Friday, April 05, 2013

Letter in Bengali to all beneficiaries of IAY must be sent through GP staff

All BDOs please recall the instructions to issue Letter in Bengali to all IAY beneficiaries who got only first installment requesting him to start the works of his house and submit claim for next installment of Rs 22500 plus Rs 3200 or 4600 for sanitary latrines. Beneficiary is required to submit one photograph of house under construction.
  • During my visit to different villages in Eral GP, it is noticed that no such letters have been issued despite orders from our end. One beneficiary Mahato Bauri complained that in absence of any proper communication he has not yet received next installment, thereby finding it difficult to complete the house. It is known from verification in BDO office that 2nd installment of Mr Mahato and others have been released in last week of March 2013 but due to communication gaps he did not up date bank passbook. Asked him to withdraw the funds from bank and complete the house.
  • BDOs please ensure that one staff from GP visits every under construction house and intimates the beneficiary in writing through simple language Bengali letter about fund release and procedure to claim sanitary latrines funds.
  • There are 15 such cases in Eral GP out of 84 where 2nd installment has not yet been released to beneficiary and no information is available with them as to how to claim it.
We need to sensitise staff properly. Let them also assist in taking photographs and purchase of bricks at reasonable rates.

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