Gram Unnayan Samiti at sansad level are required to open bank account to get a sum of Rs 10000 per annum for its activities, particularly health & sanitation awareness. During my visit to blocks recently, it is noticed that Nadia Zilla Parishad released funds to blocks in August 2009 to be released to GUS, but the fund is lying in the LF accounts. As per the order GUS must be formed and bank account number must be intimated to Block from the GP end. On getting the bank account number the first installment of Rs 5000 must be released. Since, GUS formation and submission of account details is not properly followed up, the basic objective of this incentive grants could not be fulfilled. All BDOs are advised to ensure quick utilization of this fund. A letter to all GPs in Bengali may be helpful in achieving the targets.
(Contents not for circulation, reproduction and official use. It's just sharing for the personal thoughts)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
VC with SDOs on administrative meetings - follow up is required
I had VC meeting with SDOs, which was also attended by ADMs and district level officers. We need to do follow up on the issues discussed there. Weekly VCs on each monday aftr 4 pm shall be organised.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
RSBY meeting on 24th December 2009 - matters related to ration card distribution will also be discussed
We have called a meeting to make presentation on RSBY on 24th December 2009. Taking the opportunity of presence of Sabhapaties and BDOs. I feel worthwhile to review progress of Ration card distribution also. ADMs and BDOs may please take note.
Video Conference on BADP - experience sharing about proper use of VC.
We are now holding regular Video Conferences with Blocks. I feel it is very effective way of review in a short time, going into details. Even, block level SAEs, officers/ staff may also directly interact to give quick response to queries, which is not possible in district level meetings otherwise. It saves not only the time and travel expenses but also allows interaction with block level extension officers.
However, we must put in place a code of conduct for ourselves to make better use of it, without any administrative inconveniences. Some of the issues to take note are :-
- Fix day VC with blocks on each Monday between 3 to 5 PM to cover all the points can be organised. NREGA VCs are held on Monday, we can add agenda on any other topic on Monday on the request of ADMs/ Officers from time to time. Agenda may be intimated to me atleast 2-3 days in advance and BDOs or SDOs as the case may be informed accordingly.
- Monday VCs are fixed only where presence of BDOs/ SDOs is required. That means, I shall restrict engagement of SDOs/ BDOs for VC purpose only on Monday afternoon, with prior intimation to me. VC on other days with BDOs/ SDOs may be organised only in exceptional cases. I don't want to keep SDOs/ BDOs engaged on other days, unless required.
- ADMs/ Officers of the Collectorate or line department may hold VC with their field officers on specific scheme/ matter on any day, with prior booking. A monthly calendar may be prepared by ADMs.
- VCs with extension officers may be organised by ADMs/ Officers on any day. I'll encourage Monthly conferences with field staff through VC. Example BLLROs, CDPOs, BWOs, BCW Inspectors, BDMOs, BMOHs, ADOs, Food & Civil supplies, CLRCs, Block Mida Day officials, PDOs/ PAAOs etc conferences.
- Concerned officer/ ADM must send a status report/ notes on issues to be discussed in VC by email to the end users atleast 48 hrs in advance so that they are prepared to respond specifically. VC without preparatory notes consumes more time and may be wasteful exercise.
- Decisions of VC must be circulated in writing on the same day. Copies must be circulated to Sabhapaties/ Karmadhyakshyas also, even if they are not present in the VC.
- VC may be organised by General briefing by the District level speaker, followed by response of each user block/ subdivision on pre specified agenda points to make best use of available time.
- Wherever presence of Public representatives is required on the agenda to be discussed, they must also be invited.
- Henceforth SDOs/ BDOs shall be called for only one meeting at district level per month i.e. Development meeting. Therefore, SDOs/ BDOs must ensure field visit on minimum five days in a month.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Rashtriya Swasthya bima Yojana (RSBY) is to be launched shortly is Nadia
We have been informed by State Govt that RSBY to cover maximum five members of each BPL enlisted families under Health Insurance shall be launched in January 2010 in Nadia district also. RHS database of almost all the blocks have been converted as per the requirements. Vendor appointed for the IT related work shall be visiting different GPs to organise camps for collection of application from eligible BPL families, take photograph of all eligible members of the BPL families and delivery of smart card type entitlement card on the spot. They will charge Rs 30 per card on the spot. Thereafter, this card can be shown at any of the Private/ Govt nursing hospitals in the district which has been enlisted and have been connected with the network of the vendor. All diagnostic facilities, nursing homes, private hospitals and Govt. hospitals are going to be enlisted by the vendor/ NIC before launch of the project.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Panchayat O Gramonnayan Saptah - District level function shall be organised on 18-19 December 2009 at Town Library Math Krishnagar
Final celebrations of Panchayat O Gramonnayan Saptah shall be held on 18-19 December 2009 at Krishnagar Town Library ground. We'll launch newsletter on NREGA, printed material on schemes, felicitation of those completing 25 years as PRI members, awards to best SHGs, best Panchayat Samities in different works.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Use video conference facility to conect with BDOs/ SDOs live - make good use of phone facility of WBSWAN
We have dedicated video conferencing facility in all SDO and BDO offices, connecting district HQ. We have already started using the facility. I shall request all the officers at district HQ to use the facility more frequently to interact with Block/ Subdivision level officers to review the schemes/ programme. Monthly meetings with Block level extension officers/ field officers may be held through video conference to save time and travel expenses. ADMs may hold conferences with PAAOs/ PDOs, Inspector BCWs, BWOs, CDPOs, BLLROs, ADOs on KCC/ fertilizers, Mid day meal officers to name a few as example.
Besides, there is dedicated hotline facility connecting all officers at Collectorate with BDOs/ SDOs and also other collectorates through VoIP facility. It is just like intercom but safe, secure and reliable telephone line. PoP operators have contact number directory. My contact number is 25200. Please connect with each other on this facility which is not billed/ no expenditure incurred.
I have issued orders that BDOs/ SDOs may be called at district level meetings with the prior approval of DM Nadia only. More interaction on VC is advised.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Order regarding share of information on incidents and clashes by Police with BDOs/ SDOs - SP Nadia issued orders to all PS
I wrote a letter to SP Nadia recently on 10th December 2009 requesting a direction upon all Police Officers to share information on daily law & order situation to local BDOs and SDOs. SP Nadia has transmitted the order to all OCs/ ICs/ SDPOs/DySPs/Addl SP Nadia to comply the order of DM Nadia on the matter. I have endorsed the copy of my letter to SDOs/ ADMs.
This is for information. All please maintain close liasion.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Spend 75 % and above under IAY by 25th December 2009 to claim additional funds
We have been asked by GOI to send utilisation certificates of 75 % and above by 31st December 2009 to claim addtional funds under IAY. All blocks are requested to please send updated reports on expenditure to ADM ZP by 25th December 2009.
All blocks must submit proposals under BADP and MsDP by 15th December 2009
Blocks were asked to subit BADP proposals by 10th December 2009 but till date we have received very few proposals. Please submit schemes by 15th December 2009 failing which allocation of blocks for 2010-11 shall be curtailed.
List of high schools, ICDS centres, Sub centres, PHCs were supplied to all BDOs one month ago, with the request to submit proposals for funds after verifying land availablity status. Most of the blocks have failed to submit the proposal so far thereby depriving the minority community. Please look into the matter personally and submit proposals by 15th December 2009. Talk to local MLA, Sabhapati and other public representatives and take their help. BDOs are also required to disburse IAY funds released from NZP for minority out of MsDP and furnish UC by 25th December 2009.
Both the matters are most urgent. SDOs please follow up.
Control Register to be prepared by Food Inspectors with the help of Job writers manually, start special drive to rectify the errors in RHS
We have completed Sub-divisional level meetings regarding issue of new ration cards with Public Representatives yesterday. Following modifications in earlier decisions may be noted :-
- After completing the work of FPS tagging with RHS, control registers must be prepared by officials of food & civil supplies. They may take the assistance of job writers, but it has to be authenticated by them only.
