Deputations by Political parties and their affiliated organisations, social activists and Civil Society groups are held on day to day basis in BDO/ SDO offices and DM office. It is generally noted that written representations of the deputationists are forwarded to superior authorities for onward transmission to Govt.
There are many issues raised during the mass deputation which are not mentioned in written submissions. It is felt necessary that the officer taking the deputation must take note of specific issues/ allegations of inaction by the Govt authorities and must send a separate note to the next superior authorities point wise. SDOs may compile common points from all the blocks and thereafter do take steps to redress the issues.
Similarly, Officers at the district, mainly ADMs must also take notes on points raised and communicate to concerned authority who is required to redress the issues.
It is also desirable that information about mass deputations of more than 500 people must also be intimated to superior authorities over phone/ email on the same day for information, which is generally communicated to DM Nadia next day by DIB.
SDOs must have noticed that deputations at Block/ GP level gives information on functioning of the administration and also provides important inputs about demonstrations/ road blockades etc which may disturb the law & order of an area. Therefore, a close watch on such activities, particularly of major political parties, may be helpful in maintenance of peace. Any information about corruption/ financial irregularities by GPs/ Offices made available in the deputations must be followed up with firm decisions on specifics, otherwsie it tarnishes the image of the officer receiving the deputation, giving an impression of either inaction due to biasness or partisan attitude.
I am surprised to note that information on major incidents in the rural areas does not reach SDOs in most of the cases. Police generally do not inform BDO or SDO unless there is need for intervention of BDO/ SDO to resolve the issue of blockade/ ghero, executive magistrate presence required etc. What can be altrenative ?
GP Prodhans/ Political parties can be the best available source of information, if BDO can develop a mechanism. They are the first to get information in most of the cases. Sometimes, GP Prodhans keep BDO informed but information is not passed on upward considering it either trivial or must have been tackled by BDO at his level. In most of cases, Prodhan is aware but does not pass on information to BDO as because there is no request made on personal level. Can all BDOs develop a system of getting information from GP Prodhans/ Upa Prodhans on daily incidents related to law & order? Please take initiative, I am sure you will succed.
They are the source of information to media, which gets information before police in large number of cases. This can be explained with the fact that blogsite maintained by some of the media personnel in Nadia updates incidents within one to two hours of its happening, which is more faster than information from formal channel, in most of the cases. Those who are interested can log on to It's better to be informed from informal channel, instead of reading in newspaper next day.
Can I expect SDOs/ BDOs to further strenthen information sharing arrangements?
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