next three months to do this honour. All POs/ GPs must take the matter seriously.
  6. More wall writing on small/ marginal farmer and other aspects of NREGA must be done.
  7. District NREGA cell has been asked to release more funds under administrative heads so that to improve mobility support to blocks/ GPs, strengthen MIS cell etc.
  8. All BDOs and POs are expected to complete the preparatory works for full fledged work at all GPs in the month of November 2009 onwards, with target of 50 days average works to al households demanded work. GP average expenditure of 30 lakhs has to be achieved by March 2009. I am sure taking up more works of the nature explained above can ensure this target.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Social Security Schemes - fill up vacancies and complete opening of accounts immediately

Chief Secretary GoWB along with Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary of eight departments reviewed ongoing development schemes of Govt with district officials at Behrampore on 19th September 2009 for 5 hours. We will be writing to concerned field officers in coming few weeks to do follow up on the decisions/ suo motu actions to improve the performance to the satisfaction of target beneficiaries/ people.
At present we cover more than 100000 families under different pensions. It is reported that a large number of cases under Old Age pension, Disability Pensions, widow pension of social welfare department are vacant and proposals from the Panchayat Samities are not being submitted to DSWO. These cases are related to additional quota sanctioned in 2008-09, fund already placed to BDOs. SDOs may please take personal review and impress upon the blocks to submit all cases by October, 2009. As per the reports at our end there are 763 vacancies in Sadar, 289 in Tehatta, 537 in Ranaghat and 197 in Kalyani Sub division till date.
Payment of all kinds of pensions has to be done through post office/ bank accounts as decided by Govt. So far accounts have been opened in the name of 50 % beneficiaries only under IGNOAPS, less than 50 % in case of social welfare pension. Steps must be taken to complete it 100 % so that the new system can be started. Block level data management cell headed by BIO must be strengthened immediately and database of all pension cases, formats for sending advice to banks/ post office etc should be kept in readiness. Payments to blocks shall be done through e-transfer, thereafter, BDO can deposit monthly requirement to Bank/ Head Post Office along with scroll for payment to beneficiaries from their counters. These is urgent need for awareness and coordination meetings with all agencies involved.

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