- Control regsiters must be based on RHS plus information supplied through Form 1, duly verified and accepted by the officer.
- Initially, cards may be written in the name of head of family and member details as per available records, that can be updated further after the card is delivered and details in form 1 are furnished.
- GP members and runner political candidate may assist in collection of information. Every information not supported by valid documents must be verified in field enquiry.
- Panchayat Samity in case of Blocks and Municipality in case of urban areas should chalk out the dates and venue of distribution of ration cards once the writing work is complete under their supervision. Draft proposal must be sent to ADM Food for approval from the Govt.
- FPS need not be venue for distribution of cards. It can be any convenient public place like polling stations/ GP office.
- BDOs must supply two copies of APL database also to all GPs immediately. GPs must be asked to share the list of APL as well as BPL with each GP member for identification of factual errors in the list.
- The errors related to particulars of family like spelling of names, age, relation, missing family, double entries, wrong entries etc only should be identified.
- No change in score is allowed and should be resorted during the field work.
- The work may be time bound for 10 days, associating field staff also. Some blocks already initiated such exercise.
- List of errors RHS wise should be prepared and signed by GP member and runner up candidate and thereafter, corrections may be allowed in terms of circular of P&RD department.
- No correction of age, complete name/ title should be allowed without application by head of family duly supported with documentary proof.
- In view of common concern raised most of Public Representatives that list is full of error, their involvement in this rectification drive is a decision as per their desire. The process of food & civil supplies shall not be stopped due to this work.
- Proactive steps for Form 2 collection/ enlistment should only be started once the ration card writing work is over. At present forms may be kept sansad wise in files at GP level.
- Job writer selection and training must be completed by this week and work of control register must be started immediately. DCFS shall supply registers to blocks for the purpose.
- ADM Food and ADM Dev shall be issuing circular in Bengali based on these decisions.
- SDOs must talk to municipalities and SUDA regarding the list in urban areas.
- Ration cards are being issued to SCFS by 15.12.2009.
- BDOs must complete field survey of missing sansads / incompelete information of part sansads within next 10 days in a time bound manner, mobilising more number of field staff. SDOs must personally confirm that all sansads of GPs within their jurisdiction are completed and entered in the database by 25.12.2009. This is very urgent and important matter. Any lapse on this count at any of the blocks shall be dealt seriously as unprecedented and unpleasant embarrassement to the admnistration during the Sub-divisional meetings could have been avioded had it been completed earlier. Wherever there is problems to complete the task within the time bound period, specific report must be furnished.
- SDOs must also visit / send Deputy Magistrate in each block, examine the record keeping of RHS, check that all claims for rectification of errors or inclusion in BPL filed in the blocks are properly disposed off and incorporated in the database as finalised in the month of August 2009.
- In case old claims re still pending for field enquiry or data updation, number of such cases GP wise must be furnished. There are reports that in some of the blocks like Chakdah, Nabadwip, Krishnagar-II, Tehatt-II etc earlier cliams were not fully disposed off.
To complete some of the tasks in the given time, outsourcing of data entry work is permitted out of 12th FC grants. Queries on these matter are welcome.
SDOs must personally monitor the wirks as per above guidelines, which may be modified as per local requirements.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
New family ration cards - distribution schedule shall be finalised by DM Nadia on getting reports from SDOs/ blocks
In continuation with earlier communication on the matter, it is clarified that no ration cards shall be distributed or issued to the families without approval of district authority. At present the work of tagging of FPS with RHS for APL, BPL, AAY must be completed immediately, matching each RHS with the records kept with MR dealers. Once the tagging is complete, number of families matched with RHS sansad wise should be calculated and that not macthed should be verified in the field whether any such family as recorded in RHS exist or not. In case, the name of family exist in the FPS records but not found on RHS, it should be ascertained first whether members of such family are also the members of any family on RHS. If so their names may be added against such RHS family on the family ration card to be issued. Later, split of family may be allowed after verifying the prayers submitted by such family.
Care should be taken to ensure that no family shall be issued ration card of any category without RHS code assigned to it. The families having their names on current RHS shall only be issued ration card. If name of any family is missing from RHS, then it should be added after field verification on application in Form2. However, no split of family may be allowed at this stage. In genuine cases of mistakes like missing sansad, missing data entry in the RHS etc. instructions of P&RD shall be followed.
Once the FPS tagging is complete, RHS software has module to modify FPS tagging against each RHS code or against all families at a time by selection. BIOs may please check the module carefully.
Control registers of FPS may be printed after incorporating the FPS details based on report of food inspectors or they have option to prepare it manually. BUt, in any case, RHS must be updated subsequently by adding corrections/ family member names.
Writing of cards must be completed by 31st December after preparing Control Registers. Cost of writing is Rs 4 per family to be paid to job writers and supervisors. Supervisors may be engaged in the ratio of 1:3 or 1:4 as per convenience.
No cards should be issued with written approval from the district authority.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Subdivisional Meetings to discuss BPL and Family ration cards from 11 to 12th December 2009
10.30 am on 11.12.2009 : Chakdah Sampriti Manch for Kalyani Subdivision blocks and Municiplaities
02.00 pm on 11.12.2009 : SDO Ranaghat office for blocks and Municiplaities
10.30 am on 12.12.2009 : Tehatta-I PS hall for Tehatta Subdivision and Chapra blocks
02.00 pm on 12.12.2009 : NZP hall Sadar subdivision blocks (except Chapra) and Municiplaities
Invitees : GP Prodhans, Upa Prodhans, leader of opposition, ZP members, all political party leaders in Panchayat Samity, Khadya Karmadhyakshya of PS, Sabhapaties, Saha Sabhapaties, MLAs, MPs, officials of Food & Civil Supplies at blocks, MR dealers association block and subdivision office bearers, Chairman , Vice Chairman municipalities and leader of opposition. SDOs, BDOs and SCFS must also attend.
Monday, December 07, 2009
I must congratulate all BIOs, Cashiers and others associated with IFMS uploading for ensuring Ist award to our district in the state. In the current month only Ranaghat-II failed to upload so far.
Summary report on accounts of Panchayat Samity shows that Chapra, Tehatt-II, Ranaghat-II Panchayat Samities are lagging behind others in expenditure against available funds. Block wise percent expenditure is as follows:-
CHAPRA PS ** 33.9110
HARINGHATA PS ** 62.7423
KARIMPUR-I PS ** 47.7015
KARIMPUR-II PS ** 65.2741
RANAGHAT-I PS ** 55.6983
TEHATTA-I PS ** 43.1861
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sudden onset of winter chill - distribute blankets to needy and deserving through camps
It is noticed that temperature has suddenly dipped since last week, causing winter chills. We have sufficient stock of blankets allotted by Disaster Management department available at Blocks and SDO offices. This is the right time to distribute the stock to the needy persons. SDOs and BDOs may please take initiative in consultation with public representatives.
Meeting of Hon'ble CM with DMs on 2nd December 2009 - updated reports required
It is informed that Hon'ble CM may hold a meeting with DMs on 2nd December 2009 at Kolkata. Issues related to development schemes of P&RD, BCW, Dev & Planning, Agriculture, Horticulture, Municipal Affairs, Mid day meal, SSM, ICDS, BPL list, Pension schemes, NREGA, Caste certificate and ration card issue may be discussed in the meeting. May I request concerned officers to kindly send updated reports on these matters to concerned district level nodal officer by 30.11.2009?
Friday, November 20, 2009
Inspection of SDO Offices - some tips
- Huge cash balance is undesirable. In unaviodable situations like cash drawn for Election Vehicle payment, honorium, compensation for disaster relief, bird flu etc not likely to be disbursed immediately as the list is incomplete or disputed; it is better to keep liquid cash in the form of bank instrument. What DDO can do is to prepare draft of liquid cash not likely to be disbursed in a month's time in small amounts for easy encashment. Treasury branch of banks don't charge for this.
