There seems some confusion regarding allowing permission to Political parties meetings now in the district by SDOs. relevant portion of Expenditure monitoring circylar in reproduced here to clarify the issue :-
"5.5.1. Monitoring of Public Meetings, Rallies etc.
Any candidate or his representative, who applies for permission for a public meeting or a rally shall also submit an expenditure plan in the format given in Annexure-16 along with the application for permission.
5.5.2. A copy of this expenditure plan shall be given by the DEO along with copy of permission letter to the officer sent on duty for maintenance of law and order to that public meeting or rally
and also to the Assistant Expenditure Observer for making necessary arrangements for videography of the events.
5.5.3. The accounting team will calculate separately the expenditure incurred in each of the public meetings or rallies on the basis of notified rates and keep the folder of evidence which are
collected by way of photographs, video recording. and statements etc."
As per section 77 of the R.P.Act,1951,every candidate at an election shall either by himselfor by his selection agent, keep a separate and correct account of all expenditure in connection withthe election, incurred or authorized by him or by his election agent between the date on which he has been nominated and the date of declaration of the result thereof, both dates inclusive.rovided under section 77 of RP Act.
In view of the above, Plan of Expenditure is applicable to Candidates and from date of notification. So permmission can be accorded to political parties for meetings by SDOs if other conditions related to use of loudspeakers, NOC of Polcie etc are complied.
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