Thursday, April 30, 2009

Video camera and micro observers to cover 100 % booth not manned by armed forces

Elections at 1893 Polling Station Locations shall be held on 7th May 2009 for 15 Assembly Segments in our district. There are 562 PSLs where armed forces or Central Para Military Forces may not be deployed as these are non sensitive based on vulnerability mapping, critical analysis of past electoral data. In consultation with observers, it has now been decided that all PSLs in the district shall be covered by CPF>Armed Police>Micro observer>video camera teams for free and fair elections in this order. On an average 30+ micro observers shall be assigned in each Assembly segment. Number of video camera in each AC shall be 8-10 in number. We will issue letters to the micro observer on 2nd May 2009 intimating them their place of reporting at 9 am on 6th May 2009. SDOs/ BDOs may arrange logistics for stay and transport of micro observers accordingly.

In addition to above police arrangement, RT mobiles as striking forces shall be deployed with CPF for each 8-12 sectors.

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