- No self drawn cheque should be kept uncashed, rather, cash should be disbursed early.
- Undelivered cheques list can be put on nottice board each month.
- All bills of suppliers/ vendors must be claimed within two months of supply and noted down in pending bill register serially so that payments are made on availability of funds on first claimed first payment basis. Bills of fuel charges/ hire charges of vehicle must also be claimed and recorded in the same way.
- Caste certificate application disposal is good and appreciated. SDOs must cheque the time taken at BDO office, GP for enquiry, submission to SDO office after Inspector's signature, time taken by SDO office. It is noted that general time taken at BDO's end is more than two months, even four months. Again in SDO office it takes more than four weeks. School level camp performance is not very good.
- Executive Magistrate court case disposal quality, order writing and NGR case investigation/ inquiry has further scope to improve. SDO must also hear cases under preventive sections of CrPC.
- Public grievance through mass hearing needs to be started in all Subdivisions. Tehatta result of 13 cases on single day mass hearing is appreciated.
- Unadjusted advances of Panchayat Election funds, Loksabha elections, relief funds and bird flu is a big financial irregularity noticed in SDO offices. Treasury should not pass the bills without written undertaking by DDO that adjustment of more than 60 days advances shall be done by next month. Most of the audit paras are related on this issue.
- EROs must personally check maintenance of continuous updation register once a month and ensure that the processes are followed as per guidelines.
- Stock of blankets/ chidren garments in SDO offices must be distributed well before the winter, instead keeping these articles for decay.
- Registers related to allotments, suballotment etc must be updated and signed by DDOs.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
ICDS recruitment Examinations to be conducted by SDOs - Maintain strict Secrecy of Question papers
Exams are scheduled from next week onwards. SDOs were directed to set the question papers and also to do decoding of answer scripts. Now, we are getting requests from MLAs and others that question papers must be personally handled by SDOs, without sharing/ involving CDPOs. It is also requested that code number of answer scripts must be handled by SDOs personally so that it is not known to any member of recruitment panel.
At the time of preparing the list of persons qualified to be called for interview, only the code number should be supplied to CDPO for intimation to candidates without disclosing the actual marks obtained in written exams. I hope SDOs have made arrangements for the purpose and ensured that these sensitive matters are dealt by them personally. No complaints/ litigation on recruitment process is expected. All the best.
Inspection of SDO offices
I'll do inspection of SDO Tehatta office on 18.11.2009 as scheduled. Inspection of SDO Ranaghat on 21st November and Sadar on 23rd Nov as scheduled earlier. Kalyani on return of SDO from leave.
2. We will convene meeting about implementation of new order of BPL ration card next week. Only SDOs, Food officials, Karmadhyakshya of Panchayat Samities and BIOs shall be invited. ADM D to issue notices. Tentative date 24.11.2009.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Share information on representations of Political parties/ other organisations with superior authorities
Deputations by Political parties and their affiliated organisations, social activists and Civil Society groups are held on day to day basis in BDO/ SDO offices and DM office. It is generally noted that written representations of the deputationists are forwarded to superior authorities for onward transmission to Govt.
There are many issues raised during the mass deputation which are not mentioned in written submissions. It is felt necessary that the officer taking the deputation must take note of specific issues/ allegations of inaction by the Govt authorities and must send a separate note to the next superior authorities point wise. SDOs may compile common points from all the blocks and thereafter do take steps to redress the issues.
Similarly, Officers at the district, mainly ADMs must also take notes on points raised and communicate to concerned authority who is required to redress the issues.
It is also desirable that information about mass deputations of more than 500 people must also be intimated to superior authorities over phone/ email on the same day for information, which is generally communicated to DM Nadia next day by DIB.
SDOs must have noticed that deputations at Block/ GP level gives information on functioning of the administration and also provides important inputs about demonstrations/ road blockades etc which may disturb the law & order of an area. Therefore, a close watch on such activities, particularly of major political parties, may be helpful in maintenance of peace. Any information about corruption/ financial irregularities by GPs/ Offices made available in the deputations must be followed up with firm decisions on specifics, otherwsie it tarnishes the image of the officer receiving the deputation, giving an impression of either inaction due to biasness or partisan attitude.
I am surprised to note that information on major incidents in the rural areas does not reach SDOs in most of the cases. Police generally do not inform BDO or SDO unless there is need for intervention of BDO/ SDO to resolve the issue of blockade/ ghero, executive magistrate presence required etc. What can be altrenative ?
GP Prodhans/ Political parties can be the best available source of information, if BDO can develop a mechanism. They are the first to get information in most of the cases. Sometimes, GP Prodhans keep BDO informed but information is not passed on upward considering it either trivial or must have been tackled by BDO at his level. In most of cases, Prodhan is aware but does not pass on information to BDO as because there is no request made on personal level. Can all BDOs develop a system of getting information from GP Prodhans/ Upa Prodhans on daily incidents related to law & order? Please take initiative, I am sure you will succed.
They are the source of information to media, which gets information before police in large number of cases. This can be explained with the fact that blogsite maintained by some of the media personnel in Nadia updates incidents within one to two hours of its happening, which is more faster than information from formal channel, in most of the cases. Those who are interested can log on to It's better to be informed from informal channel, instead of reading in newspaper next day.
Can I expect SDOs/ BDOs to further strenthen information sharing arrangements?
Friday, November 13, 2009
MsDP schemes of 3200 lakhs are invited from Blocks
It has been indicated by Govt that all schemes under Multi Sectoral Development Plan (MsDP) for minorities must be submitted to GoI by December 2009 to claim balance allocation of Rs. 3200 lakhs out of Rs 5600 lakhs. We have already got sanction of approximately 2400 lakhs for ICDS centres, additional class rooms in high schools, arsenic free spot source of water, IAY etc so far. All BDOs are once again requested to send more proposals of ICDS centres, sub centres, Class Rooms, PHCs and school attached hostels. Proposals submitted on first come first serve basis shall be approved but these should be in minority dominated areas (20 % and above) and land availability must be confirmed. Details will be explained in the monthly development meeting on 13th November 2009.
Unit costs of ICDS is 3 lakhs, Sub centres 12.50 lakhs, PHC Rs 75 lakhs and Rs 2 lakhs for additional class room. Rooms can be provided to class IX & X also on the pattern of Madhyamik Shiksha Mission.
All proposals must reach us by 30th November 2009.
Please keep local MLA/ Sabhapati also informed.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Attention of BDOs/ SDOs is drawn to pending Complaints in BDO SDO offices
I have come across several instances of inaction or delayed action on the complaints filed in the BDO/ SDO offices, particularly the complaints of irregularities, embezzlement of funds, misappropriation of funds, violation of guidelines and deprivation of genuine beneficiaries by the GPs etc. Most of the complaints are related to NREGA, IAY, ANM, ASHA, NHM and IGNOAPS. There are instances where the complaints filed with BDO & Programme Officer, NREGA or complaints forwarded to him/ her by higher authorities were not taken cognizance within 15 days of its receipt as is mandatory required under the NREGA act and rules framed therein. This amounts to guilt under the rules and PO is liable to be fined. There are also large number of cases brought to the notice of District Authority where the filed enquiries conducted by BDO office reveals financial irregularities or violation of guidelines or any other serious lapses as mentioned earlier, but instead of initiating action against the persons involved BDO submits the enquiry report to the higher authority for necessary action, though action is warranted at his/ her end. In such cases, some times the no direction is issued by the higher authorities as the matters identified in the report are supposed to be acted upon by the BDO. It is also noted that some of the enquiry reports are sketchy, evasive and attempts to suppress the facts.
In all above cases, administration faces embarrassment in the form of adverse media reports, mass deputation at different levels which may be violent also like road blockade. There is also new trend noticed that complainants are filing writs in court of law against such inaction/ half hearted action.
