In pursuance to meetings held earlier and plan of paddy procurement for KMS 2012-13, till now 135 PACS tagged with rice mills covering all the blocks of Burdwan district. These PACS have received approval from WBECSC (55), Nafed (12), NCCF (21), Benfed (35) and Confed (12) to act as their procurement agent.
- Each PPC set up by PACS or Direct PPC of CMR agencies should have clear display board showing total number of paddy to be purchased from farmers per day, rates of purchase, rates of payment from CMR agencies to the rice mills for transport, labour charges, commission etc.
- Farmers needs to show one of the document like KCC, crop loan passbook, ROR of land or certificate from Govt officers of agriculture or revenue department as proof of farmer.
- Only 30 bags per farmer per camp on a day can be accepted by PPC at MSP so that all farmers with land area of one acre can get the priority. Farmers may offer additional bags on subsequent dates at the same camp or rice mills during the KMS.
- On an average 300 to 500 farmers can sale their paddy at each camp on a day. Therefore, it is advised to block authorities to the area tagging with PPCs and Rice Mills as was done last year and arrange to make wide publicity to the farmers so that all of them can sale their produce smoothly.
- Now, PACS for CMR and Rice mills for Levy must keep registers to record name of farmer, address, land area, farmer/bargadar/ agriculture labourer category of farmer, quantity of paddy, serial number of ID proof shown like KCC/ Bank Loan account passbook, certificate from the Govt officers etc and mobile number. Farmer selling the paddy must be asked to sign on the register. This register can be verified by any authority visiting the PPC on any day.
- Farmers may get their names enrolled at PPC or rice mills and collect date on which his paddy can be sent to PPC as per the turn.
- It must be impressed upon to all that all the paddy offered at rice mills/ PPCs will be purchased by Govt agencies till September 2013, most of it by MArch 2013. Govt has declared to procure 4.40 Lakhs MT rice which is equivalent to 6.5 lakhs MT of Paddy.
- It is appealed to all to please cooperate to the procurement machinery and offer your paddy at the nearest PPC.
We are also supplying moisture meter, beam weighing scale and other logistics for quality control at each PPC so that the farmers don't face problems.
Success of the paddy procurement depends upon the collective efforts of all agencies and cooperation of all.
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