ABP, Bengali newspaper carried a news story on 23rd Sep 2010 regarding ICDS MIS sotware developed in Nadia West Bengal is now successfully implemented in other states. In Chattisgarh it has been awarded as one of the best egovernance intitiative.
I feel delighted and proud that this initiative of mine while working in Hooghly and then replicated in Nadia is now followed by several states.
Those who are interested about the initiative may read my earlier blog in December 2008.
sir, it is realy a matter of great satisfaction and joy that your creation have been recognised by the different states all over India. May we use this MIS software for our subdision?
SDO,Sadar (South)
Its indeed a matter a great pride that your good works are benefitting the poor and downtrodden across the country.
I am really proud to be your probationer.
Ayesha Rani
Congratulations Sir.May all your pioneering work be replicated everywhere. Ultimately the downtrodden will benefit if someone thinks for them and tries to do something for their upliftment.
Thanks all for appreciation.
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