In the light of above, and in continuation to my earlier letters on the subject, may I request all of you to personally examine the merits/ demerits of the complaints filed in SDO/ BDO offices on schemes/ programmes as mentioned above and ensure that the complaints are acted upon immediately after proper verification of facts and enquiry, without any favouritism, biased attitude? Complainants must be intimated in writing about the action taken after enquiry (copies of findings/ enquiry report need not be shared). It is also advised to conduct public hearing of complaints as far as practicable to arrive at judicious/ trasnparent decision giving opportunity of hearing to all concerned. It is also requested that SDOs must initiate legal action as per Panchayat Act against the PRI members wherever any violation on their part is established. PO & BDO must also initiate process to impose fine in the deserving instances of violation of NREGA act.
Let me remind all of you that failure to act upon the serious financial irregularities makes the officer susceptible to adverse court orders as well as weakening the authority. One should not only be acting upon the complaints but should also be seen to be actiong tough without any bias, favour and pressure.
I hope the all of you will realise the importance of this matter and act accordingly. I'll expect that all the BDO/ SDO shall take personal stock of the complaints and dispose off.
I am also requesting officers at district level through ADMs to take stock of complaints pending at their level and pursue with concerned field office.
Dates for Inspection of SDO offices modified
Inspection of SDO offices is now proposed on dates as noted herein:-
- 18th November 2009 Tehatta
- 21st November 2009 Ranaghat
- 23rd November afternoon Sadar
- Last week of November 2009 Kalyani (SDO Kalyani to intimate suitable date)
All SDOs to keep reports in readiness as required for inspection. No need to send copies. District Officers/ ADMs to furnish pending works with SDO offices/ BDOs to be followed during the Inspection.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Congrats all blocks for uploading IFMS in time.
IFMS for October 2009 has been uploaded by all Blocks in time. Nadia is the only district in the state to have uploaded IFMS for all blocks for consecutive months. Thanks all the BDOs. Congratulations.
As per the reports on expenditure on available funds blocks can be ranked as follows :-
Performance of Karimpur II PS is at first position and that of Chapra worst. It is also noted that some of the blocks registered quite good growth in performance while blocks like Chapra, Krishnagar I and Ranaghat II did not show better improvements comparatively. Can BDOs discuss the issue with Sabhapaties and impress upon them to expedite decisions on issues which can improve expenditure?
Friday, November 06, 2009
Good, IFMS uploaded in 15 blokcs
Only Nabadwip and Nakashipara blocks have not yet uploaded IFMS for October 2009. Thanks and appreciation to all BDOs.
2. Performance of most of blocks improved, Chakdah no more in last, recording very good growth.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Last Nadia was only district to complete upload of IFMS for all 17 blocks, though not on time in all case. As on today, some blocks of other districts have already uploaded IFMS on Our district figure is NIL. Come on BDOs, upload it by today.
Tentative dates of meetings in November 2009
- 4.11.2009 -
- Planning Commission India adviser reviews National Flagship programmes at 1.30 pm.
- 5.11.2009
- State level athletic meet at Krishnagar in January 2010, meeting for preparations at 5 pm DM Office.
- Review of Fertilizer Prices and sale in Nadia with Agriculture Officials at 2 pm at NZP office.
- 6.11.2009
- video conference National Horticulture Mission at 12 noon
- 7.11.2009
- Meeting with transporters, SP, RTO and others regarding road safety at 12 noon at Conference hall.
- Opening of Press Corner at DSA stadium at 4 pm, followed by Stadium Committee Meeting
- 9.11.2009
- First meeting of all party district level committee to celebrate Panchayat Saptah in December 2009.
- Artho sthayee samity at 1 pm
- 13.11.2009
- Meeting with BDOs Sabhapaties regarding SSM, CMDM, MsDP etc at 10.30 at NZP.
- NPC team visits for ISO purpose.
- 18.11.2009
- MIC M&SSME review meeting with line departments at Conference hall of Collectorate.
- Prani Sampad Saptah Nadia at 10.00 hrs at Tehatta I block.
- 20.11.2009
- General Body meeting of Nadia Zilla Parishad. at 12 noon.
- Inspection of SDO offices from 16th November to 19th November 2009.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Public hearing at senior officers level to dispose off public grievances
সাধারণ মানুষের অভিযোগ আমাদের বিভিন্ন সরকারি দফতরে নথি হয়, এই আশায় কি মানুষ প্রশানিক সাহায্য পেয়ে উপকৃত হবেন. আমরা অভিযোগগুলি অতি শীঘ্র নিস্পত্তি করার চেষ্টা করলেও, ঠিক সময় ও সঠিক ভাবে অভিযোগকারী কে জানাতে পারিনা অথবা জানালেও ওদের কে সন্তুষ্ট করতে ব্যর্থ হই. আমি মনে করি আমাদের আধিকারিক দের জন অভিযোগ সংক্রান্ত বিষয় আরও তত্পর, সম্বেদন্শীল ও দায়িত্বশীল হতে হবে. অন্য একটা দিকও আছে, অভিযোগ নিস্পত্তি হলেও অভিযোগকারী সঠিক এবং সমপূর্ণ উত্তর না পাবার জন্য অনেক সময় সরকারের বিরুদ্ধে বিরূপ মনোভাব তৈরি হয়. কিছু ক্ষেত্রে লক্ষ্য করা গেছে অভিযোগের নিষ্পত্তি সঠিক ভাবে না করে শুধু এন্কুইরী রিপোর্ট উর্ধতন কর্তিপক্ষের কাছে পাঠে দিয়ে দাবি করা হয় কি অভিযোগগুলি নিষ্পত্তি হয় গেচ্ছে, অথচ এন্কুইরী রিপোর্ট খতিয়ে দেখে ব্যবস্থা নেবার কথা ওই অফ্ফিস এই.
যাই হোক, আমি চাই প্রতিটা মহকুমা স্তরে গন আদালতের মতো গন শুনানি করা হোক. এই শুনানি তে মহকুমা শাসক নিজে সভাপতিত্ব করতে পারেন.
যে দফতরের অভিযোগগুলি শুনানি করা হবে তাদের মহকুমা স্তরের আধিকারিক, যেমন মহকুমা ভূমি ও ভূমি সংস্কার আধিকারিক, মহকুমা পুলিশ আধিকারিক ইত্যাদি উপস্থিত থাকতে পারেন. বিভিন্ন দফতরের দায়িত্য প্রাপ্ত আধিকারিক কে অভিযোগ ভিত্তিক অগ্রগতি এই শুনানি তে জানাতে হবে. অভিযোগকারী ও অন্য পক্ষ্যের লোক শুনানি তে উপস্থিত হয়ে নিজের অবস্থান সম্বন্ধে বলার সুযোগ পাবেন. সব পক্ষ্য কে শুনে তত্কালীন সরকারি সিধান্ত ও আদেশনামা জানানো যাবে. এক সঙ্গে দুই থেকে তিন দফতরের শুনানি করা যেতে পারে. আপাতত ভূমি, পুলিশ, গ্রামীন উন্নয়ন প্রকল্প সংক্রান্ত বিষয় অগ্রগতি দিয়া যেতে পারে.
আপনাদের এই বিষয়ে ব্যবস্থা নেবার জন্য অনুরোধ জানাচ্ছি.
ওঙ্কার সিংহ মীনা
জেলা শাসক, নদিয়া
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thanks all BDOs for updating IFMS - Hanskhali to do it
I must appreciate the sincere efforts of all BDOs for completing IFMS uploading on wbprd website till September 2009. Only defaulter is Hanskhali, who should be given credit for atleast updating it upto August 2009. I hope in the coming months, all Panchayat Samities will update the reports for every month by 7th of next month. SDOs to please follow up.
Now, we must also pay attention towards GPMS of all GPs. BDOs may review the position at block level and insist upon the GPs to submit electronic copy of Form 27. I believe, unless administrative pressure is created upon the GP staff, this work is not likely to be completed in all GPs. Can I request BDOs/ SDOs to take the challenge, with motto not to fail?
