Wednesday, September 30, 2009

SDOs to expedite identification of lands for ITI, Polytechnic, Model school, SDCs and Colleges - Review meeting at district on 15th October 2009 at 12 noon

General section of this Collectorate has sent several letters to SDOs and land department officials to idenitfy the land for the purpose of setting up new ITI, Polytechnics, SDC, Model schools, girls hostels, Colleges etc as per requirement of the administrative department. List of proposed educational instituitions have been already circulated to them. So far the progress is not very encouraging.
We are getting reports from the Land department officials informing that no Govt land/ vested land is available. It is true also. That does not mean the block or the subdivision should be deprived of the new Educational Institutions.
It is felt that such important proposals must be discussed with local public representatives and seek their support and cooperation in identifying the locations. There might be more than one sites proposed by different public representatives against one Institution. SDOs have coordinating role in all such cases to develop consensus and prepare list in order of priority. Minimum area required in all such cases is 3 acres (5 acres for Polytechnic). If suitable Govt lands are not available, possibility to identify vacant & unused lands of trusts/ societies/ existing schools/ colleges can be explored. But, the land should be made available free of cost and should be transferred in the name of proposed Institution without any conditions. There are such lands lying vacant in some of the blocks in the name of charitable societies, which are no more in existence or active and may be willing to donate the land for Educational Institution for its better utilisation. Such lands, if identified should be free from litigations and any incumberences.
Please take stock of the situation, hold meeting with public represetnatives at Subdivision level and bring the proposals in the district level meeting to be held at Nadia Collectorate on 15th October 2009 at 12 noon. Formal letter from OC Gen follows.

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