I will also draw attention of blocks that allotments of NREGA to blocks or GPs are uploaded on district NREGA website at Block NREGA cell must check for updates on daily basis, print new allotments and fax to GPs. If fax machines are not functioning, please get these repaired. GPs can enter into AMC agreements for computers and fax. Fund has been released as administrative cost under NREGA for the purpose.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Panchayat Samity performance as on September 2009 - review reasons
Panchayat Samity accounts have been computerized in all blocks and as per the directives of P&RD the IFMS should be uploaded at by 7th of each month, without waiting for treasury verification.
Recent review of status upto September 2009 reveals that despite orders from DM Nadia several times, four Panchayat Samities namely Kaliganj, Tehatta1, Hanskhali, Krishnaganj has uploaded data up to June - July 2009 only, whereas Ranaghat1 and Karimpur1 has uploaded upto August 2009. SDOs and BDOs must personally look into the matter and ensure that IFMS is updated by 13th October 2009 till September 2009.
It is noted that the total payments against funds available with Panchayat Samities is very poor in most of the blocks, which needs personal review by SDOs and Panchayat Samities. I visited some of the Panchayat Samities recently and reviewed the position of utilization of funds with officers in presence of Sabhapaties. It is noted that following funds are found unutilized in most of the blocks, which can be utilized in two months if disbursements are done or decisions for payments are expedited :-
1. Pension funds of Social Welfare department were released in advance to all blocks against additional beneficiaries, which have not yet been sanctioned. In most of the cases large number of applications received from GPs/ submitted to BWO have not yet been processed or enquired into, while in few cases sanctions are awaited from DSWO’s end. Cases must be pursued with enquiry officers/ DSWO. We have authorized ICDS supervisors also to conduct field enquiry.
2. NFBS funds are released to blocks in advance. Applications already submitted from GPs must be taken up for sanction on first come first serve basis. NFBS funds released to blocks can be utilized immediately if pending cases are sanctioned by Panchayat Samities.
3. National Horticulture Mission or other relief grants can be disbursed to beneficiaries already identified and sanctioned. Dates for disbursement may be finalized immediately. Problems, if any, can be brought to notice of district authority.
4. TwFC, SFC grants were released in the current year against Annual Action Plan, but in some of PS the decision regarding schemes to be executed has not yet been communicated to SAEs, who will prepare the estimates, do vetting and take steps for NIT. This can be reviewed scheme wise and followed up. Same is the case of GPs.
5. MPLADS/ BEUP works are running smoothly but bill payment is delayed in some cases. Scheme wise review at block level with the representative of MLA/ MP can be organized, wherever; the work could not be commenced due to site problems or cost escalation.
6. TSC funds were released for construction of toilets in schools, SSK/MSK, ICDS centres through sanitary marts or school management committees. It is noticed that progress of the work is very poor in some of the blocks as the sanitary mart does not have sufficient infrastructure. Panchayat Samity may get the work done through School Management Committees in such cases. It can be seen that Chakdah, Kaliganj, Hanskhali, Tehatta 1 are the poor performers comparatively. Performance of Haringhata, Karimpur2 and Krishnagar2 is the best in the district. Panchayat Samity wise fund utilization is enclosed with this letter.
All blocks must gear up the expenditure in coming two months and remove the obstacles.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Can we take the help of Supervisors to identify Individual schemes ?
With the inclusion of small and marginal farmers under Individual beneficiary oriented works like social forestry, fruit bearing trees and land development/ pond excavation on the lands of these farmers, there is vast scope of NREGA. It is estimated that more than 95 % of farmers in our district have become eligible alongwith ST/ SC, BPL, Patta holders. The works which can be considered on the lands of these farmers are land development/ land lavelling, minor irrigation, excavation/ re-excavation of ponds/ tanks, plantation of banana, mango, guava, social forestry and any other perennial fruit bearing trees on their lands, field channel for irrigation purpose etc. It is noticed that despite detailed draft project report on these sectors circulated to GPs and NREGA authorities, response to IBS is very poor throughout the district. There might be reasons like inadequate publicity, lack of capacity building and lack of technical clartity of Nirman Sahayak/ Technical Assistants but the prime reason so far identified in all the GPs is lack of proactive role of GPs.
Programme Officer, NREGA & BDOs may consider identifying Supervisors/ SHGs or farmers clubs with the help of GPs, organise their training for atleast 4 days locally on NREGA procedures and IBS scheme estimates/ models. The panel of trained supervisor for different sansads/ group of sansads can be thereafter asked to prepare the scheme for IBS and submit to PO through GP for sanction. For example, supervisor can list out families willing to undertake excavation of ponds in a sansad or group of sansad, collect land particulars, measurements of ponds dimensions required to prepare estimates for each pond and submit the same to GP. Thereafter, TA or NS can easily verfiy the facts and finalise the estimates for onward transmission to PO for sanction. Supervisor shall also collect the applications from job card holders who will be engaged to do the excavation work and start the work on its sanction. Similarly, supervisors can collect the land particulars of banana growing farmers and prepare estimates for banana plantation in a sansad / group of sansads based on model estimates. On sanction of scheme, supervise can be entrusted for execution of scheme.
Supervisors can be assured cost of supervision as per the scale fixed for NREGA works against the schemes formulated by them. More the number of schemes, more the job opportunities to supervisors. All payments for plantation schemes shall continue for six months, thereby, providing assured employment to supervisors. POs may work out the details based on guidelines and model estimates already circulated. Any other effective idea at block level if evolved can please be shared.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monthly development meeting for October 2009 on 14th October 2009 at 10.30 am, followed by Administrative Meeting with SDOs/ BDOs at 2.30 pm (post Lunch)
Next monthly development meeting of Sabhapaties - BDOs shall be held on 14th October, 2009 at 10.30 am at Nadia Zilla Parishad Conference hall. AEO ZP has already issued meeting notice. Sabhapaties may be intimated by BDOs please.
This time schemes of P&RD only shall be taken up for review, therefore, the meeting shall be concluded by lunch time. There shall be another meeting with SDOs/ BDOs on administrative matters from 2.30 pm onwards at Collectorate Conference hall. Circular from ADM D follows. All ADMs may fix their agenda for discussion in the meeting.
District level officers are requested to send notes on agenda for both the meetings so that BDOs/ SDOs can come prepared and a fruitful discussion on specific issues only can take place during the meetings. All ADMs may attend the meeting in second half and may also communicate agenda pertaining to the issues they would like to discuss with SDOs/ BDOs. It is better if written notes are circulated to SDOs/ BDOs for effectiveness. If such notes are prepared in advance and emailed to SDOs/ BDOs by 12th October, 2009, they may come prepared. All are requested to do the needful please.
SDOs to expedite identification of lands for ITI, Polytechnic, Model school, SDCs and Colleges - Review meeting at district on 15th October 2009 at 12 noon
General section of this Collectorate has sent several letters to SDOs and land department officials to idenitfy the land for the purpose of setting up new ITI, Polytechnics, SDC, Model schools, girls hostels, Colleges etc as per requirement of the administrative department. List of proposed educational instituitions have been already circulated to them. So far the progress is not very encouraging.
We are getting reports from the Land department officials informing that no Govt land/ vested land is available. It is true also. That does not mean the block or the subdivision should be deprived of the new Educational Institutions.
It is felt that such important proposals must be discussed with local public representatives and seek their support and cooperation in identifying the locations. There might be more than one sites proposed by different public representatives against one Institution. SDOs have coordinating role in all such cases to develop consensus and prepare list in order of priority. Minimum area required in all such cases is 3 acres (5 acres for Polytechnic). If suitable Govt lands are not available, possibility to identify vacant & unused lands of trusts/ societies/ existing schools/ colleges can be explored. But, the land should be made available free of cost and should be transferred in the name of proposed Institution without any conditions. There are such lands lying vacant in some of the blocks in the name of charitable societies, which are no more in existence or active and may be willing to donate the land for Educational Institution for its better utilisation. Such lands, if identified should be free from litigations and any incumberences.
Please take stock of the situation, hold meeting with public represetnatives at Subdivision level and bring the proposals in the district level meeting to be held at Nadia Collectorate on 15th October 2009 at 12 noon. Formal letter from OC Gen follows.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Activate Executive Magistrate Courts - SDOs can hear more cases personally
Recently I had opportunity to interact with the practising lawyers of Krishnagar court, wherein the present status of pendency of court cases and quality of disposal was also came up during discussion. I have also examined some of the case records disposed off by Executive Magistrates in three Subdivisions recently. General observations on the functioning of the Executive Magistrate courts are as follows :-
There is practice in all the courts to accept the petitions under 107-116, 133, 144 or 145 CrPC without hearing by the Executive Magistrate personally, not even going through the contents of the petitions filed. As a result of this, petitions which are not maintainable under preventive sections of CrPC are accepted by Executive Magistrates. There should be examination of records related to land/ property if the land dispute is the cause of the apprehension of breach of peace. Only on satisfaction that the petitioner is legitimate owner or claimant of the property/ land under dispute, Executive Magistrate may accept the petition under relevant sections of law. If the claim is not legally maintainable, order of the Executive Magistrate court can be challenged in the court of law and likely to be set aside.
Whenever, there is order from civil court regarding the title/ status quo, Executive Magistrate can pass the orders for its compliance if proper copies are filed. But in absence of any document or evidence on support of petitions filed, the case may be rejected on its filing stage itself. No Executive Magistrate should allow the court clerk to file cases on his behalf, unless it is personally heard by him.
In most of the cases, a report is sought from police or BLLROs. Thereafter, the case disposal depends upon timely submission of reports. It is also seen that reports of court are not taken seriously by the Police or BLRRO as a result of which justice is not only delayed but denied in most of the cases. Unfortunately, pending reports are not personally pursued by the Executive Magistrate courts. Preventive sections of CrPC are provided for quick and speedy remedy to the public. Delay in disposal due to non availablity of reports or slow disposal by courts frustrates the sole purpose of such magsiterial powers to us.
Deputy Magistrates are otherwise busy with their official assignments, therefore, sometimes can't hold courts as per prescribed schedule. There is also shortage of the Magistrates in some of the Subdivisions. But, there is practice of Executive Magistrates in some of the Subdivisions to hold the court on two days each week due to shortage of officers. It is noted that the dates of cases are assigned by the court clerk as per his convenience without ensuring that all cases filed/ being heard by a particular Executive Magistrates are heard by him only on all subsequent dates. Legally, cases filed/ heard by one Executive Magistrate can't be disposed off by any other Executive Magistrate unless such case is transferred by SDM or DM to another EM.
Cases more than six months are still dragged in the Executive Magsiatre courts, though law does not allow this without specific orders.
In above context, may I request SDOs to review the position in their Executive Magistrate courts and take effective steps to improve the performance. SDOs must hold court on atleast one day in a week for two hours for case filing/ hearing of important cases. Cases from overburdened EMs can be transferred to their own file. A line in compliance is expected.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Recruitment in ICDS and ASHA - SDOs/ BDOs may invoke proactive dislcosure under RTI to ensure transparency
We have completed the recruitment of ASHA under NRHM in the selected blocks and list is likely to be approved by the State Govt by October, 2009. It is yet to be finalised in two to three blocks. More than dozen high court cases were filed against the selection committees last year for lack of transparency and unjustified & unfair interview marking to eliminate meritoriuos candidates or deprivation of deserving candidates. Complaints against the recruitment irregularties were mainly on two grounds :-
At the time of application some of the candidates not generally the residents of the sevice area of the sub centre were allowed to apply and were selected also showing false documents or acquired documents. In some cases, to eliminate the candidate with high marks in Madhyamik, applications were wrongly rejected on residential status grounds. It is the residential status at the time of application which is important, but always confused with the permanent residence/ domicile in case of married women living with in laws, not with parents place which is located in the sub centre service area or vice versa.
Selection committee comprising of GP Prodhan, BDO's nominee, Health Supervisor, ANM conducts interview for 20 marks, while 80 marks is assigned for marks obtained in the MP (only compulsory subjects). It is found that some of the GP Prodhans and health personnel awarded zero or less than 1 mark out of 20 to the candidates having highest marks in MP examination so as to eliminate her from the selection. Even, marks as low as 0.001, 0.01, 0.04 were awarded by only two members out of four in several blocks, which is not only unjustified but against principles of natural justice.
It is suggested that Block level Health & Family Welfare Samity must do perform their duties sincerely while scrutinising the panels prepared by GPs. It is often stated that the selection committee at GP is well within their rights to award zero marks or near zero marks as per guidelines. It is true, but unethical and unfair to the deserving candidates. SDOs/ BDOs can issue advise to the selection committee and block samities to publish the panel showing the marks obtained by the candidates in interview and MP examination under proactive disclosure of RTI. Even candidates can be encouraged to seek such information under RTI. We must ensure trasnparency and fairness in selection.
1784 additional ICDS centres have been sanctioned in our district in August 2009. Recruitments shall take place by December 2009. Project level selection committee must ensure transaparency in selection process and disclose the present panel, vacancies. They must also publish the panel showing marks obtained in written and interview.
Rural Electrification - RGGVY needs involvement of Panchayat Bodies
Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) survey work is in progress throughout the district. As per the sanction accorded to the agency REC limited, 1222 moujas comprising of 3842 locations (villages, hamlets, paras etc) shall be covered against sanctioned cost of Rs 122 Crores. DPR provides household connection to 236000 BPL families.
Salient features of the scheme in Nadia district are as follows :-
Salient features of the scheme in Nadia district are as follows :-
Each BPL family as per RHS published in 2007 plus revised RHS published in August 2009 shall be provided with free electric service connection, meter, one bulb fitting by the agency.
No charges for installation of meter, electric poles, construction of plateform to fit the meter in case of semi pucca or kutcha houses etc is required to be paid by the BPL families.
Only the villages/ locations listed in the DPR shall be covered under RGGVY, the list is available with blocks and agency. If not available, copies can be collected from development section of Collectorate. The list can be downloaded from
- BDOs must ensure that this information is available at all GPs also. It should be noted that all villages/ hamlets may not be listed in the DPR for reasons beyond our control at present. It has been decided that such missing or left out villages/ hamlets shall be surveyed separately and funds for electrification of such locations shall be provided by the state Govt. Similarly, locations with less than 100 population (not families) is also not covered under the scope of work of RGGVY. It is also covered under State budget. There are reports that some of the GPs are not allowing the survey unless locations not listed in DPR are also surveyed simultaneously. While their demand is logically justified, it is not possible for the present agency to take up the work as it is not covered under their MoU. WBSEDCL has indicated to finalise the agency for such left out work by November 2009.
All villages in DPR shall be surveyed to provide universal coverage of BPL families irrespective of total cost requirements/ DPR provisions. That means, actual household connections as derived from the field survey shall be taken up and required number of electric poles, transmission materials, wires etc shall be sanctioned to the locations. It is reported that in some of the villages agency people have trucncated their work as per the DPR sanction, thereby not covering 100 % BPL families. Such complaints should be reported to us for redressal. However, if less more than two poles are required to cover only 2-3 BPL families in a village/ para, agency shall not provide service connection.
BPL list must have been publsihed by BDOs at all GPs and shall be used for the purpose. No BPL based on PDS ration cards/ GP certificate etc shall be allowed to identify the beneficiaries.
To ensure transparency the agency has been asked to furnish soft copies of draft drawings of each location to BDOs through email for onward transmission and display at all the GPs. Draft drawing covers map of the location area, electric pole, transformer locations, list of BPL families identified for service connection from the field survey. It is two to three page report for each location. GPs are at liberty to send their suggestion/ objections against such draft estimates within 15 days of its receipt, but prior to the commencement of the actual pole erection work by the agency vendors. BDOs has to monitor this social auditing and ensure proper coordination.
Additional transformers as per the load requirement shall be installed to take care of APL consumers and commercial requirements.
Our target is to complete field survey by end of October 2009 and vetting of drawing estimates by GPs by Middle of December 2009. The work of pole erection can commence from December 2009 and all electrification work is likely to be completed by October 2010 throughout the district.
Blocks must collect the list of villages not covered in the present DPR and furnish the consolidated report giving the number of BPL families so that the list can be sent to WBSEDCL for sanction of fund. Work of electrification in these locations shall be taken up shortly. Tender for such work is under process.
We have conducted meetings with all PRI bodies in the month of September 2009 and clarified all the issues involved. It is suggetsed to hold meetings at Block level with the project engineers of the agency to review the progress. Meetings at GP can take place only after the drawings are submitted to them. Under no circumstances the survey work should halt.
For any clarification BDOs may contact ADM Dev or DM Nadia.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
IFMS Saral must be uploaded by 7th of each month - BDOs must check personally
We have issued several letters on the subject, requesting BDOs to switch over to IFMS software for maintenance of monthly accounts of Panchayat Samity and also to upload Form 27 on on time. While going through the uploaded Form 27, it is noticed that most of the BDOs are not uploading the Saral form on website, while some of them have not yet started IFMS despite repeated directions. It is time and again clarified that treasury verification is not required before uploading the data. Therefore, delay in uploading on this account should not be done.
- In four blocks IFMS has not yet been started. BDOs may see the status from the website. No bill shall be allowed to be passed by treasury from October 2009 onwards if Form 27 is not uploaded.
- There are certain scheme balance shown in the cash book without any expenditure for last few months, more than a year in some cases. Decisions of Panchayat Samity if required must be expedited and fund should be spent.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Management of BDO Office database - all BDOs must take stock of MIS and Office management to face challenges
I am drawing the attention of SDOs and BDOs to the need for effective data management and information dissemination/ accessibility on rural development schemes from block office, to prevent blockage of BDO chamber by genuine information seekers. Can one imagine that with new policy of disbursement of IAY, Pension funds from Block, through institutional system, instead of GPs from next month onwards, office of BDO is likely to be bombarded with lots of information seekers; most of them violently pressing for information and queries on status of their pension cases/ IAY cheque. In most probability, majority of those visiting the BDO office shall try to enter BDO chamber and expect direct reply. Imagine GPs shirking their responsibilities for obvious reasons and directing people to BDO office if they have any queries regarding these schemes. What is the solution?
I shall suggest some of the steps as noted below if BDOs wants to works in peace.
- Establish dedicated MIS cell with sufficient space and information counter for public access to information. If required upgrade sitting arrangements and construct counters/ sheds for public. Ask BIO, CA and other MIS personnel to sit at a place together.
- Provide more computers, may be purchase new out of NREGA administrative cost and connect all computers by LAN. All database on BPL, IAY, Pensions must be available in this cell in such a form which can be easily accessed and query based. BDO must personally check that RHS database is updated, individual details on IAY for three years, IAY permanent wait list, IGNOAPS, AAY, Other department pensions etc as per module provided is entered in the RHS 3.0.0.
- Additional hard disk/ storage devices can be provided to MIS cell for back up.
- Provide two telephone lines to this cell with one line having broadband facility. If BSNL BB is not available, suscribe any service provider with monthly bill not exceeding Rs 1000 pm.
- There should be training to MIS staff and others sitting in the cell as to how to share information with public.
- Prepare formats for monthly scroll of pensions, advice to bank/ post office etc so that the huge volume of preparing pensions bills from block can be handled smoothly. Please note that any delay in payment shall invite troubles to BDO office.
- Jt BDO can be given the responsibility of coordinating the public information related matters.
BDOs must also ensure publication of BPL with page certificate and certification as per revised approval by 10th October 2009 and send two copy each at GP, district head quarter for records.
NFBS - check pending applications at block or GP
In one of the blocks I visited today, fund for 15 cases was found as unspent balance in the PS accounts. On query it is known that 28 cases are pending for decision, some of the cases two to three years old. PS is in dilemma as to whether old cases can be sanctioned or not. It is clarified that all cases, whether old or new, can be considered by Panchayat Samity provided the application for the NFBS was filed by next of kins within six months of death. Such application filed on plain paper or at GP can also be considered, provided the beneficiaries are otherwise eligible as on date.
We are in a position to release more funds if sanction of the case is reported to DPRDO. BDO and Sabhapati are requested to disburse the dues of the beneficiaries in next three weeks. Disbursement can be done on first come first serve basis against sanctioned cases.
NREGA - Emphasis more on rural roads, Individual benefit schemes and waterbody excavation
I visited Tehatta -II Block today along with SDO. As regards NREGA my observations are as follows :-
- Shelf of schemes for all GP sansads must be ready by middle of October, 2009 along with vetted estimates of each scheme, names of supervisors to be engaged, number of job card holders to be engaged based on duration vis a vis total man days to be created. It is better if GP wise vetted schemes are approved by PO well in advance and uploaded on website.
- There is scope for taking up more number of road works, both jhama bats as well as WBM as wage to material ratio in Nadia is only 9 %. Schemes with more than 40 % material component may be allowed provided cumulative wage to material ratio of 60 : 40 is maintained at Block level. So, RCC roads in flood affected areas, pucca drainage channel around hospitals/ educational institutions/ playgrounds can be easily allowed under NREGA.
- Since Marginal and small farmers have also been included under IBS, there is tremendous scope to take up works of Banana plantation, Mango, Guava and other perennial fruit crops on the lands of farmers owning less than 2 hectares (15 bighas). More than 98 % of farmers in Nadia district falls under this category. Therefore, ponds/ beels of farmers, cultivation of fruit crops can be sanctioned under NREGA. Supervisors can be given the task of identifying such beneficiaries, preparation of consolidated scheme and its implementation. Training to enlisted supervisors can be organised by blocks to prepare such schemes, collection of application for jobs, preparing muster rolls and payment advice. They can be paid as supervisor cum motivator/ facilitator only after successful completion of plantation works, with survival rate of plants more than 805% or more. If organised properly, a large number of persons can be provided employment, without any problems of measurement of earth work.
- Small household ponds, tanks of farmers can also be excavated now, without any agreement, where job card holders can work.
- Delay in payment is not negotiable and unpardonable. DPC shall impose fine upon POs/ GPs for delays, if complaints are lodged or media reports indicate such lapses. Ombudsman are being appointed in next three months to do this honour. All POs/ GPs must take the matter seriously.
- More wall writing on small/ marginal farmer and other aspects of NREGA must be done.
- District NREGA cell has been asked to release more funds under administrative heads so that to improve mobility support to blocks/ GPs, strengthen MIS cell etc.
- All BDOs and POs are expected to complete the preparatory works for full fledged work at all GPs in the month of November 2009 onwards, with target of 50 days average works to al households demanded work. GP average expenditure of 30 lakhs has to be achieved by March 2009. I am sure taking up more works of the nature explained above can ensure this target.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Social Security Schemes - fill up vacancies and complete opening of accounts immediately
Chief Secretary GoWB along with Additional Chief Secretary/ Principal Secretary of eight departments reviewed ongoing development schemes of Govt with district officials at Behrampore on 19th September 2009 for 5 hours. We will be writing to concerned field officers in coming few weeks to do follow up on the decisions/ suo motu actions to improve the performance to the satisfaction of target beneficiaries/ people.
At present we cover more than 100000 families under different pensions. It is reported that a large number of cases under Old Age pension, Disability Pensions, widow pension of social welfare department are vacant and proposals from the Panchayat Samities are not being submitted to DSWO. These cases are related to additional quota sanctioned in 2008-09, fund already placed to BDOs. SDOs may please take personal review and impress upon the blocks to submit all cases by October, 2009. As per the reports at our end there are 763 vacancies in Sadar, 289 in Tehatta, 537 in Ranaghat and 197 in Kalyani Sub division till date.
Payment of all kinds of pensions has to be done through post office/ bank accounts as decided by Govt. So far accounts have been opened in the name of 50 % beneficiaries only under IGNOAPS, less than 50 % in case of social welfare pension. Steps must be taken to complete it 100 % so that the new system can be started. Block level data management cell headed by BIO must be strengthened immediately and database of all pension cases, formats for sending advice to banks/ post office etc should be kept in readiness. Payments to blocks shall be done through e-transfer, thereafter, BDO can deposit monthly requirement to Bank/ Head Post Office along with scroll for payment to beneficiaries from their counters. These is urgent need for awareness and coordination meetings with all agencies involved.
DM Nadia blog is restricted to persons authorised by author now
Permission restrictions have been imposed, allowing only the persons on the email list of the author.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Some general queries regarding Rural Household Survey and BPL list - Answers
While reviewing the identification of beneficiaries out of RHS in different blocks I am surprised to come across lots of queries from field officers, which needs to be clarified at GP level. Some of the queries and their answers are :-
- BPL list finalised and published by the administration is subjected to modifications/ changes by GPs unauthorisedly, thereby inviting complaints, which are difficult to be handled by Blocks. What can be done in such cases?
- Answer is supply of updated BPL list of each sansad to GPs duly authenticated on each page by block office with official seal, page certificate on top sheet. Family details of BPL families must also be supplied. GP must be asked to keep one xerox copy in the office for perusal of public. Members from public and elected members of PRIs may be offered copies on payment of cost basis for transparency. CD may also be supplied to GPs in the format which is read only.
- There are errors in the BPL family particulrs like name and title of members, non inclusion of name of genuine family member eg mother in the RHS, age is incorrectly noted in database, sansad missing, sansads of one GP incorporated in another GP due to technical error etc. Can such errors be rectified? How?
- All corrections in the RHS against the final database can be allowed through software except addition or deletion of households or modification of score. There is no approval required to rectify the obvious errors like title, age, name of the other family members in the RHS provided that it is done at the BDO's end after verifying the authentiated document in claim of correct title, age, name of the family member, may be after conducting field enquiry by Govt staff. However, in case of addition of family in RHS or deletion the database needs prior approval of Govt. All corrections as referred above should be sent to district for validation and updation of database.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
SDOs must hold meeting with Executing Agencies to collect UC of development schemes
We need to take steps to improve utilisation of BADP, MPLADS, BEUP and TwFC/ SFC grants. SDOs must hold review meeting with Executing Agencies in presence of MLAs and block level functionaries. Please recall the post at Actions as suggested therein must be taken up.
NREGA - follow up on decisions in Feb 2009 is requested
Please recall earlier post on NREGA at
wherein action plan was circulated to all blocks. Actions must be taken immediately on the decisions communicated therein.
Dr M N Roy Principal Secretary PRD shall hold review meeting on 6th June 2009. Poor performing blocks like Ranaghat-I, Krishnagar-I, Krishnaganj, Chakdah, Santipur, Hanskhali, Nabadwip must come prepared with plan of action as to how they are going to improve their performance.
Citizen centric services - periodic review is must
Citizen centric services available with General administration needs to be reviewed by SDOs and BDOs periodically with the objective of improving transparency, speed cutting procedural delays, and simplification of procedures which are public/ user friendly. Important services which needs personal attention are :-
- Caste certificate for ST, SC, OBC. Efforts should be to dispose off all pending applications by the end of current quarter, by way of special hearing days at Blocks in presence of Deputy Magistrate. All fresh cases must be processed in such a way that the certificate is issued within eight weeks. List out all cases GP wise and place on GP notice boards giving the wide publicity for date & time of hearing. Action plan on the strategy must be prepared and acted upon immediately. There should not be delays in processing of applications where link certificate is produced and established. SDOs may hold meeting with staff/ officers dealing with such cases and explain them adequately.
- Mutation of land property and conversion of land property. New simplified procedure related circular on mutation has been issued by Govt. SDOs may do wide publicity on new procedure through BLLROs. Periodic review by SDOs with BLLRO/ SDLLRO may be done. Conversion cases lying with SDLLRO must also be monitored. Do write the procedure on walls of GPs/ RI. District office is issuing guidelines and publicity material shortly.
- Social Security Pensions. Additional beneficiaries under IGNOAPS, social welfare department pensions, new pension scheme for disabled and widow in the age group of 18-64 and 40-64 respectively are required to be selected. We are in a position to cover more than two lakhs families under these social security schemes with monthly pension of RS 400 pm to 750 pm. BDOs/ SDOs must pay personal attention so that the beneficiaries are selected quickly with the help of PRIs. Names can be forwarded in phases also. Regular monitoring and meeting with GPs is desirable.
- Food security schemes. PDS monitoring, AAY, AY and new selection of beneficiaries out of BPL list can also be taken up.
- IAY funds have been released to the GPs. Please expedite disbursement.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
BADP funds sanctioned - work orders can be issued
We have received sanction of schemes under BADP from the Govt. Funds for 30 schemes of blocks and police has been released. BDOs may collect sub allotment orders from the district and issue work orders, if tendered has been finalised earlier.
IAY funds released - expedite disbursement
We have released funds to GPs under IAY out of 1st installment for current year and also 50 % balance funds for 2008-09, last week. BDOs and others must request GPs to disburse the funds to the eligible beneficiaries out of permanent IAY list. In case eligible list with P2=1 is exhausted, GPs can select beneficiaries from P2=2 list. We must complete disbursement of all funds released so far by 15th July 2009 positively so that Nadia can get next installment by August 2009.
2. List of Old age, disabled beneficiaries must also be selected by GPs and submitted to DPRDO for sanction of pensions under new scheme launched by ministry of rural development. This list must reach DPRDO within May 2009.
3. Senior officers from P&RD may hold review meeting at district level with all GPs/ Blocks on 6th June 2009 at 12 noon. Circular is being issued. Updated reports must be submitted to district authorities.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
We sincerely thank all members of TEAM NADIA for free, fair, incident free elections in NADIA. Hard work, team spirit and better man management is well appreciated.
Friday, May 08, 2009
voter turn out AC wise votes polled for 12 Krishnagar
Report on AC wise poll % for male and female voters can be downloaded from
Thanks for the cooperation.
More from NEWS
Braille comes as boon for blind voters
8 May 2009, 0511 hrs IST, Ashis Poddar, TNN
KRISHNAGAR: Five visually impaired voters were among the first to cast their vote with the help of Braille at the Krishnagar Academy around 7 am on Thursday, said Nadia district magistrate Onkar Singh Meena.
According to a list of the Nadia district administration, there are 23 visually impaired voters, who can read via Braille, district social welfare officer Partha Pratim Dasgupta said. He met the presiding officers of the Krishnagar Lok Sabha seat on Wednesday night to discuss about the blind voters.
The blind voters were contacted through four blind schools Helen Keller Smrity Vidya Mandir, Nabadwip APC Blind School, Paschim Banga Andha Alok Samity in Kalyani and Karimpur Social Welfare Society in the district. The administration got two from Karimpur, 27 from the Hellen Keller school, 12 from Nabadwip and 23 from the Paschim Banga Andha Alok Samity in Kalyani. Among them, about 50 knew Braille, Meena said. The blind voters were explained by the social welfare officer about how to cast their vote using Braille.
So far, they had been voting with the help of assistants despite being familiar with Braille. But this is the first time they got the opportunity to vote on their own, Dasgupta said. As many as 25 visually impaired people voted, according to information available with him around 5 pm, he added. Meena said it was a great achievement to allow the visually impaired to vote via Braille. The polling personnel were also trained to take the vote on Braille.
The names of the candidates as well as their respective parties were all mentioned in Bengali in Braille.
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